FAQ: Using the new accessibility filters to create welcoming holidays for disabled guests


At Pitchup, our mission is for everyone to be able to book and enjoy a holiday that meets their needs. Our recent study of over 2,000 disabled people in the UK revealed only half of disabled people think that camping and outdoor holidays are accessible – although they could be tempted to try an outdoor holiday to experience a better connection to nature, a tranquil escape, and a more affordable getaway. 

Of those who have never taken an outdoor holiday, 83% were put off due to accessibility concerns. Meanwhile, three-quarters of all respondents wanted to see more information on accessibility added to accommodation listings, particularly information on accessible bathrooms, step-free access and parking.

Below you’ll see how we’re making it easier for you to add crucial information to your listing so disabled customers and those with access needs can more easily find accessibility information about your campground and decide whether it will work for them. We tested these new filters with the disability community, and 95% of participants said they would find them useful in finding and booking a campground. 

Top tip: Almost half of survey respondents told us that being able to see photographs of accessibility features would make them more likely to book – therefore we strongly recommend adding photos of your campground’s accessible features to your gallery!

We’re excited to introduce you to these new filters and support you to attract, welcome, and deliver a great experience to all disabled visitors.

Introducing new accessibility filters

In the manager portal, we’ve created a new accessibility section that allows you to select the filters relevant to your campground. This is organised into two sections:

  1. Moving around your campground, entrances and exits

  2. Toilets and shower rooms

Note: Please only select accessibility features if they are present, available and in working order at all times of year (or for the months that you are open). 

Once logged in to the manager portal, navigate to the new filters below. 

Overall campground features


  1. Visit the ‘Campground/Park info’ tab and click the ‘Features’ section.

  2. In the new ‘Accessibility’ section, select the features your campground has – for example well-lit paths, wheelchair-accessible bathrooms and step-free access.

  3. For each one you tick, click the ‘Tell me more’ link (where relevant, we’ve explained what a feature means, and you can add additional information).

  4. Our research showed that half of disabled customers are more likely to book when they can see photos of features beforehand, so remember to upload a photo here too.

Unit-specific features (fixed accommodation only)


  1. Visit the ‘Campsite types & extras’ tab and either edit an existing campsite type or add a new one.

  2. Jump to the ‘Features’ section where you will find an ‘Accessibility’ section.

  3. Tick the features included in that specific unit, providing additional information where needed.

  4. Just like the overall campground features, you can add a photo and/or additional notes to give customers more confidence to book.

An aerial photo showing the layout of Sutton Hoo Holidays Campsite, Suffolk

Filters explained: Moving around the campground, entrances and exits

Here you’ll find new filters designed to give disabled customers, and those with access requirements, more detailed information on what they can expect to find at your campground. 

Step-free access, or access via permanent or temporary ramps

This filter refers to the general layout of your campground and how customers will access various amenities.

When selecting this filter, you are confirming that:

  • There are no steps or bumps of more than 2.5 cm to access pathways or any facilities such as reception, toilets/showers, and any on-site cafés, shops, bars, waste disposal areas or other buildings open to customers.

  • If there are any steps or ramps on your campground, you can add details in the box provided. Please be sure to add where the steps can be found, and how many steps there are.

  • If you have temporary ramps available to use on site, use the text box to let guests know how to request these.

Don’t forget that step-free access is not only useful for wheelchair users – it is also a key feature for other customers including those with mobility or vision issues, older customers, and families with young children and strollers.

Smooth, hard surfaces on paths and roads e.g. tarmac

Smooth, hard surfaces can be easier for people with disabilities to navigate, so select this filter if your campground has paved, tarmac or smooth roads and pathways.

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths and tracks can make it difficult for people with limited mobility, wheelchair users and those with other kinds of disabilities to get around. If your campground has this type of terrain, let future guests know by selecting this filter and adding details in the box about where on the campground these paths are – if there’s an alternative route that customers can use, let them know. 

Level campground, no steep slopes or hills

Steep hills or slopes can be challenging for wheelchair users and people with limited mobility. Select this filter to let guests know that your campground does not have any steep inclines and is mostly on flat ground.

Well-lit paths

Well-lit paths are useful for all guests, but especially for guests with limited mobility or impaired vision. Let guests know if your campground is well lit and easy to navigate at night. 

Please do not select this box if guests need to use a torch to move around the campground at night.

Campsite location

Feedback we have received from customers with disabilities suggests that campsite location is one of the key considerations. Select these filters to help guests to understand where they will be staying, and if their campsite will be close to parking and bathrooms. 

Campsite close to accessible bathroom facilities (within 50 metres of bathrooms)

Accessible bathrooms are a priority feature for disabled customers, so let guests know if campsites are available within 50m of accessible facilities.

Accessible parking spot available at campsite

An accessible parking spot must be on an even, stable and slip-resistant surface, and be at least 2.4m wide by 5.4m long.

Filters explained: toilets and showers

Access to clean, suitable toilet and shower facilities is of paramount importance for disabled customers and those with access requirements. Use the filters below to let guests know the features you have on site, so they can decide whether these will meet their needs.

Accessible bathroom and shower at Park Rose Caravans, East Yorkshire

Wide doorways (doorways are over 85 cm)

Entrances to accessible facilities must be able to accommodate a wheelchair passing through. According to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, doorways must be at least 85 cm.

