Swattesfield Camp

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The main field over looking the facilities block and camping kitchen
Our camping kitchen is available for all. we have stoves and cooking equipment available for free.
Glade area - tent pitches & pre-pitched empty bell tents, pond view & backing onto the woodland area
Toilet & shower block facilities - including usb ports, hairdryer & hand dryer

Swattesfield Campsite is a seven acre site with plenty of space yet an intimate feel, as there are only around 20 unmarked tent and camper van pitches allowed at any one time this is a campsite that allows the freedom to camp where you'd like; in the woods, in the glade, by the hedgerows or by the pond. We do get very busy during the school holiday periods and the site is often at full capacity. If you are looking for a more peaceful stay we would highly recommend visiting during the off peak season or mid week. We only list two tent pitches on PitchUp.com, all other camping options can be booked via our website. As well as the tent and camper van pitches we also offer Boutique Bell-Tents with all the creature comforts you'd need to have a thoroughly enjoyable stay. At five metres across these are big enough for four or five and have a full-size comfy double bed as well as two or three fold out child beds. Each bell tent has coir matting throughout with torch lanterns, a gas hob, all your cooking equipment, your very own picnic table and a fire pit. Another option is our two fun and unique Pixie Huts; these octagonal wonders have four peak-a-boo windows, a comfy full-sized double bed and two foam fold out smaller beds for any little imps. With their own decking area and dining table over-looking the south facing skies of Suffolk you'll soak up the best of the sunny days. The huts have their own picnic tables, fire pits and all your cooking facilities including a Pizza Oven for all campers to use. Inside you will find a wardrobe for storage and bedside cabinets along with some lovely and fun finishing touches such as our newly installed log burners with fire guard. These really are the new way to camp; cosy, cutsey and a great place to wind down and relax. Our latest edition is the converted Suffolk Hay Cart fit for two adults and two children (2 double beds - one above the other). It is another exclusive for Swattesfield and has been converted by Phil, the site owner, and a joiner for over 30 years. Inside you will find shelf storage, a table and two chairs, a toasty multi fuel burner and some pretty finishing touches. You can spread out down the steps into your own awning area located next to the cart complete with all your cooking equipment in the outside kitchen along with a fire pit, bench and a free bag of logs and kindling. Open fires are allowed in our fire pits and use of our handmade Pizza Oven is free for all to use. Our toilet facilities are clean and there is plenty of hot water for the two showers and the large outside double sink for pot washing. We also have a small but well stocked camping supplies shop onsite - stocked with a range of camping essentials from pegs to sleeping bags and even some cool camping gadgets likes our Kelly Kettles so don't panic if you forgot to pack the tent, we had it here all along!! You can also visit the local Gislingham village store open everyday for milk, eggs etc - it is barely a 5 minute drive away. The site benefits from direct access to Thornham Walks and it's 12 miles of marked paths (ask us for the map). We are also within 25 minutes walking distance to The Four Horse Shoes pub (found in the doomsday book), the Forge Cafe (with play area) and the Thornham Coach House Restaurant (with fancy cream teas). Swattesfield is in it's seventh year and has settled into a delightful countryside campsite in North Suffolk making it the ideal spot to stay and explore the Waveney valley and the local market towns of Eye and Diss (both 10 minutes by car). Diss is also home to the newly refurbished Corn Hall with events on throughout the year, the Friday market, beautiful park and Mere and the popular auction house T.W.Gaze (the auction is on Friday morning with viewings on Thursdays). The poet John Betjeman said of Diss: 'Yes, it will be bliss to go with you by train to Diss' And he was right with direct mainline trains direct from London Liverpool Street to Diss station which is 6 miles from Swattesfield Campsite. All this with an easy train ride from London Liverpool Street and only an hours drive from Cambridge, 30 minutes from Norwich and 55 minutes from Southwold, Walberswick and Aldeburgh, Swattesfield Campsite is an ideal place to have the perfect break. We hope to see you soon! Swattesfield Campsite, Suffolk.

Είδος χώρου κατασκήνωσης

Θέσεις για σκηνή 15
Ξενώνες, ξύλινα οικήματα ή καλύβες 8
Θέσεις για αυτοκινούμενο τροχόσπιτο 5
Ενοικίαση σκηνής 4
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Παροχές στον χώρο κατασκήνωσης

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Camping 2.0

Πολύ μεγάλες θέσεις για σκηνές

Κεντρική ιδέα

Ήσυχο Απομονωμένη τοποθεσία Αφήστε το αυτοκίνητο στο σπίτι Δάσος Κατασκήνωση στη φύση Μαγευτικό περιβάλλον Οικονομικό/για τουρίστες με σακίδια Παράδεισος για περιπατητές Φυσικός παράδεισος


