How to set up a campsite, glamping site or caravan park in the UK: what permissions do I need?

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Make sure your site's legit with licensing and planning permission

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At we're often approached by landowners or start-up companies about the practicalities of setting up a campsite or caravan park.

First, here's some inspiration before we get into the nitty gritty of planning law:

- Calculate your potential revenue

- Hales Hill Park's story of their temporary farm campsite (video)

Mains Farm's story of their farm campsite (video)

- Pop-up sites currently live on Pitchup

- Pitchup on BBC Breakfast (from 5:00) on permitted development rights

- Pitchup on BBC News Channel on the 2020 boom in outdoor accommodation

- HERD IT ALL - article in The Sun on how farmers are opening their fields in 2020

Holiday Park Innovation 2019 ( presentation)

Farm Business Innovation 2014 ( presentation)

There's a long list of things to consider and many are well covered elsewhere. has a comprehensive article on buying and running a campsite and Metro covered what it's like to ditch city life to live the dream as a campsite owner. Information on rural development grants is fairly easy to find, too.

But what about the permissions you need to open your site to the public? All site owners have to grapple with this complex area, so we've written a guide on how to get your site legit*. (Please note that Pitchup is unable to give legal advice and we recommend that you take independent advice to ensure you are compliant with applicable laws.)

To set up a campsite or caravan park you'll need to think about whether you need planning permission and a site licence:

Planning permission for lodges, caravans, glamping and tents, 28-day camping rule (permitted development) and lawful use

Unless you qualify for permitted development (1) or lawful use (2) below, you will need to submit a planning application to your local authority for:

  • The use of the land as a campsite or caravan (definition) site during a specified period
  • Any related development, including engineering works to install utilities, metalled roads, ground formation, septic tank or effluent treatment plant, ablutions blocks, offices, lighting and other facilities

Find your local authority

How permission is sought, if it's necessary at all, can be a complex matter and it may be worth consulting a planning consultant or solicitor or surveyor with planning expertise (see also Useful links below).

The two alternatives to submitting a planning application are:

1. Permitted development and the 28-day rule

(a) 60/28-day camping rights (find out when permitted development rights may not be available)

July 2023 UPDATE:

The new 60-day rule

The new right makes it compulsory to provide toilets and waste-disposal facilities. You can also provide 'any moveable structure reasonably necessary for the campsite use' for the 60 days.

Landowners must give their local authority advance written notice, setting out opening dates and a site plan showing toilet and waste-disposal facilities.

The new right can be used in the curtilage of a building, unless it is a listed building (what is curtilage?)

The following new restrictions have been introduced as part of the new 60-day rule:

As with the previous 28-day right, if the campsite is in an SAC or SCI, approval may be needed under the Habitats Regulations. Permitted development rights may also have been removed via a Section 106 agreement or Article 4 direction.

Alternatively, it is possible to site unlimited tents, motorhomes and campervans in connection with a festival under the previous 'Class B' 28-day rights, which do not require local authority notification (see also paragraph 7.8 of the explanatory memorandum).

During the government's extension of 28-day rights to 56 days, temporary campsites listed on brought an estimated £25m to the rural economy in 2021. The Carry on Camping campaign lobbied government to make 56-day extension permanent.


  • In Northern Ireland, tent campsites can open for 28 days. The Northern Irish government currently has no plans to introduce similar (60-day) changes to England, but intends to monitor the workings of the recent changes in England.

In Scotland and Northern Ireland, we would recommend checking first with your local planning department if you wish to site tents and/or facilities for longer than 28 days.

Many tent campsites operate under the '28-day rule'. This is a form of 'permitted development' allowing land to be used without having to submit a planning application (because permission is deemed to exist already) 'for any purpose for not more than 28 days in total in any calendar year...and the provision on land of any moveable structures for the purposes of the permitted use'.

This suits the typical summer campsite perfectly, allowing not only tent camping but also portable buildings for ablutions and reception. In England, the limit has now been extended to 60 days including campervans and motorhomes, subject to the conditions above.

In addition to planning permission, you will need a camping licence (except in Scotland) if tents are on the land for more than 42 consecutive days, or more than 60 days in total. Alternatively, since no licence is required for up to 60 non-consecutive days, you could insert a gap to avoid a consecutive 42-day period.

Since there is no requirement for the 28/60 days to run consecutively, many owners 'cherry pick' the busiest periods, sacrificing some of the summer to open over spring bank-holiday weekends. Technically, however, land must be restored to its original condition between the periods of use, and any moveable structures removed, so a continuous period of 28/60 days may be more viable.

A small number of landowners may be able to run different 28-day/60-day periods if the landholding contains multiple 'planning units'. Generally an area of land under the same ownership would be a single planning unit, restricted to one 28-day/60-day period. However, there may be multiple planning units where, for example, separate land lies between, different uses exist on the land (e.g. a visitor attraction), or an estate lies over a large area. Separate title deeds do not automatically mean separate planning units. To confirm this we recommend speaking to your local planning authority. There is discussion of the definition of a planning unit on this recent webinar (from 54:00).

