Take a peep, a longer look and then give an approving nod to Panama Camping Park, a very well-placed site in the Chiriqui town of Boquete. This waterside spot is on the banks of the Caldera river and within an easy 10-minute walk of the town centre’s many shops, restaurants and other amenities. Handily, there’s also a café just next door. Boquete is particularly well known for being a hub of outdoor activities, so you can expect stays here to come with a generous helping of treetop canopy tours, river rafting, hiking and climbing. More laidback options are also on the cards – self-organised outings to hot springs and coffee farms are also simple to sort from here. In between all that toing and froing, those who plump for Panama Camping Park will have access to a well-kept patch of outdoor space plus a communal terrace with a TV and board games to play. On top of that there's wifi to help you plan upcoming adventures, as well as a launderette where you can do away with any mess acquired on previous ones. Travelling with a dog? Canine companions are welcome to join you at Panama Camping Park – just keep an eye on them in case they become overly interested in a neighbour's barbecue (also allowed on site).

Tipus d'allotjament

Parcel·les per a autocaravanes 4
Caravanes de lloguer 4
Obert tot l'any
Obre el

Valoració de l'Oficina de Turisme

Idiomes parlats



Càmpings a prop que es poden reservar a Pitchup.com

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Activitats d'oci al càmping

Bar o club Club/animació infantil Entreteniment nocturn Esports aquàtics Gimnàs Lloguer de bicicletes Menjar per emportar Parc infantil Pesca Piscina coberta Piscina exterior Restaurant/cafeteria in situ Sala de TV Sala de jocs Tennis

Serveis i instal·lacions al càmping

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Reserves de grups

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Condicions especials

Barbacoa proporcionada Barbacoes permeses Fogueres permeses Gossos permesos Gossos permesos tot l'any Vehicles comercials lleugers permesos




Bombones de gas disponibles Eliminació de residus químics Energia renovable Punts de recàrrega per a cotxes elèctrics Punts per carregar aparells Reciclatge disponible

Serveis a prop

Bar a prop Transport públic a prop Àrea per passejar gossos a prop


Molt petit (1-10 parcel·les)


Instal·lacions per a minusvàlids

Caravanes i autocaravanes

Desguàs per a caravanes Presa d'aigua per a caravanes


Panama Camping Park

Calle 11a Sur

Bajo Boquete



Com arribar

Zona horària

America/Panama -0500 (GMT-05:00)


8,76862° N
-82,43141° O

Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.

Llocs d'interès

Yet to make up your mind about what kind of expedition you want to embark on? Worry not, as there's a smorgasbord of super outdoor stuff on hand at the local activity centre (10 minutes' walk) – rafting, climbing, horse riding and other ents should keep a variety of sporty sorts cheerily occupied. The best way to unwind after intense alfresco exertion? For many, the answer will be sampling local cerveza at the Boquete Brewing Company (15 minutes' walk), while others may prefer a stint at La Estancia open-air pool (10 minutes' drive). Also of interest is Finca Dos Jefes (10 minutes), a coffee farm that organises the harvest of its caffeinated crop around to the lunar calendar for a dash of extra goodness. Once suitably perked up, get yourself to El Explorador gardens (10 minutes) for rambles filled with local flora, or don some unflattering but very vital protective equipment and set out on a canopy tour by zipwire (15 minutes). Slightly further afield but well worth the trip is the Lost Waterfalls hiking trail (25 minutes), a valley with three pic-worthy waterfalls that takes two to three hours to visit (plus a little more if you fancy stopping to swim).


Encara no hi ha cap comentari.

  • Hi ha piscina a Panama Camping Park? No Mostra totes les característiques
  • S'admeten gossos a Panama Camping Park ? Mostra totes les característiques
  • Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Panama Camping Park? Yet to make up your mind about what kind of expedition you want to embark on? Worry not, as there's a smorgasbord of super outdoor stuff on hand at the local activity … Llegeix més
  • A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Panama Camping Park?
    Càmping i autocaravanes
    Arribada:  14:00 –  En qualsevol moment
    Sortida abans de les:  12:00

    It may be possible to accommodate early check-in or lake check-out by requesting it at reception.

    Llegeix més