The Star at Lidgate

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The Star at Lidgate
The Street
Zona horària
Europe/London GMT (GMT+00:00)
52,19122° N
0,5188° O
Transport a prop
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
No us ho perdeu
Ickworth House, Park and Gardens 10 km
Newmarket Racecourses 10,3 km
The National Stud 12,5 km
Anglesey Abbey, Gardens and Lode Mill 19,7 km
Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve 20,4 km
National Trust
Ickworth House, Park and Gardens 9,9 km
Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds 14,5 km
Melford Hall 18,4 km
Anglesey Abbey, Gardens and Lode Mill 19,7 km
Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve 20,3 km
Rutes ciclistes
Trobeu rutes locals de la Xarxa Nacional de Bicicletes: més de 19.000 kilòmetres de rutes ciclistes.
Gazeley - Moulton - Dalham 6,4 km
Herringswell - Kentford Heath - Green Lane - Herringswell 12,4 km
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
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recomanaria aquest allotjament a un amic
s'hi tornaria a allotjar
Només es mostren els comentaris dels últims 30 mesos.

Nicely situated for nearket races and an hour from friends.…
General | |
Ubicació | |
Relació qualitat-preu | |
Allotjament | |
Instal·lacions / activitats | |
Servei d'atenció al client | |
Adequat per a nens | |
Neteja | |
Wi-Fi |
Cabana pod 2 habitacions
Em va agradar: Nicely situated for nearket races and an hour from friends.
No em va agradar: Cleaning was substandard leaving not a lot to your imagination rubbish under beds and sofa . Bed settee was broken shower trays were dirty . Safety locks need for windows so you have them open but safety so children can't fallout or anybody get in as bedrooms back on to foot path . In the grounds of Pub there food is over priced and rated don't waste your money .
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: I have issued a full refund for your stay. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the problems you encountered with us.
Firstly, I want to apologise for the issues with cleaning you faced during your stay. I have raised the issue with our cleaners, and we are now implementing a more rigorous cleaning system.
Thank you for your note on safety locks for the windows; this is a good suggestion. We welcome all feedback and will use it to improve the cabins for future guests.
Poor value for money
General | |
Ubicació | |
Relació qualitat-preu | |
Allotjament | |
Instal·lacions / activitats | |
Servei d'atenció al client | |
Adequat per a nens | |
Neteja | |
Wi-Fi |
Cabana pod 2 habitacions
Em va agradar: The pods are nicely situated, in a pretty location.
No em va agradar: These are very expensive for what you get. The interiors smelt of damp and were not particularly clean. The pods are really poorly equipped (not even coffee making facilities). The beds were really uncomfortable. Wifi was advertised, but not provided.
Some of this would have been OK if the pods had been half the price or less. As it is, we were pretty disappointed with the experience.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: Hi there, I want to apologise for the issues experienced and explain the reason for the errors from our side.
Firstly, I can see an error in the listing cost and you were charged double what you should have been paid. I have refunded you the total amount paid.
I apologise that we couldn’t offer you a better overall experience. The cleanliness of the cabins is non-negotiable and I’m very sorry that during your stay you experienced poor smells and a messy cabin. We have since updated our cleaning software and procedures to ensure this doesn't happen again.
I have updated our listing to clarify the availability of wifi. We had originally provided wifi but the connection was so bad that it was next to useless. It was my fault for not updating the listing.
You were double charged so the pods should have been half the price, but this doesn’t excuse the issues you experienced. Our offering is supposed to be affordable and good value, which is why we don’t provide extensive equipment and amenities within the cabins. However, the issues with the cleanliness, smells and beds are not acceptable so please accept my sincere apologies for this.
Once again I’m very sorry for all the problems listed in your review.
Preguntes més freqüents
- Hi ha piscina a The Star at Lidgate? No Mostra totes les característiques
- S'admeten gossos a The Star at Lidgate ? Sí Mostra totes les característiques
- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de The Star at Lidgate? Fancy leaving the car behind for a day? There are some good walking trails starting from Lidgate, ranging from a mile to 10 miles – all with the prospect of a pint … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de The Star at Lidgate?
Allotjament in situ Arribada: 16:00 – 23:00 Sortida abans de les: 11:00