Lawyers have suggested permitted development rights be extended to 6 months to cover the spring/summer season (not least due to the risk of poor weather), and extended to future years. On 28th June 2021 the government's written ministerial statement relaxed enforcement of permitted development limits in England until 31st October 2021, following a campaign led by

Note that:

  • moveable structures on wheels or skids in connection with the use of the site, such as portable toilets, benefit from the same permitted development rights. However, any day when such a temporary structure is on site counts as one of the number of days permitted. The Scottish and Northern Irish governments have ordered local authorities to relax enforcement of permitted development limits.

  • glamping units, such as bell tents, can benefit from the above permitted development. However if operational development' (carrying out building, engineering, mining or other operations) is involved, for example the construction of a solid base, a planning application will be required. Whether something is a building operation depends on factors such as the size, permanence and physical attachment to the ground. To determine whether a planning application is required you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate or discuss the matter informally with your local planning department

  • similarly, a planning application may still be required for new engineering work to install drains, electricity, roads, etc. However, minor development may excused under the 'de minimis' principle

  • a separate licence may still be required for certain types of moveable facility, such as a take-away van
  • trailer tents qualify as tents for permitted development, but caravans (definition) do not, except in England where campervans and motorhomes are allowed under the new 'Class BC' 60-day rights introduced in July 2023. As an alternative, you may be able to use the separate licence exemptions for up to 3 caravans
  • permitted development rights do not override existing planning conditions and there may be other reasons they are not available (see below). If you have not provided camping under permitted development ('28-day camping rule') before, we would suggest confirming status with your local planning department
  • 28-day rights under 'Class B' are not available for land within the curtilage of a building. However, England's new 'Class BC' 60-day rights are available within the curtilage of a building, unless it is listed
  • In England, our understanding is that you cannot add together the 28- tent camping and 60-day camping allowances to make 88 days by switching between 'Class B' and 'Class BC' use during the calendar year: the maximum would remain 60 in that calendar year. You can only exceed 28 days in a calendar year once Class BC launched on 26th July 2023, subject to the other conditions above.

(b) No caravan site licence required, or tent use by members of an exempt organisation

Use as a caravan site where the land is operating under the exemptions from a caravan site licence is permitted development. An exception to this is winter accommodation for travelling showmen, which does not require a caravan site licence but does require planning permission! (Source: England and Wales Scotland).

In England and Wales, use of land by members of a recreational organisation for the purposes of recreation or instruction, and the erection or placing of tents on the land for the purposes of the use ('Section 269' use) is also permitted development. (Source: England Wales).

(c) Work required by site licence

Any development required to comply with the conditions of a site licence is permitted development. (Source: England Wales Scotland).


Note that the above permitted development rights may not be available if:

  • the land is the subject of an 'Article 4' direction (The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, Article 4), usually near listed buildings and important scientific, historical or natural sites. Note the local authority may be liable for compensation if it withdraws permitted development rights via an Article 4
    • In 2022 The New Forest imposed an Article 4 Direction removing permitted development rights for campsites from all new temporary sites established since 1 March 2020 (irrespective of their size) and all existing temporary campsites established prior to 1 March 2020 with more than 50 pitches. As such, a planning application must be made for campsites that meet those criteria in The New Forest National Park
    • In January 2025, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park announced ( a consultation period on introducing an Article 4 Direction across the o remove permitted development rights for the use of land for up to 28 days for camping, caravans and mobile homes.
  • the land is subject to 'Article 3' (The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, Article 3), when local authority approval is required where a European site (a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) or Site of Community Importance (SCI)) is likely to be significantly affected. The habitats regulations assessment (HRA) process for local authorities is outlined at this guide (based on s. 76-78 of the Habitats Regulations). There are also restrictions under Article 3 if development is Schedule 1 (large-scale strategic projects) or Schedule 2 (which relates to permanent camp sites only) under Environmental Impact Assessment regulations.
  • in England, the new 60-day 'Class BC' permitted development rights cannot be used on a site of a scheduled monument, in a safety hazard area or in a military explosives storage area
  • if land is within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), the new 60-day 'Class BC' permitted development rights in England cannot be used. Consent may be required in other cases. More information

Note: all SACs are also SSSIs, but not all SSSIs are SACs


2. Lawful use

If a campsite or caravan park has been operating without planning consent, it may be possible to apply to the local authority for a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) as an alternative to seeking planning permission. An LDC is a legally binding declaration that 'development' (in this case, use of the land as a campsite or caravan site) either does or did not need planning permission, or has become lawful due to the passage of time. 'Passage of time' means 10 years for use of land, or four years for building works, but note that the burden of proof falls on the applicant. (Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Section 191.)

The fee for an LDC based on 'passage of time' is the same as for the equivalent planning application (see below). 

An application for an LDC must be decided within eight weeks of registration. Unlike an application for planning permission, the decision hinges only on factual evidence about the history and planning status of the development, and the interpretation of planning law. If the application is refused or granted in a different form, or the decision is not made by the statutory deadline, there is a right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Applying for planning permission

If your ambitions go beyond a 28-day/60-day camping site, you're not in a position to apply for an LDC or exemptions aren't suitable, you need to apply to your local authority for planning permission. Contact your local council's planning department to discuss the matter and determine what sort of planning application is required - it may be that the land benefits from existing planning consent and you simply need to apply to change a condition, or a full planning application may be necessary. (Part III of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990).

