Terry RV Oasis

Spacious and wooded park

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Afegiu les dades de la vostra empresa

  • Espai tranquil amb arbres adults i molta ombra
  • A 25 minuts de cotxe del riu Yellowstone i de Terry Badlands
  • A 5 minuts de cotxe de la interestatal I-94; Terry a 10 minuts a peu
In wild Montana five minutes' drive from Interstate I-94, Terry RV Oasis is just what it claims to be: a restful 60 year old park, where mature trees provide a shaded berth for travellers of all types. The park is 10 minutes' stroll from Terry town, a friendly place with plenty to see for those interested in the Old West. The Prairie County Museum celebrates the work of local photographer Evelyn Cameron, who captured the life of the town in another, busier age alongside the natural scenery. Also worth a visit is the town's Historic Kempton Hotel, where there's a bookstore and antiques shop in early 1900s decor. (They have ghosts there too, if you're tired of hunting deer...) Back at base, fresh water comes from the on-site artesian well (this place really is an oasis...) and there are ample cleaning and storage areas for hunters and fisherfolk. This is a carefully-kept spot, but relaxed in all the right places: barbecues and campfires are permitted and dogs are welcome.

Tipus d'allotjament

Cabanes, casetes, cabanes pod o barraques 2
Parcel·les per a tendes de campanya 8
Parcel·les per a caravanes 5
Parcel·les per a autocaravanes 9
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Petit (11-25 parcel·les)


Instal·lacions per a minusvàlids

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Caravanes i autocaravanes

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Terry RV Oasis

500 Custer Street



Estats Units


Com arribar

Zona horària

America/Denver -0700 (GMT-07:00)


46,7889° N
-105,31895° O

Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.

Llocs d'interès

The Terry Badlands around 25 minutes' drive away is a wilderness where striking rock formations share the big sky with hills, elk, deer and horned lizards: this place is a must for photographers. Hunters and gatherers should head to the Yellowstone River 10 minutes away, for the catching of fish and the collecting of rare Moss Agate rocks. Other options are within day trip distance: it's about two hours' drive east across state lines and into the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The wilderness-loving president came out to this part of North Dakota in 1883 to hunt bison, and thanks to Theo, the herds still roam there. For wildlife watching, the park's combination of wet woodlands and warm hillsides sustains life of all kinds from wild horses to golden eagles and tiny flycatchers. Two hours west is the Little Bighorn Battlefield, commemorating Custer's Last Stand; many travellers continue west towards Red Lodge, joining the Beartooth Highway into the Yellowstone National Park.


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  • Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Terry RV Oasis? The Terry Badlands around 25 minutes' drive away is a wilderness where striking rock formations share the big sky with hills, elk, deer and horned lizards: this place is a must for … Llegeix més
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