Burro Mountain Homestead

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Here’s a spot steeped in history: Burro Mountain Homestead has hosted English lords and presidents of the USA while the surrounding New Mexico terrain tells the story of the West, from prehistoric tribes to the wagon trains and the mines.
While it’s over a century old, this park about half an hour’s drive from Silver City is clean, comfortable and modern: there’s a massive covered corral which can seat up to 200 people for cookouts, film nights and general get togethers. Inside the old lodge, you can learn about the history of the homestead and its illustrious visitors in the museum, take a yoga class or work out in the gym, and borrow books and DVDs from the lending library. The park also has a sizeable separate laundry building, so you can stay looking your best even on long trips.
Alfresco feasting is a must in this fine landscape and a breeze thanks to the barbecue pits and firepits: you could have yourselves a traditional game of horseshoe-tossing while you wait for the hog to roast...
For an exhilarating tour of the homestead and through the Burro Mountain sections of the Gila National Forest, hire an ATV and set off on the miles of trails starting right from the grounds.
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Burro Mountain Homestead
665 Tyrone Road
Silver City
Nou Mèxic
Estats Units
Zona horària
America/Denver -0700 (GMT-07:00)
32,62526° N
-108,43248° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Half an hour’s drive away, Silver City isthe go-to spot for supplies, shops, supermarkets, eateries and bars. It's also home to a fine museum, saloon and still-thriving opera house, and the downtown district is buzzing with galleries, studios and cultural happenings. Head to the Western New Mexico University Museum for info on the prehistoric past of the surrounding area and the cultures that rose and fell long before the settlers arrived.
Silver City is one corner of the triangular Trail of Mountain Spirits Scenic Byway, a 93-mile route for cars and cyclists crossing six climactic zones through a massive slice of New Mexico’s history, from the Native Americans to the miners and outlaws.
The furthest point of the Scenic Byway is the Gila Cliff Dwellings, well worth the two-hour drive to see the complex village built and eventually abandoned by the Mogollon people in the 13th century... workshops, living rooms, graffiti and all. Trails around the surrounding Gila National Forest make for a tiptop day in the wilderness.
Closer to home, hikers can hook up with the massive Continental Divide Trail (Canada to Mexico) at the Burro Peak trailhead an hour away; if you haven’t got time to trek to Canada there’s a good eight-mile section here, with views across to the Chihuahua desert in Mexico and the Big Hatchet Mountains.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Burro Mountain Homestead? Half an hour’s drive away, Silver City isthe go-to spot for supplies, shops, supermarkets, eateries and bars. It's also home to a fine museum, saloon and still-thriving opera house, and the downtown … Llegeix més
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