A planning guide has been prepared by Planning Aid Wales, to help owners (i) decide whether to make an application for extended operations and, if they do, (ii) to support them through the necessary steps.

When submitting your application, include information on the economic value of the campsite or caravan site, both direct (benefits to your own business) and indirect (benefits to other parts of the local economy). See the links at the bottom of this article for data on the size of the camping and caravan market, and its economic contribution.

How much is it?

Fees vary widely depending on factors such as existing planning consents and plot size. As an example, in England it costs £234 to apply to construct a car park (for existing uses), and £462 to change the use of land. See the Planning Portal for more information on pricing in England and Wales and how to create the compulsory location plan and block plan, as well as an application tool.

The process

After submission, the local authority will publicise the planning application to members of the public and 'consultee' organisations. Consultees may include the local parish council, wildlife trust, public rights of way officers, the Environment Agency, tourist boards and agencies responsible for Heritage Coasts, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) or Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs).

After receiving consultee responses and comments from the public, officers in the council's planning department will produce a summary of the application and recommendation to approve, refuse or defer the decision pending more information. The officer's recommendation should be based solely on the application's 'planning merits' - normally, whether it conforms with the council's development plan and central government guidance - rather than political factors such as the amount of local objection.

The planning officers may present the application and recommendation to a committee of local councillors who will make a decision on the application, which may not match the recommendation; however, minor, uncontentious applications are increasingly being decided by planning officers under 'delegated powers', which avoid having to wait for a committee decision.

Central government's planning guidance for England be found at National Planning Policy Framework, whose presumption in favour of sustainable development will accelerate the planning process, it is hoped, to the benefit of rural tourism business. There are similar documents for Welsh planning policy and Scottish planning policy.

How long does it take?

The statutory time limit for the local authority to decide an application is eight weeks from registration by the authority, unless the application site is larger than one hectare (13 weeks) or an Environmental Impact Assessment is necessary (16 weeks). If permission is refused, or the decision is not made by the statutory deadline, it is possible to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.


Site licence: caravan site licence / camping licence

A licence is required from your local authority if:

  • The land is to be used for tented camping (including trailer tents) on more than 42 consecutive days at a time or more than 60 days in 12 consecutive months. Unlike planning permission, only the days with tents on the land count towards the limit. Any campsites over 100 yards away are counted separately (Public Health Act 1936, Section 269) (not required in Scotland, which also generally allows wild camping; for Northern Ireland see note*). ('Camping licence')

Where sites have mixed types of accommodation, including tent pitches, sites are normally licensed as a single site, with tents deemed to be touring units for the purpose of the conditions.

The licence may contain various conditions - relating to the number and type of units (tent, touring caravan, static caravan, etc.) permissible at the same time, spacing between units, toilets, waste water, showers, refuse disposal, fire safety, roads, footpaths, electrical installations, LPG storage and recreational space. In drafting conditions the local authority is likely to consider the government's 'model standards' for holiday static caravan sites [PDF] and touring caravan sites [PDF].

It's generally a criminal offence to operate a campsite or caravan site without a licence, if one is required. If a licence is in place, it's likely that regular environmental health inspections will be made to check compliance with the conditions. Gas safety certificates, spacing between units, fire points and other aspects may be inspected, and failure to comply with site licence conditions may lead to prosecution.
The following section lists exemptions from camping and caravan licences. In general, use as an exempt site is permitted development so an application for planning permission is not required. In rare cases these may have been removed for the reasons set out in the permitted development section above. The exemption from a caravan site licence may also be removed under paragraph 13 of Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, but only if there is a very good reason.

Exemptions from camping or caravan site licence

You can enjoy exemptions from site licence and planning permission all year round if your site joins an 'exempt organisation'. These are recreation clubs such as the Freedom Camping Club, Woodland Champions, the Caravan and Motorhome Club (CAMC) and the Camping and Caravanning Club (C&CC) which have been approved in Englandin Walesin Scotland or in Northern Ireland to issue 'exemption certificates' to landowners. The exempt organisation would typically inspect the site and make a number of checks before issuing a certificate.

Depending on the type of exemptions held by the exempt organisation you join, your customers will be able to:
  • put up tents (which may include trailer tents, tipis, bell tents, safari tents and yurts) - non-members allowed if site 'belonging to' or 'provided by' the exempt organisation; otherwise members only ('Section 269' use)
  • stay in a 'caravan' (definition) (e.g. touring caravan, motorhome/campervan, pod, hut) as follows:
    • Approved sites exemption: up to 5 caravans at any time - members only ('paragraph 5' use)
    • Supervised and occupied sites exemption: for recreational purposes, if the land is occupied and supervised by the exempt organisation itself - non-members allowed, with no limit on duration or capacity ('paragraph 4' use)
    • Club meetings or rallies exemption: as part of a club meeting for members lasting up to 5 days - non-members not allowed ('paragraph 6' use)

The Freedom Camping Club has published guidance on the types of unit allowed, but please note there may be differences in the rules set by each exempt organisation.