Wheelchair-accessible toilet

Select this filter only if your accessible toilet includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance, with no steps or bumps of more than 2.5cm 

  • Fixed grab rails 90-110cm above the floor

  • Securely fixed toilet seat and full-round seat (not open fronted) with backrest

  • 1.9m x 2.3m of circulation/turning space for a wheelchair

  • Rim of the washbasin 80-83cm above the floor

  • Emergency call button

Wheelchair accessible shower

Select this filter only if your accessible shower includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance with no step down, raised kerb or hob at the entry of the shower

  • Self-draining shower
  • Main doorway and shower door or entrance wider than 85cm

  • Folding fixed shower seat

  • Fixed grab rails 90-110cm above the floor

  • Taps and fixtures that are easily reachable 

Filters explained: fixed accommodation

If you have fixed accommodation on your campground – such as yurts, wigwams, lodges, cabins or static caravans – look out for new filters we’ve added to the 'Campsite Type & Extras’ area of the manager portal.  

Where customers are hiring accommodation such as a lodge or a cabin it is important to give as much information as possible about what the accommodation contains and how it is accessed, so a customer can decide whether it will work for them and/or their family members and friends.

 Accessible camping pod, Cayton Village Experience Freedom Glamping, North Yorkshire

In the ‘features’ area, you’ll find a new accessibility section – like the general information for your campground, this is the place to add information about entrances, exits, and terrain leading to fixed accommodation.  

Step-free access, or access via permanent or temporary ramps

This filter means there are no steps or bumps of more than 2.5cm to access doorways or paths leading to the fixed accommodation. 

If there are any steps or ramps, you can add details in the box provided. Please be sure to add where the steps can be found, and how many steps there are.

If you have temporary ramps available for guests, use the text box to let guests know how to request them.

Wide doorways (doorways of over 85cm)

Entrances to accessible facilities must be able to accommodate a wheelchair passing through. According to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, doorways must be at least 85cm wide.

Smooth, hard surfaces on paths and roads from parking leading to accommodation (e.g. tarmac or concrete)

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths

Uneven ground, gravel or crushed stone paths and tracks can make it difficult for people with limited mobility, wheelchair users and those with other kinds of disabilities to get around. If the pathway leading to your accommodation has uneven terrain, let future guests know by selecting this filter.

Well-lit paths

Well-lit paths are useful for all guests, but especially for guests with limited mobility or impaired vision. Let guests know if the area around fixed accommodation is well lit and easy to navigate at night. 

Please do not select this box if guests will be required to use a torch to move around the campground at night. 

‘Add a room’: toilets and shower

Once you have added a room, scroll down to the new accessibility filters section and select the relevant features for your unit.   

Step-free access (no steps or bumps of over 2.5cm to access the toilet or shower)

Wide doorways (doorways over 85cm)

Wheelchair-accessible toilet

Select this filter only if your accessible toilet includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance, with no steps or bumps of more than 2.5cm 

  • Fixed grab rails 90-110cm above the floor

  • Securely fixed toilet seat and full-round seat (not open fronted) with backrest

  • 1.9m x 2.3m of circulation/turning space for a wheelchair

  • Rim of the washbasin 80-83cm above the floor

  • Emergency call button

Wheelchair-accessible shower

Select this filter only if your accessible shower includes all of the below: 

  • Step-free entrance with no step down, raised kerb or hob at the entry of the shower

  • Self-draining shower

  • Main doorway and shower door or entrance wider than 85cm

  • Folding fixed shower seat

  • Fixed grab rails 90-110cm above the floor

  • Taps and fixtures that are easily reachable

Large spacious toilet (if there are steps to entrance, please add details in the text box)

A space large enough for multiple people – e.g. a disabled person and a personal assistant, or parent and child/children. This could be a similar size to a family room/shower.

Large spacious shower (if there are steps to entrance, please add details below)

A space large enough for multiple people – e.g. a disabled person and a personal assistant, or parent and child/children. This could be a similar size to a family room/shower.

‘Add a room’: kitchen

If your accommodation has kitchen or cooking facilities, let guests know what they can find, and how they can move around the space by selecting the filters below.

Step-free access, or access via permanent or temporary ramps

There are no steps or bumps of more than 2.5cm to access doorways or paths leading to the kitchen. 

If there are any steps or ramps, you can add details in the box provided. Please be sure to add where the steps can be found, and how many steps there are. If you have temporary ramps available, use this box to let guests know.

Lowered sink (80-83cm above the floor)

Allows easy access for wheelchair users and people of short stature. 

Lowered cabinets or work surfaces (72-120cm above the floor )

Allows easy access for wheelchair users and people of short stature. One height-adjustable bench top that moves from 72cm (minimum) to 1.2 m or one accessible bench top that is 90cm wide and 44cm deep (does not have to be height adjustable).

Pitchup guide dogs policy

We love our four-legged friends here at Pitchup, but we know that guide dogs are not pets and thousands of people rely on them for independence and confidence.

Under the Disability Discrimination Act, guide dogs are allowed everywhere except operating theatres, hospital burns units, commercial kitchens and some zoos. Businesses must allow guide dogs and their handlers to access their premises, goods and services, and it is illegal to discriminate against guide dog owners or people with disabilities and their assistance animals. Please note that regulations can vary from state to state, so please check your local legislation.

Where possible we encourage campgrounds to welcome guide dogs with water stations and, if possible, to let their owners know where they can exercise their dogs. 

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding accessibility, please get in touch at enquiries@pitchup.com