Rye Harbour Holiday Park

Indoor swimming pool

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Rather appropriately, there’s a very tasty vineyard not far from Rye Harbour Holiday Park. And, if your idea of a holiday is to sit back and relax in the style of our wise Gallic cousins, we think this one will be a tickety-boo choice. Rye Harbour formerly know as Frenchman’s Beach at Rye in East Sussex is a Park Holidays ‘Relax and Explore’ site, meaning you can do exactly that: it’s small, family-friendly and has opportunities aplenty for de-stressing and leg-stretching, as it’s based alongside Rye Harbour and on the edge of a nature reserve. On site, there’s a petite pool, adventure playground and kids’ clubs for les enfants terribles, and a sports field and amusement arcade for those very friendly family competitions; you can totter off to the family bar for some wifi, Sky TV and a very large cocktail afterwards… For feeding, there’s a diner with takeaway on site and a mini mart for foodie basics; you can also fill up at the neatly-named William the Conqueror pub and the Inkerman Arms at Rye Harbour, both within easy and relaxing reach.

Είδος χώρου κατασκήνωσης

Ενοικίαση τροχόσπιτου 61

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Rye Harbour Holiday Park

Rye Harbour


Ανατολικό Σάσεξ


TN31 7TX


Ζώνη ώρας

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Οδηγίες διαδρομής

Take the M20 (signposted Maidstone, Folkestone, Dover). Leave at junction 10, and take the 4th exit at the roundabout onto Bad Munstereifel Road (signposted Brenzett). At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit onto Bad Munstereifel Road - A2070. Branch left, and at the roundabout take the 2nd exit onto the A2070. Entering Brenzett, at the roundabout take the 2nd exit onto Straight Lane - A259. Continue forward onto the A259. Entering Brookland A259, at the roundabout take the 2nd exit onto the A259. Drive over the level crossing, and continue forward onto Guldeford Road - A259. Entering Rye, at the mini roundabout turn left onto Fishmarket Road - A259. At the mini roundabout, turn left onto Winchelsea Road - A259. Turn left onto Harbour Road (signposted Rye Harbour) then pass Tram Road and take the next right.

Πλησιέστερη συγκοινωνία

15,5 χλμ. Priory Meadow
15,5 χλμ. Priory Meadow
15,5 χλμ. Sainsbury's
3 χλμ. Rye Rail Station
4,2 χλμ. Winchelsea Rail Station
10,9 χλμ. Doleham Rail Station
30,8 χλμ. Folkestone Eurotunnel Terminal
43,8 χλμ. Dover Western Docks Ferry Terminal
45 χλμ. Dover Eastern Docks Ferry Terminal
12,3 χλμ. Lydd London Ashford Airport

Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε: Όλες οι αποστάσεις σε αυτή τη σελίδα υπολογίζονται με βάση την πιο κοντινή διαδρομή. Ελέγξτε την πραγματική απόσταση ανάλογα με το μεταφορικό σας μέσο, χρησιμοποιώντας το παραπάνω κουμπί «Λήψη Οδηγιών».

Τοπικά αξιοθέατα

This be smuggler country: Rye was once known as the haunt of the shady Hawkhurst Gang, which used the town’s twelfth century Mermaid Inn in its nefarious dealings, scuttling between it and the nearby Bell Inn by means of a clever underground tunnel. The subterranean social network is no longer useable, but bootlegger adventures can still be had most of the year round by exploring A Smugglers Adventure at St Clements Caves in nearby Hastings. More virtuously, this be also shipbuilding and fishing country, with Rye once described by the unfortunate King Charles I as ‘the cheapest sea-towne for the provision of fish for our house’. Nowadays, fish aficionados have several options to sample the seafood wares of East Sussex, from the restaurants and pubs of Rye to the several fisheries round and about including carp fishing, deep-sea fishing and 24-hour fishing at Wylands Angling Centre in nearby Battle. Other options around Rye Harbour include birdwatching and nature spotting: Rye Harbour is part of a Site of Special Scientific Interest and there are nature reserves at Pannel Valley via Winchelsea as well as an RSPB reserve at Dungeness, with an observatory in the old lighthouse. For more ferocious-looking beasties, Drusillas Zoo and the Port Lympe Wild Animal Safari Park are easily reached from here, or you can let the kids go properly wild in the treetops at Go Ape! But this be battle country too: a ticket to St Clements Caves can be combined with admission to Hastings Castle and the 1066 Story (and the Blue Reef Aquarium) to hear the tale of poor King Harold and the takeover of the Normans. There’s also the 1066 Battle Abbey and Battlefield to holler at, while Hastings itself has the biggest fishing fleet in Europe, guided walks in the town and all flavours of watersports. Then double back to Battle for the history attraction Yesterday’s World, with its thousands of artefacts over five floors. For strolls and sand, there are several clean and safe beaches in the area: Rye Harbour and Winchelsea are the closest, but just along the coast the beaches of Camber Sands and Bexhill are well-known watersports spots and there’s also easy access to Eastbourne and then Brighton to the west. Golfers will be in tee-off heaven in this part of the land, with two championship courses in the area as well as a golf academy, golf school and – ahem – adventure and crazy golf at Hastings. But back to that vineyard…pick up some wine at Carr Taylor in Hastings before going on a vine crawl of the East Sussex vineyards; there are several in the county, including the beautifully named Breaky Bottom near Lewes.

Ποιότητα υδάτων σε κοντινά ύδατα κολύμβησης

Όνομα Απόσταση Είδος 2020201920182017
Camber 2,4 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΆρισταΆρισταΚαλά
Winchelsea 4,4 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΆρισταΆρισταΆριστα
Littlestone 15,1 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΚαλάΚαλάΚαλά
Hastings Pelham Beach 15,4 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΔ/ΥΔ/ΥΚαλά
St Mary'S Bay (Kent) 17,5 χλμ. Θάλασσα ΚαλάΔ/ΥΚαλάΚαλά

Πηγή δεδομένων: Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος

Πρέπει να δείτε

Camber Sands 2,1 χλμ.

Great Dixter House and Gardens 13,9 χλμ.

A Smugglers Adventure at St Clements Caves 14,8 χλμ.

Hastings Castle and 1066 Story 15,2 χλμ.

Kent & East Sussex Railway 15,9 χλμ.

National Trust

Lamb House 2,7 χλμ.

Smallhythe Place 12,4 χλμ.

Bodiam Castle 17,1 χλμ.

Sissinghurst Castle Garden 23,3 χλμ.

Bateman's 27,6 χλμ.

Ποδηλατικές διαδρομές

Βρείτε τοπικές διαδρομές στο Εθνικό Δίκτυο Ποδηλασίας - πάνω από 19.000 χιλιόμετρα ποδηλατικών διαδρομών.


Rye Harbour - Winchelsea 0,2 χλμ.

Rye - Iden - Rye Foreign - Rye 2,7 χλμ.

Winchelsea - Pett Level - Winchelsea 4,1 χλμ.

Anne 6,7 χλμ.

Lydd - Lydd-on-Sea - Greatstone - New Romney - Lydd 10,3 χλμ.

Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε: Όλες οι αποστάσεις σε αυτή τη σελίδα υπολογίζονται με βάση την πιο κοντινή διαδρομή. Ελέγξτε την πραγματική απόσταση ανάλογα με το μεταφορικό σας μέσο, χρησιμοποιώντας το παραπάνω κουμπί «Λήψη Οδηγιών».


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