A significant membership fee can more than double the cost of the stay, and many customers take few trips each year. As such, if your exempt organisation levies a compulsory membership fee your potential customers may be limited: customers can book a nearby site that either doesn't require membership or provides it free.

For this reason we do not normally accept members-only sites with large joining fees as bookable sites on and options for promoting your new campsite may be severely restricted.  However, If you have separate land it may be also possible to join Pitchup and remain a CS/CL, and we have a number of sites operating on this basis. It may be possible to 'dual certify' with different clubs for caravans and tents.
With 83% of UK holidays booked online in 2023 [PDF], you may wish to ensure Club restrictions allow you to take bookings online, via third parties if not available via the Club's website. There may be other restrictions: for example, the Camping and Caravanning Club bans certificated sites (CS) from advertising on third-party websites.

Comparison of exempt organisations

We accept sites certificated by the exempt organisations listed below, and well over 100 exempt sites already take bookings with us.
In the 12 months to December 2023, exempt sites earned an average of £13,000 in Pitchup bookings, and a maximum of £159,000.
 Exempt organisationAllowed to list on Pitchup?Membership fee to customers

Tents allowed
('section 269' use)

'Caravans'(definition) ('paragraph 5' use)Glamping units allowedAdvertising restrictionsTime to approvalOnline booking via Club websiteApplication feeRegions 

Freedom Camping Club

Yes Free Unlimited 5 Yes None 4-6 months No
  • £180 site visit
  • £5 monthly fee OR online booking levy
  • £5 certificate fee
England, Wales
Greener Camping Club Yes £12/year per family 15 minus number of caravans 5 (of which max. 2 'soft' glamping units) Yes None 3-6 months


  • £300 set-up
  • Mileage fee to first inspection
  • £100 annual renewal
England, Wales
Woodland Champions Club Yes Free 10 5 (glamping units only) Yes None 4 days - 3 months No
  • £500 set-up fee
  • £300 annual renewal
England, Wales
Wild Red Club Yes Free 0 5 Yes None 4-6 weeks No
  • £250 set-up fee
  • £250 annual renewal
Wanderlust Camping Club UK Yes £12.50/year per family 

£6/year per family for tents/touring
Unlimited 5 Yes None 4 weeks No
  • £700 set-up
  • £750 or £1,500 annual renewal (depending on size), or £300 for tents/ touring only
MotorhomeFun Yes Free or £20 tier 0 5 No None 1-4 weeks No
  • None
England, Wales, Scotland
CAMpRA Rally Group Yes Free 0 5 motorcaravans only No None 4-6 weeks No
  • £50
England, Wales, Scotland
Motor Caravanners' Club (MCC) Yes £36.75/year (Non-members accepted) 0 5 (no trailer tents, no pop-up tents within vehicle footprint) No None 4-6 weeks+ (planning dept approval sought) No
  • No set-up fee
  • £25 annual renewal
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
Wild Trails Yes Free 10 5 (glamping units only)



1-12 weeks


  • £500 set-up fee
  • £300 annual renewal
England, Wales, Scotland
Landpod Camping Club Yes Free 0 5 landpods



4 weeks


  • £300 set-up
  • £200 annual renewal
England, Wales, Scotland
The Camping and Caravanning Club (C&CC) - Certificated Site (CS) No £42/year per family living together 10 5 (caravans, motorhomes, trailer tents only)


Advertising and online booking not allowed via 3rd parties



  •  £198 per 2 years
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
The Caravan and Motorhome Club (CAMC) - Certificated Location (CL) Yes £56/year per family living together 0 (caravans, motorhomes, trailer tents only) No  None N/A No
  •  £0
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
In Scotland and Northern Ireland there is no camping exemption - camping licences are not required in Scotland, or in Northern Ireland (unless there is a local authority licensing scheme*) - but caravan exemptions are available. Exemption certificates do not apply in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or the Isles of Scilly, and Northern Ireland has a separate system for exemptions. Natural England published an extensive guide on exemption organisations [PDF] in 2013, including a model code of conduct.
Note that construction of all-weather pitches (which accommodate larger units and be used all year) would not be covered by permitted development. Similarly, depending on the size, permanence and physical attachment to the ground, building and engineering operations such as the construction of buildings is likely to require planning permission. To determine whether a planning application is required you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate or discuss the matter informally with your local planning department.
Alternatives include operating under permitted development rights or submitting a planning application, a route taken by a number of our clients:

"Formerly we have only accepted members of the Camping and Caravanning Club but after nearly 50 years with them as a Certificated Site we decided to go it alone. Last year we started using you as we knew we would need help getting out there in the very competitive world of camping in Cornwall and we were pleased with the bookings we got from you. This year, without the restriction of the Club membership, we have been even more rewarded with bookings via your website." - Trewan Hall Camping Site
*in Northern Ireland, a camping licence is not required for tents under the Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 (the 1963 Act), but you should check with your local council whether any local licensing for tents is in place

Other exempt activities (Source)

No licence is required if caravans (definition) are being used:

