Shirleywich Farm Holidays

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Shirleywich Farm Holidays
London Road
ST18 0PN
Zona horària
Europe/London GMT (GMT+00:00)
52,82896° N
-2,02316° O
Transport a prop
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
No us ho perdeu
Wedgwood Visitor Centre 17 km
Sudbury Hall 18,3 km
The Trentham Estate 19,3 km
Trentham Monkey Forest 19,6 km
Alton Towers Resort 19,8 km
National Trust
Shugborough Estate 4,2 km
Sudbury Hall and the National Trust Museum of Childhood 18,3 km
The Old Manor 21,4 km
Moseley Old Hall 22 km
Letocetum Roman Baths and Museum 22,2 km
Rutes ciclistes
Trobeu rutes locals de la Xarxa Nacional de Bicicletes: més de 19.000 kilòmetres de rutes ciclistes.
Battle of Hopton Heath, 1643 3 km
Seven Springs - Shugborough - Cannock Chase - Seven Springs 5,5 km
Esdeveniments locals
- Download Festival (divendres, 13 de juny del 2025 – divendres, 13 de juny del 2025)
Derby, Anglaterra 43,6 km
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
S'hi apliquen condicions: per obtenir més informació, aneu a "Mostra el tipus d'unitat"
Segons el 58 % de visitants Veure en detall
recomanaria aquest allotjament a un amic
s'hi tornaria a allotjar
Només es mostren els comentaris dels últims 30 mesos.

No staff on site, dirty amenities, wrong information given on pitch up
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: We stayed 26.05.24 The field looked nice, it is on a canal.
No em va agradar: We were a group of 4 motorhomes mostly adults with 1 youngster. There is NO fresh water on site. There is 1 portaloo for up to 24 units. It was never cleaned during our 3 night stay, needless to stay it was filthy. the bins where overflowing when we got there so by the time we left there was rubbish pilling up around them. Their amenities state the is a Elsan point, we couldn't find it so we phoned the number given on the web site. We were told then that there was NO Elsan point. They couldn't come to see us but would come over the next day, they did not! I phoned again, answer phone! Then by text we were told we could empty our toilets in the hedge. We told them the information on Pitchup was incorrect, they said that they will sort it, the wrong information is still there.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: Dear guests,
We do not offer water point.
It states no frills, no water
Chemical toilet portaloo not disposal point,
It states waterfront canal
And we offer as a good will storage boxes with free bottled water at no charge,
We message in advance all relevant information and did also offer send over the alternative contact number
We do offer bins:waste and state if full please take your rubbish with you,
The bins and post and rail area have plenty of signs to remind guests of this,
We provide free fire pits, cleaning supplies amongst other free to use items,
We were very disappointed to see that not only had the groups left overflowing rubbish not taking notice of the site rules, had broken the storage boxes provided and misinterpreted the chemical port aloo for a chemical disposal but now have to replace the damaged storage boxes, and had to pay for the rubbish removal
This has never happen before and most guests read the rules and understand that this is a very low cost and up to now highly rated repeatedly booked site, that has reviews for both value for money and cleanliness.
The euroloo hired in new facility was serviced by the euroloo company the Friday and personally cleaned and checked sat.
It Seems that in this case a group who attended did not respect the site and we have reported it to pitch up.
If we could show the photos
of the damage and total lack of consideration for the signs and stated rules it would clearly show that there has been a lack of respect and upfront understanding.
Not quite as described and no-one available to help
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: The setting was beautiful, within the cut grass pitches amongst the wild meadow fields
No em va agradar: The advertisement noted the facilities were low key with portable toilet supplies and a chemical disposal point - we couldn’t find the chemical disposal point and called the telephone number given but no one called back. Transpires, there isn’t a chemical disposal point. There isn’t a fresh water point either
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Del gerent: My apologies you thought that we supplied water and a chemical waste disposal
But if you check the site description it is no frills /
No water point
Bottled gifted as good will
No chemical disposal
Chemical toilet/ portaloo
Excellent value, clean and well kept.
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Amazing value which is hard to find nowadays. Toilet was immaculate, fire pits available for free and beautiful countryside views. Wagtails visited our area several times a day and watching the buzzards soaring through the sky was lovely. Meadow surroundings with lots of wildlife.
No em va agradar: Easy to miss the turning and traffic was busy throughout the night (obviously can't be helped though)
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Great site, lovely location
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: The cut pitches were great & we located a fabulous spot!The toilet was clean with toilet roll and cleaning facilities supplied. We loved the free fire pit & that firelighters were also provided. The walk to & along the Canal was fantastic with no traffic so our dog could walk safely. The Saracens Head pub garden was fantastic & dog friendly with fabulous cider & Alpacas across the way! We had a great stay thankyou!
No em va agradar: No dislike's just a few suggestions. Male & female toilet would be nice. A sign or "what 3 words" to locate you as we followed the info on the texted however as we pulled on to what looked like the site it was a drive way not far before you & the man said we were the 3rd that day! We couldn't tell which were campervan pitches & which were tent pitches just hope we stayed on the right one. Maybe suggestions could be made to how many to fit on each pitch as some had spread out so later arrivals could not fit on & one camper went & parked in the long grass.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Location and space on pitch. The field is beautifully maintained.…
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: Location and space on pitch. The field is beautifully maintained.
No em va agradar: NO WATER OR CHEMICAL DISPOSAL I see that in the description that water isn't mentioned and the gentleman maintaining the field advised us where to get water but the site info does say there is chemical disposal. There is a portaloo on site.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Cleanliness Quiet Spacious…
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Adequat per a nens | |
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Cleanliness
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Beautiful meadow with wildflowers. Flat pitches. Canalside walks, local pub. Clean portaloo…
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Adequat per a nens | |
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Beautiful meadow with wildflowers. Flat pitches. Canalside walks, local pub. Clean portaloo with plentiful supplies. Open fires allowed. Great location for local attractions.
No em va agradar: Hard to spot turning off the main road.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Great wild campsite - would visit again
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: The site was basic but very well maintained. The location next to the canal gave us two full days for exploring with good pubs on route!
We did not see the owner but the communication and information shared by text was great and just right for us.
No em va agradar: Nothing to fault
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Great site, great owners.
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Adequat per a nens | |
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: Beautiful and simple campsite that easy to get to and well maintained. The owners are very communicative and really helpful. We will certainly stay again.
No em va agradar: None
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Brilliant site
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Adequat per a nens | |
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Wi-Fi |
Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: Beautiful farm, would definitely stay again
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
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- Hi ha piscina a Shirleywich Farm Holidays? No Mostra totes les característiques
- S'admeten gossos a Shirleywich Farm Holidays ? Sí Mostra totes les característiques
- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Shirleywich Farm Holidays? Shuffle off to the National Trust-run Shugborough Estate (10 minutes' drive), a colonnaded stately home on the edge of Cannock Chase. The gardens here have fab 18th-century features to stroll in, while … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Shirleywich Farm Holidays?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 12:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 11:00