Ανανεώσιμη πηγή ενέργειας Διατίθενται φιάλες υγραερίου Διατίθεται ανακύκλωση Παροχές φόρτισης Σημεία φόρτισης ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων Χημική τουαλέτα

Παροχές στη γύρω περιοχή

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Μικρό (11-25 θέσεις)


Εγκαταστάσεις για ΑμεΑ

Δραστηριότητες αναψυχής στη γύρω περιοχή

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Swattesfield Camp

Gislingham Road

Thornham Magna




IP23 8HH


Ζώνη ώρας

Europe/London +0000 (GMT+00:00)



Οδηγίες διαδρομής

Where are we: Swattesfield Camp is located off the A140 and only eight miles from the market town of Diss and its mainline Station. Trains depart regularly from London Liverpool Street, a 1½ hour train ride. We can arrange for you to be collected using a local taxi. GPS: 52°18'17.15"N, 1° 3'36.37"E Further afield you can visit Banham Zoo, Africa Alive, Go-Ape High Wire, Bewilderwood, Southwold and the coast, Sutton Hoo, Museum of East Anglia. The cities of Norwich, Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds and the historic market towns of Diss and Eye!

Πλησιέστερη συγκοινωνία

8,4 χλμ. Bus Station
12,5 χλμ. Jacobs Close
12,6 χλμ. Jacobs Close
8,9 χλμ. Diss Rail Station
12,5 χλμ. Elmswell Rail Station
13,4 χλμ. Stowmarket Rail Station
41,3 χλμ. Shotley Point Marina Ferry Landing
41,3 χλμ. Shotley Point Marina Ferry Landing
41,5 χλμ. Walberswick Ferry Landing
43,3 χλμ. Norwich International Airport

Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε: Όλες οι αποστάσεις σε αυτή τη σελίδα υπολογίζονται με βάση την πιο κοντινή διαδρομή. Ελέγξτε την πραγματική απόσταση ανάλογα με το μεταφορικό σας μέσο, χρησιμοποιώντας το παραπάνω κουμπί «Λήψη Οδηγιών».

Τοπικά αξιοθέατα

We offer a unique site that directly accesses Thornham Walks within Thornham Estate, which is an ancient parkland, woodland and farm, and provides 12 miles of waymarked footpaths. Also to be found is the Victorian Walled Garden. Accessible from the walks is the Forge Tearooms, open daily to offer home cooked specials, cakes and other delicious treats, while youre here the kids could burn some energy on the new play area. Later you might want to try the Thornham Coach House - a licensed restaurant serving afternoon teas, evening meals and Sunday roasts. For something more traditional take in the beams and character of the 11th Century pub, The Four Horseshoes which serves meals all day as well as real ales. Fishing lakes are nearby. Reach the coast including Southwold, Walberswick and Aldeburgh - around 50 min drive or grab some shopping at the historical city of Norwich or the nearby market town of Diss and Bury St Edmunds.

Ποιότητα υδάτων σε κοντινά ύδατα κολύμβησης

Όνομα Απόσταση Είδος 2020201920182017
Southwold The Denes 42,1 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΔ/ΥΔ/ΥΔ/Υ
Southwold The Pier 42,7 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΚαλάΚαλάΆριστα
Felixstowe North 43,2 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΆρισταΆρισταΆριστα
Felixstowe South 43,4 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΆρισταΆρισταΆριστα
Dovercourt 44,2 χλμ. Θάλασσα Δ/ΥΆρισταΆρισταΆριστα

Πηγή δεδομένων: Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος

Πρέπει να δείτε

Bressingham Steam and Gardens 8,9 χλμ.

Banham Zoo 15,9 χλμ.

Framlingham Castle 21,5 χλμ.

Christchurch Mansion 28,1 χλμ.

Ickworth House, Park and Gardens 28,9 χλμ.

National Trust

Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds 24,5 χλμ.

Lavenham Guildhall 28,2 χλμ.

Ickworth House, Park and Gardens 29 χλμ.

Sutton Hoo 30,2 χλμ.

Melford Hall 33,8 χλμ.

Ποδηλατικές διαδρομές

Βρείτε τοπικές διαδρομές στο Εθνικό Δίκτυο Ποδηλασίας - πάνω από 19.000 χιλιόμετρα ποδηλατικών διαδρομών.


Little Green - Botesdale 3,3 χλμ.

Eye 6,7 χλμ.

Occold 8 χλμ.

Lopham Fen 9,1 χλμ.

Hepworth 10,4 χλμ.

Παρακαλούμε, σημειώστε: Όλες οι αποστάσεις σε αυτή τη σελίδα υπολογίζονται με βάση την πιο κοντινή διαδρομή. Ελέγξτε την πραγματική απόσταση ανάλογα με το μεταφορικό σας μέσο, χρησιμοποιώντας το παραπάνω κουμπί «Λήψη Οδηγιών».


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Πλησιέστεροι χώροι

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