South Devon Camping

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South Devon Camping
Lower Terawhiti Farm
South Milton
Zona horària
Europe/London GMT (GMT+00:00)
50,26797° N
-3,84656° O
Transport a prop
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Qualitat de l'aigua a les zones de bany que hi ha a prop
Nom | Distància | Tipus | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Thurlestone North | 1,2 km | Mar | N/A | Excel·lent | Bona | Excel·lent |
Thurlestone South | 1,2 km | Mar | N/A | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Bantham | 2,6 km | Estuari | N/A | Excel·lent | Bona | Bona |
Hope Cove | 2,9 km | Mar | N/A | Excel·lent | Bona | Bona |
Bigbury-On-Sea South | 3,8 km | Estuari | N/A | Excel·lent | Bona | Bona |
Font de les dades: Agència Europea del Medi Ambient
No us ho perdeu
Dartmoor Zoological Park 18,9 km
National Marine Aquarium 23 km
Buckfast Abbey 25,5 km
Paignton Zoo Environmental Park 25,7 km
Living Coasts 31,2 km
National Trust
Overbeck's 6,8 km
Wembury 17,6 km
Salcombe: Thurlestone to Torcross 20,9 km
Saltram 20,9 km
Greenway 22,5 km
Rutes ciclistes
Trobeu rutes locals de la Xarxa Nacional de Bicicletes: més de 19.000 kilòmetres de rutes ciclistes.
Ringmore Round 4,7 km
Ringmore - Kingston - Erme Estuary - Ayrmer Cove 4,7 km
Salcombe North Sands CP - Combe - Rew - Soar 6,3 km
Erme Estuary 8,8 km
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
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Només es mostren els comentaris dels últims 30 mesos.

Amazing views and lovely hosts.
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Beautiful site with the most amazing views. Close to the beach. We come every year and love it. The kids enjoy seeing the farm animals. The hosts are amazing, friendly and do everything to make your stay the best.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Simple camping, eco environment, close to nature, farm, sea and wildlife. Not…
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Simple camping, eco environment, close to nature, farm, sea and wildlife.
Not crowded, wonderful location - proper camping
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Great site close to an amazing beach and the Rick Box
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: The location and relaxed campsite vibe
No em va agradar: Can’t think of anything
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Beautiful location, stunning views, great pitch sizes and space to play, kick…
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Beautiful location, stunning views, great pitch sizes and space to play, kick a football or throw a frisbee. Easy access to the beach, a few minutes by car, and dog friendly.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Beautiful site
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Loved the whole 24 hours of a 6 day holiday but sadly cut short as the weather was shocking!! Stayed in the car with hubby and 2children second night as the storm collapsed our shelter and soaked our tent. Didn’t know rain came upwards and sideways hahah. Beautiful site though and can’t wait to come back and try it again. Depending on weather that is lol many thanks Nicola buckland xx stayed 31/7/23
No em va agradar: Weather
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: Hi Nicola ! Thank you for writing such a lovely review which means even more given that you had such a terrible time with the storm that came in. I'm so sorry that your holiday was cut short so soon into your stay. I'm so pleased though that you are determined to come back at some point and have a holiday with us when the sun is shining. I hope you've managed to dry out now. Hopefully the sun will come out in August and you can enjoy the rest of the summer. Best wishes Anita
Just really didn’t think it was worth £25 for the facilities
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: The view of sheep and chickens, space in between pitches so very private.
No em va agradar: Cost £25 a night, had to pay £1 for an outside shower, had to bring own loo roll to the toilets. There’s two sites and we were on the one without any hot water to wash pots (you had to lay 20p anyways) Compostable toilets claimed they were trying to be ‘environmental’ but you need special toilet paper for that, but we had to bring our own (owns is compostable but many peoples won’t be). There was no small bin in the toilets for sanitary products, only these little bags and people were just putting them in the ‘compostable’ part, obviously these will not compost. The chemical waste disposal was again just the same heap as where the other toilet waste went, which people with chemical toilets (ours isn’t) would put in there harming our planet. Not to mention the outdoor showers, even though they were hot, all the water went onto the ground, for people not using eco friendly body wash and shampoo etc this would all go straight into the ground which again is harmful to the planet.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: Hi Becky. Thank you for your reivew! Many of the points you raise are actually known to you at the point of booking. It is clearly stated on our advertising that we are a basic rustic temporary site and we do have to return to our agricultural roots at the end of the season.
