Terry Bison Ranch Resort

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Yee-haw! If Western-themed Wyoming hols are your USA holiday thang, we suggest you lasso your cowboys and cowgirls and gallop along smartish to the state's Bison Ranch Resort.
You could lay your hat here for weeks with the range of Western-themed activities on offer at this big and family-friendly park, from horseback riding into the prairie to pony rides for younger cowboys/girls, to the entertainment, heaps of good food, all-terrain vehicle tours and info on the history and culture of Wyoming.
And – very much a billy bonus – guests can take train tours on the dinky little locomotives into the middle of the site's bison herd: pretence of cowboy living very much encouraged during same.
For Junior, there's the Kid Corral with Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, horseshoe pits and aeroplane ride – somehow we don't think they'll give a hoot about the authenticity or not of this last in the days of cowboy.
Kids can also try their luck fishing on site, and the Terry Bison team will take, clean, gut and cook their catch for them for a small extra charge.
Catches and other food are dished up at the Tombstone Café for breakfast and the Senator's Steakhouse for lunch and a most hearty cowboy dinner. Need something more exciting? Catch the Sunday lunch train for a meal on the move or sashay along to a special event like the dinner, dance and auction of Dance in the Buff.
The ranch also has a gift shop, selling souvenirs and packs of buffalo meat.
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Terry Bison Ranch Resort
51 I-25 Service Rd E
Estats Units
Zona horària
America/Denver -0700 (GMT-07:00)
41,00417° N
-104,90123° O
We are located at Exit 2 of Wyoming.
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Llocs d'interès
Twenty minutes by car (not horseback, alas) is the old city and Wyoming state capital of Cheyenne, where sights to see include the Old West Museum, the 50+ buildings of the National Register of Historical Places including the Union Pacific train depot, and the 37-mile greenway connecting the city's parks and neighbourhoods; take a walking tour to see more.
About an hour away, the Wyoming Territorial Prison Historic Site, also on the National Register of Historic Places, dates back to 1872 and these days comes with a prison museum, a frontier town with living history characters, and special events throughout the year.
The million or so acres of the Medicine Bow National Forest lie to Laramie County's northwest extending over Wyoming and Colorado. Among the many outdoor options here are rock climbing at Vedauwoo, wildlife watching, and hiking around Snowy Range and other forest mountains,
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Terry Bison Ranch Resort? Twenty minutes by car (not horseback, alas) is the old city and Wyoming state capital of Cheyenne, where sights to see include the Old West Museum, the 50+ buildings of the National … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Terry Bison Ranch Resort?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 14:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 12:00 Allotjament in situ Arribada: 14:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 12:00 Check-in is 2:00 pm, check-out is at noon.
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