  • incidentally to the enjoyment of a house, and sited within the curtilage of the house
  • for building/engineering workers or seasonal agriculture or forestry workers or certified travelling showmen
  • by a person travelling with a caravan, for not more than two nights, as long as:
    • no other caravan is stationed on that land or adjoining land in the same occupation; and
    • caravans for human habitation had not been present on that land or the above adjoining land for more than 28 days in the previous 12 months
  • on a plot of five acres or more (including adjoining land in the same occupation and not built on), as long as:
    • caravans for human habitation had not been present on that land or the above adjoining land for more than 28 days in the previous 12 months; and
    • no more than 3 caravans had been stationed at any one time in the last 12 months
  • on sites owned by the local authority
In Scotland, the following alternative scenario enjoys exemption from licensing under The Caravan Sites (Exemption from Licensing) (Scotland) Order 1961 [link not available online]:
  • A maximum of three caravans (or motorhomes) are permitted at any one time
  • The property is an agricultural holding/registered croft which is a minimum of 2 acres
  • Caravans / motorhomes are only allowed on site between 1st April and 30th September
  • No excavation, or other engineering works, including the siting of temporary structures are to be carried out


How do I apply for a site licence if I am not exempt?

For tents, apply at camping licence (England and Wales) (not required in Scotland). If the council does not reply to your application within 28 days, you can go ahead with your campsite plans.

 For caravans (definition), apply at caravan site licence (England, Scotland and Wales) or caravan site licence (Northern Ireland). The licence should normally be issued within two months.

The fee to apply for a licence ranges from zero to £600 or more, depending on your local authority, and there is normally no expiry date unless the site's planning permission expires. As part of the process you would normally be expected to submit a site plan. If your application is refused, you can appeal to the local magistrates' court.

Existing licences do not automatically transfer to another person or business if the business is sold, and need to be transferred by the council. This generally involves a fee.


Frequently Asked Questions

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How much can I expect to earn from a new campsite?

Calculate your potential revenue

An average tent site might earn around £13,000 per year on However, this figure can rise as high as £577,000, and since lockdown lifted new sites have achieved significantly better results, for example:

  • £100,000 in its first month for an activity centre in Hampshire
  • £217,000 in 2020 for a farm site in Wales (with planning permission)
  • Almost 100 sites that joined since June 2020 earned over £10,000 in their first three months
  • 75 bookings in the first 24 hours for a farm site in Cornwall
  • 600 bookings and £50,000 in the first week for a pop-up site in Cumbria

Contributing factors include local competition, price and type of accommodation. Typically around two-thirds of income is earned from arrivals in June, July or August

In summer 2020 Pitchup hit a new record of 6,500 bookings in a single day.


What are the health and safety requirements for campsites?

If you employ staff, you are subject to health and safety legislation, which covers your staff and any guests. Requirements including taking out insurance and making a risk assessment. You also need to take into account COVID-19-related risks.

Even if you do not employ staff, you have a legal duty of care to someone who visits your premises: we strongly recommend public liability insurance.

There is a template for conducting the risk assessement designed for caravan and camping sites at Eden District Council's website.

Here are some useful resources:

We also recommend printing and displaying The Countryside Code poster [PDF]. All Pitchup customers receive a downloadable Countryside Code leaflet [PDF] in their booking confirmations. Natural England also publishes advice for land managers on public access.
Our article on making your campsite accessible may also help.

Do campsites need to provide toilets and showers, and how many?

Around 95% of sites listed on provide toilets and showers: not only is it easier to attract guests by providing these facilities, but also they encourage longer stays and favourable reviews of your business when kept in good order.  These are usually provided within either toilet blocks or portaloos.

Moveable structures on wheels or skids in connection with the use of the site, such as portable toilets, benefit from the same permitted development rights. However, any day when such a temporary structure remains on site counts as one of the number of days permitted.

Strictly speaking, an unlicensed campsite is not legally required to offer water, toilets or showers, although a campsite in England operating under Class BC rights must offer toilets and waste-dispoal facilities.

You may want to follow best practices on the number of basins, toilets and showers per pitch. The following guidance is from Cornwall County Council's Licence Conditions for Camp Sites (see section H, page 3).

  • For sites with up to 120 pitches there shall be 2 WCs for women, 1 WC and 1 urinal for men, per 30 pitches or part thereof.
  • There shall be 2 wash hand basins for women and 2 for men per 30 pitches or part thereof and shall be provided with a constant supply of hot and cold water sited adjacent to the toilets.
  • Showers with hot and cold water or water at a suitably controlled temperature shall be provided on a scale of 2 showers for men and 2 showers for women per 60 pitches.
  • Foul drainage shall be discharged to either a public sewer, private sewer, septic tank or Cesspool approved by the council.
  • Particular consideration should be given to the needs of the disabled in the provision made for water points, toilets, washing points and showers.

For example, according to the above guidance a 60-pitch site would have:

  • 4 WCs for women, 2 WCs and 2 urinals for men
  • 4 wash hand basins for women and 4 for men
  • 2 showers for men and 2 showers for women 

'COVID-19 Secure' safety guidance on cleaning is also available. Also see our health and safety and risk assessment section.

Guidelines on septic tanks 

If you are unable to provide toilets and showers, or they are temporarily closed, there are options for customer to bring their own.