You knew that our charges were £25 per night from the advert on and you also knew what facilities we have. At the point of booking, you received a lengthy email from ourselves which clearly states everything you need to know about South Devon Camping. We explain to you all about our facilities, our loos, how they work and we even explain to you why we have to charge for using the showers (which are 20p a minute, £1 gives you a 5 minute hot shower).
A charge is made for the use of the hot showers because it is deemed the fairest way of charging whereby you pay for what you use. The alternative is to increase the price of the pitch per night, but as not everyone wishes to shower, this keeps the price down per night for everyone. Our facilities do require maintenance, annual safety checks/certificates and of course the daily running costs, therefore a charge has to be made somewhere for this.
Everything is known to you before you arrive including that you need to bring your own loo rolls. There is no hot water in Garden Field. Our literature clearly states that. Unfortunately hot water requires electricity and there is no electric in Garden Field because we are a temporary site. You have the option to use the hot water in the main site (which is only 20p) although the majority of our guests are happy to use the cold water in Garden Field.
You do not need to bring "special toilet paper" for our long drop composting loos (no where do we stipulate that). Normal loo paper is suffice and composts down perfectly well. Sanitary products are to be placed in the sanitary bags provided and placed in the bins onsite along with your other waste. There are notices in the loos requesting that sanitary products are not placed down the loos and generally our guests do abide by this.
The chemical waste disposal was not "the same heap where the other toilet waste went". This is a separate disposal point and has no connection to the composting loos. You will be aware that chemicals cannot be placed down the composting loos otherwise this will kill all the bugs and worms that are busy composting down the organic matter.
On a positive, you said that our showers were hot which is good ! I'm also pleased that you liked our animals and the spacious pitches. Other positives are you do get the use of communal fridges and freezers on site and there is also free USB phone charging. We are also only a fifteen minute walk from beaches and eateries.
We have been welcoming campers to Terawhiti Farm for over sixty years and many return time after time.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and hopefully the sun will eventually shine for us all !
Beautiful, relaxed, eco camping close to the beach.
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Wi-Fi |
Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: What a beautiful relaxed campsite. We loved everything about our stay here, the large pitch size and spectacular view over the valley fields from the front of our tent, the short walk to Thurlestone beach and really helpful directions from Anita to the village following the footpath.
The eco friendly long drop loos were genuinely pretty all set in their own little shed with a sink, little vase of flowers and bunting and were cleaned regularly. There was also excellent recycling area for food scraps for the chickens, glass bin, cardboard area and plastic bin area, we had very little other waste. The communal fridge/freezers were helpful along with the shared usb charging area.
Our 8 year old loved the football goals in the middle of the pitch and our 2 year old loved the animal pen with chickens, ducks and sheep.
It was lovely that all the pitches lined the outside of the field and were not crammed in. We honestly had the best time here and would love to come back again.
Thank you so much.
No em va agradar: There was nothing we didn’t like.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: Thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely review. So glad you had a good time despite the weather and hopefully you will visit us again one day. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Best wishes Anita
Lovely site with clean facilities, friendly staff & great for children
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: We loved the location- 15 min walk (with children) down to the beach, short drive to other lovely beaches, and not far from Salcombe
Helpful owners- descriptive email with useful information the day before, help onsite when needed, regular cleaning of facilities
Lots of space- large pitches and huge field for children to run about, including goals for football which was a nice touch
Our children loved it even though we had quite a lot of rain! They especially loved visiting the chickens and sheep in the farm area next to the garden field.
No em va agradar: We disliked nothing about the campsite
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: Thank you for such a lovely review, it is much appreciated. Apologises about the awful weather. Hopefully you will return one day and be able to spend more time on the beach in the sunshine ! Best wishes Anita
So much info provided via email before our stay which came in…
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Wi-Fi |
Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya, càmper o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: So much info provided via email before our stay which came in really useful. Campsite Setting is beautiful and the beaches near by are perfect for paddle boarding 👌
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
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Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 13:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 12:00