If you’re heading to the Thousand Islands region of Ontario, check out The Smart Ass, next to Lyndhurst Lake and a five-minute drive (or a 20-minute walk) from the pretty village of Lyndhurst. These seven acres of well-maintained land on the grounds of the Berry Homestead Farm are mightily peaceful, with spectacular views over the surrounding countryside. The Smart Ass is an off-grid site, giving its guests the chance to experience farming life on a sustainable property through a range of activities and workshops, from hiking to meditation – both with donkeys. Otherwise, just stroll to a peaceful spot by the lakefront to relax and take in the scenery. Unsurprisingly, given its close proximity to the lake, the site is popular with kayakers, not least because it has direct access to the Rideau Canal. In addition, there’s a public beach at Kendricks Park (five minutes). Hiking trails criss-cross the local area, and lively Gananoque, with concerts, events and theatres, is 25 minutes’ drive away. Facilities at the farm include a portable toilet (available between May and October). Fresh products – from seasonal jams and chutneys to donkey-milk soaps – are available to buy.

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Aktiviteter på platsen

Bar eller klubbhus Barnklubb Cykeluthyrning Fiske Fitnesscenter Inomhusbad Kvällsunderhållning Lekplats Restaurang/cafe på stället Spelrum Takeaway Tennis Tv-rum Utomhuspool Vattensport

Bekvämligheter på platsen

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Grupper är välkomna

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Lugn Naturparadis Sjö och/eller berg


Förnybar energi Gasflaskor tillgängliga Ingen dricksvattenstation Inget rinnande vatten Laddningsmöjligheter Laddstationer för elbilar Tömning av kemiskt avfall Återvinning tillgänglig

Bekvämligheter i närheten

Bar i närheten Butik i närheten Hundvänligt område i närheten Jordbruksmarknad i närheten


Bondgård Mini (1–10 platser)


Handikappanpassade anläggningar

Aktiviteter i närheten

Fiske i närheten Golf i närheten Hästridning i närheten Kanot/kajak i närheten Nöjespark i närheten Restaurang i närheten Segling i närheten Vattensport i närheten


The Smart Ass

936 Sheffield Lane







America/Toronto -0400 (GMT-04:00)


44,54316° N
−76,11558° W

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Lokala sevärdheter

On the banks of the St Lawrence River, Gananoque is the gateway to the Thousand Islands region, with a visitor centre and the 1000 Islands History Museum illustrating the history of the area, plus a number of cruises departing from here. There are also kayak launches in the marina, next to Joel Stone Heritage Park. Sitting on the romantically named Heart Island, on the US side of the St Lawrence River, is Boldt Castle & Boldt Yacht House (45 minutes), started in 1900. Although construction was never completed, the castle features splendid interiors such as the elegant ballroom and the cosy library. Also on the US side of the St Lawrence River, Clayton (55 minutes) is home to the Antique Boat Museum, with several hundred vessels on display, including La Duchesse, built for George Boldt (of Boldt Castle fame). The collection at the Thousand Islands Arts Center includes handwoven textiles through the centuries.


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  • Vad finns det för sevärdheter i närheten av The Smart Ass? On the banks of the St Lawrence River, Gananoque is the gateway to the Thousand Islands region, with a visitor centre and the 1000 Islands History Museum illustrating the history of the … Läs mera
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