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Valoració del servei a Feefo

Càmpings a prop de TRNSMT

Quan és? Del 11 juliol de 2025 al 13 juliol de 2025.
On és? Glasgow Green, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G40 1BA Escòcia

TRNSMT may have replaced Scottish festival T in the Park, but it still takes its cues from the much-loved defunct event by inviting indie rockers like The Strokes and Jimmy Eat World to perform. You can also see newer acts, such as Lewis Capaldi and Sam Fender, gracing the Glasgow Green stage all weekend long. 

This may be a metropolitan festival, but good public transport links mean it’s easy to sleep in the scenic countryside at one of the campsites near TRNSMT. Skip the city and take your tent or tourer to a pitch among the pretty lochs, glens, mountains and forests of Lanarkshire, Stirlingshire or Ayrshire. 

If you’d rather have a spacious yurt or cosy pod ready for your arrival, there’s also glamping accommodation to browse. Alternatively, go camping near TRNSMT with access to impressive amenities at holiday parks with pools, sports facilities and restaurants.

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5 càmpings disponibles a 24,1 quilòmetres de TRNSMT

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