Where can campsites hire portable toilets and showers in the UK?

A selection of hire companies is listed below (please note Pitchup is not in the position to recommend any suppliers):

Note: a licence may still be required for certain types of moveable facility, such as a take-away van


Is there a checklist for pop-ups?

Before you start your campsite, there are a few things you should do. Below is a checklist of necessary steps to make sure your pop-up site is legal, sanitary and compliant with guidelines: 

  • If you are using your days allowance over separate periods then technically the land must be restored to its original condition between the periods of use and moveable structures removed. Normally any days that temporary structures are on site count as part of the maximum you are allowed under Permitted Development Rights (28 or 60 days in England, 28 days in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland):
  • You can easily keep tabs on the number of days used so far by Pitchup bookings by checking the new counter at the bottom right hand side of the Allocation tab of your listing: This counts any days campers are staying overnight.


What insurance do I need?

If your business employs staff you are normally legally required to have employers' liability insurance (EL), which covers claims by staff for illness or injury. If you have no employees or are a family business and all employees are closely related to you, you may not need it.

You may also want to take out other types of insurances: we strongly recommend at least £2m of public liability insurance (PL) to cover claims made by members of the public. More information on what small businesses need.

Find business insurance or talk to an insurance broker. You may also be able to access insurance through a trade body such as the National Farmers Union or Country Land and Business Association.

Please note that Pitchup is not regulated to provide insurance advice and so cannot recommend specific firms.

Read more about health and safety requirements and risk assessments.


How can I dispose of waste?

Campers may generate a surprising amount of waste. Local waste carriers can provide skips to reduce costs and with landfill taxes continuing to rise, you can save considerable sums (and reduce environmental impact) by offering recycling options.
On search engines you will find several price comparison services which allow you to compare local waste carriers.
See What to ask a waste contractor and check your waste carrier is officially registered at

What Coronavirus measures should I be taking?

In England, employers must include COVID-19 risks when undertaking compulsory risk assessments. Businesses are encouraged to allow customers to 'check in' by displaying an NHS QR code poster or by collecting NHS Track & Trace information from customers who do not 'check in' using the NHS COVID-19 app.

In Wales, it is a legal requirement to conduct a COVID-19 risk assessment. Some venues, for example pubs and restaurants where people may come into close contact with those outside their household, may conclude it is reasonable to collect customer information under the Test, Trace, Protect schemeHow to get a NHS QR code poster NHS Track & Trace information [PDF]

In Scotland, business must follow the safer workplaces guidance and conduct COVID-19 risk assessment. Hospitality premises such as pubs, bars and restaurants must collect customer or visitor information.

The list of all priority actions in the UK are as follows:

  • Complete a COVID-19 risk assessment
  • Clean more often, including hand washing/sanitiser
  • Ask your customers to wear face coverings where required to do so by law, and in any indoor space
  • Make sure everyone is social distancing
  • Increase ventilation
  • Support NHS Test and Trace, depending the type of venue
  • Turn people with coronavirus symptoms away
  • Ensure customers are aware of the legal limits on group sizes
  • Encourage contactless payments
  • Consider how your business interacts with the local area, and avoid encouraging crowds

Each country has its own guide aimed at tourism and hospitality providers:

There is also a guide to COVID-19 health and safety from the British Holiday and Home Parks Association (BH&HPA).

Visit our guide for additional rules and guidance from government and trade associations.


How can I accept cards onsite?

Each booking spends an average £7 per day onsite** on extras such as firewood, fresh produce, drinks and entertainment - but some operators earn as much as the pitch/accommodation fee again.

Providing a card terminal makes it easier for your guests to buy these extras. If you take the balance on arrival, it's also a convenient way for customers to settle up.
We have partnered with SumUp, whose fees compare favourably to other card companies and high-street banks, to create an exclusive offer for Pitchup clients:
  • SumUp Air Terminal for only £14.99 (usually £19), and reductions on other terminals
  • First £500 in transactions processed free
  • Low processing fee of 1.69%
  • No contract, monthly fees or minimum commitment

To sign up, visit the SumUp website.

SumUp terminals accept all major debit and credit cards as well as contactless payments through Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. Over the last 10 years, cash use has declined from 56% to 17% of UK payments [PDF]: meanwhile contactless has grown from 7% to 27% in the last four years, and 32% of the population has registered for mobile payments.

Once you start taking card payments, make sure you amend your payment methods in the portal (Site info / Payments section) by ticking all that apply under ‘Payment methods accepted on the park’.
**source: page 23, Pitching the Value, [PDF]


Are there any other requirements?

If you are accepting touring caravans and motorhomes, there should be a secure emptying point for chemical waste. A Campervan and Motorhome Waste Disposal Guide for independent developments has been produced in Scotland.

Safe drinking water, a waste water point and covered bins should be provided for dry waste. (More information: England and Wales Scotland Northern Ireland). 

If you use a private water supply, for example from a borehole, spring, stream, lake, adit or rainwater storage, then it is a legal requirement for the local authority to sample it to make sure it is safe for people to drink. Find out more


Ensure that any access roads can accommodate the vehicle sizes you accept. The entrance to the site should be at least 12ft wide if touring caravans and motorhomes are allowed.

