Les Cabanes de Graville

Surrounded by nature

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What a splendid French setting this is: in the grounds of a 13th-century château once home to the noble Melun family, this site is set among a woodland inhabited by all sorts of wild critters, from pheasants, peacocks and owls to rabbits, wild boar and roe deer. This is a verily peaceful wildlife haven in Vernou-la-Celle-sur-Seine, 94 kilometres from the lights and sights of Paris and an easy 111 kilometres from the edge of Fontainebleau Forest, famed for its excellent bouldering opps. It’s safe to say that you’ll have an exceptionally relaxing time around here: to start proceedings off, there’s no need to lift a finger in the morning – breakfast is included and delivered direct to your door in a wicker hamper between 8:30am and 9am for feasts among the trees. If you fancy venturing out safe in the knowledge that luncheon is sorted, picnic baskets filled with seasonal local delicacies like stuffed cabbage, boar and foie gras are also available to order 48 hours before your arrival date, designed and cooked by the site's skilled resident chef, Blandine. As for leisure time on site (aside from eating), you can spend it at the estate’s horse riding centre, or if you’d rather hotfoot it around on your own two pins, there are heaps of woodland walks to be had and wildlife-filled nature trails to explore. For extra relaxation factor, all accommodation comes without without water and electricity: candles and lanterns are supplied, an oil stove is provided between 1 November and 31 March, and timber is available to keep the nights cosy with fires in the woodburning stove between 1 October to 30 April. As for amenities, bathrooms in the cabins consist of a dry toilet and a lovely old-fashioned washbasin and pitcher for hand/face washing and tooth brushing. Hot showers can be had over in the château.

Είδος χώρου κατασκήνωσης

Ξενώνες, ξύλινα οικήματα ή καλύβες 6




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Παροχές στον χώρο κατασκήνωσης

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Κεντρική ιδέα

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Πολύ μικρό (1-10 θέσεις)


Εγκαταστάσεις για ΑμεΑ

Δραστηριότητες αναψυχής στη γύρω περιοχή

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Les Cabanes de Graville

Château de Graville

Rue de la Vallée - Departementale 40






Ζώνη ώρας

Europe/Paris CET (GMT+01:00)



Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε: Όλες οι αποστάσεις σε αυτή τη σελίδα υπολογίζονται με βάση την πιο κοντινή διαδρομή. Ελέγξτε την πραγματική απόσταση ανάλογα με το μεταφορικό σας μέσο, χρησιμοποιώντας το παραπάνω κουμπί «Λήψη Οδηγιών».

Τοπικά αξιοθέατα

Handily, horse riding and woodland hikes are available right on site, and several outdoorsy and sightseeing options also lie within easy reach by car. Vernou-la-Celle-sur-Seine is an easy 11 kilometres from the edge of Fontainebleau Forest, famed for its stellar bouldering: 15 or so main boulder clusters lie throughout 900 square kilometres of lush forest, so it’s handy to have a car if you intend on making this activity the mainstay of your trip – and to know exactly where in the woods you’re heading to too. Rent yourself a bike over in the handsome medieval town and former stronghold of Moret-sur-Loing, seven kilometres from base, to take to two wheels for rides along the seine or through the neighbouring Fontainebleau forest. The streets of Moret’s historic centre are also a smashing place for a stroll: explore such spots as the Maison de François I and its Renaissance gallery, the barley sugar making museum and the keep and fortified gateways, all set among ancient half-timbered houses and narrow cobbled streets. For something more city-based, the famed sights of Paris are about 70 minutes’ drive away.


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