Åre Camping

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Oh, what glorious views are these… Family-owned and family-friendly Åre Camping is set among the spectacular Jämtland mountains, in a place of peace and quiet with stunning views over Åreskutan mountain and clean atmosphere: this part of northern Sweden has been nicknamed the lungs of Europe for its crisp and clear air.
Stay here for some time if you want some mountain hiking around the Jämtland range, or to zip around the winter landscape on a snowmobile, or to soak up the adventurous atmosphere of nearby Åre village, the biggest mountain biking resort in Sweden in the summer months and the biggest ski resort in winter.
Run by friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable Valentina and Stefan, Åre Camping has newly renovated service areas, toilets and showers, free wifi, a play area, a TV room and disabled facilities. The team is highly knowledgeable about the local area and will happily help to find the right activity for you; many can be booked in reception at discounted rates.
Åre Camping also has an on-site bakery with a woodburning oven, where for a small fee budding bakers can make their own bread, learn new tricks and recipes and be supported by the site's master baker – it's all, say Stefan and Valentina, better than the Great Swedish Bake Off…
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Åre Camping
Såå 392
Zona horària
Europe/Stockholm CET (GMT+01:00)
63,35185° N
13,18612° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Åre is a popular destination for outdoor activities ranging from hiking and biking to climbing, kayaking, fishing and – for the brave – paragliding above its peaks.
It's also a prime location for winter sports, particularly around the ski resort of Åre village which has been named as one of the top ten ski resorts in the world. As well as skiing, snow sort could try sledding, snowmobiling, dog sledding, ice skating, ice climbing, reindeer sleigh rides… ask at the Åre Camping reception for details on where snowily to go.
Less actively, have a stroll through the forest up to Åre Lake, go shopping in the village, amble around a few of the area's 50 or so nature reserves, or tee off at the golf course 15 minutes from Åre. (Intrepid big game hunters could also try for a sighting of Storsjöodjuret, the alleged beast of Lake Storsjön.)
Foodwise, many restaurants are open year round, along with bakeries, farm dairies and breweries: the region around Jämtland's Östersund is one of the world's UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy, so do try to take in as much of its cuisine and drinks as poss.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Åre Camping? Åre is a popular destination for outdoor activities ranging from hiking and biking to climbing, kayaking, fishing and – for the brave – paragliding above its peaks. It's also a prime location … Llegeix més
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