Read more about health and safety requirements and risk assessments.


Am I liable for business rates?

Estimate your business rates using the government's calculator. You may qualify for reliefs such as small business rate relief, retail discount.

During COVID-19, further concessions may apply - for example, leisure businesses in England enjoy a business rates holiday during 2021.

More information on business rates.


Do I need to charge VAT?

You will need to include VAT in your prices if you are registered for VAT. (Check whether you meet the criteria.)

Holiday accommodation qualifies for a reduced rate of VAT of 5% until 30th September 2021 and 12.5% from 1st October 2021 until 31st March 2022.

You would account for VAT on the full amount of the booking at the rate above, and reclaim VAT on's commission. Please note that the VAT rate paid by on commission remains 20%, because we provide a booking service rather than accommodation and therefore do not qualify for the reduced rate. More on how to account for VAT.


What is the local economic impact?

Outdoor accommodation brings significant economic benefits to local economies, with parties spending an estimated £46 per day off site (source, table 5.6 p. 24).

Locations tend to be expansive and away from urban/residential areas, mitigating social distancing concerns.

As a low-cost holiday with facilities on-site often limited, outdoor accommodation tends to generate high footfall for local services. In many areas, local services would be unable to stay open during the winter without income from summer tourism.


What effect has the pandemic had?

For some years, rural holidays in the UK have been benefiting from trends such as wellness and glamping, as well as disruption to air travel, exchange-rate volatility, Brexit and sustainability concerns.

The lifting of lockdown restrictions saw very high demand for domestic holidays without an increase in supply. With accommodation sold out at peak times even in a normal year, many holidaymakers turned to outdoor accommodation for the first time. There is every sign that those new to camping and caravanning are set to return, with our own bookings for 2021 284% up on last year and sales of touring caravans and motorhomes/campervans strongly recovering (source: ECF). Meanwhile, the leading hotel and apartment online agents have reported annual declines of around 50% for the first nine months of 2020. As a relatively low-cost holiday, the outdoor accommodation sector tends to perform well during recessionary periods.

In 2019, Brits spent 512m nights on holidays abroad, compared to only 198m nights holidaying in Great Britain. By contrast, only 55m nights were spent on domestic camping and caravanning holidays, suggesting considerable scope to absorb a shift from international travel towards ‘staycations’ (source: GBTS/IPS).


What is a caravan? Does a shepherd's hut / pod / gypsy caravan / microlodge / cabin / luxury lodge qualify?

A 'caravan' includes static caravans, touring caravans and motorhomes/campervans, but also typically pods, shepherd's huts, gypsy caravans and moveable lodges:

'“caravan” means any structure designed or adapted for human habitation which is capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed, or by being transported on a motor vehicle or trailer) and any motor vehicle so designed or adapted, but does not include...any tent' Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960

Many units such as camping pods have been specifically designed to meet the legal definition of a caravan, to take advantage of more favourable planning rules compared to built accommodation. Check with your manufacturer who should be able to confirm this.


What types of accommodation benefit from permitted development other than tent pitches?

If a caravan site licence is not needed - for example siting up to three touring caravans, motorhomes or campervans for up to 28 days each year on 5 acres or more - then the use is already permitted development (under planning permission section 1 (b) above). View the scenarios above where a site licence is not required. The answer above explains the definition of a 'caravan'.

As 'moveable structures', trailer tents benefit from 28-day permitted development rights. Glamping units, such as bell tents, may also benefit from permitted development as long as a 'building operation' is not involved, for example the construction of a solid base. Whether something is a building operation depends on factors such as the size, permanence and physical attachment to the ground of the specific development. To determine whether a planning application is required you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate or discuss the matter informally with your local planning department.

In summary:

  • For tent/trailer tent pitches or glamping units without a building operation, a site licence would be required for more than 42 consecutive days or more than 60 non-consecutive days with tents on the land, and a planning application for more than 28 (consecutive or non-consecutive) days with moveable structures or tents on the land. However governments in Scotland and Northern Ireland have ordered local authorities to relax enforcement of 28-day permitted development rights in most circumstances. This would allow up to 60 non-consecutive days of tent camping without needing a camping licence, with moveable facilities on the land for longer - for example, at weekends until October
  • On a plot of under 5 acres, one touring caravan/motorhome/campervan is permitted for not more than two nights for up to 28 days over the last 12 months. More units or days require a site licence and a planning application
  • On a plot of over 5 acres, three touring caravans/motorhomes/campervans are permitted for up to 28 days over the last 12 months. More units or days require a site licence and a planning application
  • Other use or building and engineering work, unless it is required to comply with a site licence or it benefits from other types of permitted development or lawful use, may require a planning application. Minor development may excused under the 'de minimis' principle

Governments have also encouraged an extension of the tourist season via the planning system.


How long is the season?

With deregulation encouraging a longer season and international travel severely restricted, we are already seeing significantly higher demand overall and specifically for off-peak bookings than normal. According to VisitBritain's COVID-19 Consumer Sentiment Tracker 2020:

  • Only 27% of Brits took an overnight UK trip in July/August
  • 20% expect to take a UK holiday between September and December, and 10% between January and March
  • 9% have already booked their next domestic overnight trip, and 26% more plan to book between now and March 2021
  • 43% of those taking a UK trip plan to stay in caravan/camping in January - March, making it the most popular accommodation type


How can I install electric hook-ups?

