Vodatent at Vakantiepark De Bonte Vlucht

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- Tendes de safari en un càmping familiar als afores de Doorn
- Al parc nacional d'Utrechtse Heuvelrug i a 30 minuts d'Utrecht
- Piscina, tenis i restaurant amb terrassa i entreteniment a l'estiu
Utrecht times? National park times? Glamping times? Obviously sensible sorts will say ja to all three.
And so, venture along to the West Netherlands and Utrecht region site of Vodatent at Vakantiepark De Bonte Vlucht. This family-friendly park is right in the midst of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park half an hour from Utrecht, and has smart and well-equipped safari tent accommodation for restful times in between all the hiking, cycling and city sightseeing.
If you fancy heading out into the surrounds (as you sensibly should), several walking trails can be easily accessed nearby and bikes can be hired on site if you’d rather cycle. For fresh air without so much effort, there's fishing on site too (just bring along your rod and permit to get stuck in).
More? There’s a cleverly wide range of stuff to do on site too: make your way to the outdoor pool first, then to the sizeable sunbathing area alongside to dry off. Then have a game at the all-weather tennis court, pétanque court or multisports field… with another dip in the pool afterwards to cool off.
Yet more? The pool’s also overlooked by the site’s restaurant terrace; as well as being a good place to hang out for eats and drinks, this is also the spot for an assortment of entertainment through the summer. During high season there’s also a busy programme of outings and activities for kids.
The old Viking town of Doorn is three kilometres away.
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Vodatent at Vakantiepark De Bonte Vlucht
Leersumersestraatweg 23
Països Baixos
3941 MN
Zona horària
Europe/Amsterdam CET (GMT+01:00)
52,02737° N
5,38446° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Local town Doorn was a Viking stronghold in the ninth century and there’s a fair bit of history to delve into around town and its surroundings. The main attraction is Huis Doorne, the former stately home of Wilhelm II and now a national museum.
A 10-minute drive away, Amerongen Castle is where Wilhelm II lived before his move to Huis Doorne (and where he signed his abdication notice); within 15 minutes, Dutch history of a different kind can be investigated at De Weistaar farm, where you can have a ride in a covered wagon or have a traditional game of boerengolf.
Pah to all that? Let the kids loose at Henschotermeer lake beach (10 minutes), Ouwehand or Dierenpark Amersfoort zoos (both 20 minutes), or for a nicely odd time playing glow in the dark golf at Glowgolf Houten, also 20 minutes away.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Vodatent at Vakantiepark De Bonte Vlucht? Local town Doorn was a Viking stronghold in the ninth century and there’s a fair bit of history to delve into around town and its surroundings. The main attraction is Huis Doorne, … Llegeix més
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Allotjament in situ Arribada: 15:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 10:00