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Pitch and pint: now partnered with The Good Pub Guide

prosinec 7, 2009
od Lucy | news | seasonal

When using a guide to plan an event, be it a camping trip or a night out, people usually rely on one of two types of review. There is the expert review, where an expert gives an educated opinion after going to a particular place and critiquing it. And then there is the customer review, where people who have had an either unholy amount of trouble or an unholy amount of fun just can't keep whatever burning emotion or opinion they have to themselves.Good Pub Guide logo

Both of these types of reviews have their advantages and disadvantages. You might not agree with the expert’s opinion, but a survey of many people's opinions will give you a much more rounded picture. One particular customer might want to rant about one awful moment, whereas an expert usually tries to point out things his or her audience will be interested in, like ambience, quality of products on offer and availability of amenities.

There are guides that allow you to read both kinds of reviews. But they don’t go to the extra mile to provide more information, such as the best pub near your favourite camp site.

However, and The Good Pub Guide have joined forces to do just that. Take a look around with Pitchup’s search tool, and you will see a selection of the top pubs in the area, as selected by The Good Pub Guide. If you’re the type who likes a well-seasoned opinion, the Good Pub Guide Recommended pubs have been visited by at least one of the GPG’s editorial team. If, however, you’d rather rely on the wisdom of crowds, the Lucky Dip pubs have been rated highly by a range of GPG readers.

So no matter which type of review you prefer, you can find the best camp site alongside the best pubs for your ideal trip.