Electric hook-ups are increasingly popular - 56% of pitch bookings on were for electric pitches in the year to January 2021. To find an electrical contractor, visit:

  • NICEIC 0870 013 0382 (UK)
  • ECA 0207 313 4800 (England and Wales)
  • SELECT 0131 445 5577 (Scotland)


Can I put up a sign? 

In England, you are allowed to put up "notices or signs...on any premises for the purpose of advertising the fact that a person, partnership or company is carrying on a profession, business or trade at those premises. These would include...the name of a company operating from the premises." (Class 2(B), page 12, Outdoor advertisements and signs: a guide for advertisers [PDF]).

This must not exceed 0.3 of a square metre in area, but if there is more than one entrance to the premises on different road frontages, two advertisements of 0.3 of a square metre each may be displayed (on a separate frontage).

Under Class 5 (page 18), you can also put up "a wide variety of notices, signs and advertisements to draw attention to any commercial services, goods for sale, or any other services available at the premises where the advertisement is being displayed".


My land is part of a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) or Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). What difference does this make?

While being in a SAC or SSSI does not automatically remove 28-day permitted development rights for tent camping, you may need consent from the organisations below.

Note: all SACs are also SSSIs, but not all SSSIs are SACs

How does this affect my Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) entitlement?

Camping and caravan sites are permitted 'non-agricultural activities' under BPS for up to 28 days each calendar year.

Non-agricultural activities taking place for more than 28 days in the calendar year should be reported using code NA02 on form RLE1. This code relates to "an area of land which is normally agricultural but the intensity, nature, duration, and timing of non-agricultural activity significantly interferes with agricultural activity". Government guidance on BPS.

If you have an Environment Stewardship Scheme, check whether use of the land for camping conflicts with the agreement.

Where can I find out more about joining Pitchup or speak to someone?

Our join page is the best place to start: alternatively, call us on +44 203 743 9975 or drop us a line via the chat window or our contact form.


Useful links

Hopefully this guide has helped you navigate the maze of campsite and caravan site legislation to work out what permissions and licences you need, or even better, avoid them altogether!

Best of luck with setting up your new business and do get in touch if we can help.



Find suppliers of caravan site services (National Caravan Council)

General business start-up advice

Business rates calculator


Funding and economic impact

Statistics on camping and caravanning and links to industry associations (

Pitching the Value (summary [PDF]) (British Holiday and Home Parks Association/NCC/CAMC/C&CC)

Economic contribution: holiday and touring parks across the UK [PDF] (British Holiday and Home Parks Association) (tbc)

Economic impact of holiday parks and campsites (British Holiday and Home Parks Association) (tbc)


Rural development grants


Exempt organisations

Organisations exempt from camping licences or caravan site licences in England (Natural England)

Organisations exempt from camping licences or caravan site licences in Wales (Welsh government)

Organisations exempt from camping licences or caravan site licences in Scotland (Scottish government)

Organisations exempt from camping licences or caravan site licences in Northern Ireland (Northern Irish government)


Freedom Camping Club

Greener Camping Club

Woodland Champions Club

Wanderlust Camping Club UK


Motorcaravanners' Club

Landpod Camping Club


Specialist advisors

Find a planning consultant

Find a chartered surveyor

Find a solicitor

Business Advice Service (free consultation with a chartered accountant)


Individual planning consultants

James Shorten - tel. 07726 362709 /

Chris Tivey Associates - tel. 07835 927754 /

Peter Tufnell, Herefordshire - tel. 01531 640675 / 07710 234332 /

Samuel and Son, East Sussex - tel. 01435 864020 /

Chapman Lilley (Brett Spiller), Wareham - tel. 01929 553818 /

Anthony Keen, Kent - tel. 01622 814640 / 

Martin Smith, Norfolk - tel. 01508 530401 /

Davies and Co., Northants - tel. 01536 524808

Alexis Tysler, Halesowen - tel. 0121 585 5544 /

Mike Hannis -


Firms specialising in caravan parks and campsites

Fox Leisure (chartered surveyors, business agents)

Avison Young (chartered surveyors, business agents)

Lambe Planning & Design (planning consultants)

Tozers (solicitors)

Colliers (business agents)

Sanderson Weatherall (business agents)

Savills (business agents)

Members can also receive advice from associations such as the Country Land and Business Association or National Farmers Union.


* Please note that this article relates to sites for holiday use, rather than owner-occupied or residential parks, in Great Britain only (there are different rules for Northern Ireland). Pitchup is unable to give legal advice or accept responsbility for errors and omissions, so it also comes with the usual health warning to seek your own professional advice on implementing the rules.


(first published February 2012, updated February 2013, November 2014, January 2015, November 2017, January 2020, May 2020, July 2020, November 2020, December 2020, January - December 2021, January-June 2022, November 2022, February 2023, March 2023, July 2023, October 2023, January 2024, November 2024, January 2025)