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Olympic dreams start in caravans

Jul. 30 2012 Publicat per Laura Canning

He’ll be trying for an Olympic gold for Team GB this afternoon (30 July) – and it was on a family caravan holiday that Tom Daley first decided he wanted to go for an Olympic medal.

The teenage diver said he first thought of wanting to win a medal when watching Peter Waterfield win silver at Athens 2004. Peter is now his diving partner as they go for Olympic glory in London 2012.

Tom said: ‘I was 10 years old when Pete won his [medal] in Athens. I was staying in the family caravan down in Newquay.

‘I was thinking, “Wow he's an Olympic silver medallist”. That is my dream - to compete in the Olympic Games and win a medal.’

Tom realised his dream of competing at the Olympics in 2008, but not of winning a medal as he placed eighth in the Beijing games. He and Peter will be taking on favourites China this afternoon at 2.55.