Reserveu una estada a 5.344 càmpings, glàmpings i complexos turístics d'Espanya, Amèrica Llatina i la resta del món

Valoració del servei a Feefo

Càmpings a prop de CarFest

Quan és? Del 22 agost de 2025 al 24 agost de 2025.
On és? Laverstoke Park Farm, Overton, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 3DR Anglaterra

As its name might suggest, there’s a motor-inspired theme at CarFest. But while many fans flock here to see vintage vehicles and the latest automobiles, it’s not all about car culture. The family-friendly event raises funds for children’s charities, and attendees of all ages can dance at the Kitchen Disco Stage, rock climb in the AdventureFest area or practise yoga in the wellness section.

After listening to live performances from acts like Ronan Keating and McFly, tuck yourselves up in a tent at one of the campsites near CarFest South. There are holiday parks with facilities like play areas and games rooms, as well as back-to-basics spots in wide, open fields where young campers can mess around to their hearts' content.

Mostra els resultats al mapa

15 càmpings disponibles a 24,1 quilòmetres de CarFest

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