Benton RV Park and Campground

Entrance to the park

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Afegiu les dades de la vostra empresa

  • A quatre blocs del riu Missouri, al municipi de Fort Benton
  • A prop d'atraccions històriques i activitats al riu
  • Wifi gratuït, llançament de ferradura, zones de barbacoes i pícnic
If you're holidaying anywhere in North America, at any time, it's an absolute must to spend some (significant) time around the mighty Missouri River. It's the longest in the entire continent, flowing for over 2,300 miles from the Rocky Mountains to St Louis in Missouri where it joins the Mississippi: it's an absolute must to spend some significant time at that latter river too. Missouri River ramblings are easily sorted from small, comfy and friendly Benton RV Park and Campground in Montana's Chouteau County, a mere five blocks from the river and days of fishing, canoeing and placid riverside ambles. This part of Montana is famed too for Fort Benton, a National Historic Landmark because of its vital role as head of navigation on the Missouri River... also a significant must-see... A number of themed trails, such as the Old Forts Trail, lead from the town, and the several nature areas nearby have spectacular scenic walks including riverside trails and routes through state parks. Further afield, the Great Falls and another National Historic Landmark, the Great Falls Portage, are within 50 minutes' drive, the Highwood Mountains and Highwood Baldy are an hour north, and the Canadian border is two hours and 15 minutes from the park. And you'll need a rest in among all that. Meander back to base for alfresco suppers at the barbecue areas and picnic tables, before testing your skills on the horsehoes pit or lazing around to use the free wifi.

Tipus d'allotjament

Parcel·les per a tendes de campanya 15
Parcel·les per a caravanes 28
Parcel·les per a autocaravanes 28
Lloguer de tendes de campanya 1
Obert tot l'any
Obre el

Idiomes parlats


Càmpings a prop que es poden reservar a

Malauradament no hi ha càmpings amb unitats disponibles per reservar a prop.


Activitats d'oci al càmping

Bar o club Club/animació infantil Entreteniment nocturn Esports aquàtics Gimnàs Lloguer de bicicletes Menjar per emportar Parc infantil Pesca Piscina coberta Piscina exterior Restaurant/cafeteria in situ Sala de TV Sala de jocs Tennis

Serveis i instal·lacions al càmping

Aparcament a la parcel·la/unitat Banyeres disponibles Banys per a famílies amb nadons Blocs sanitaris Botiga d'alimentació Bugaderia Cambra d'assecatge Congelador per a bosses tèrmiques de gel Connexió a internet Dutxes disponibles Fregador Lavabo ecològic Lavabo mòbil Lavabos compartits a pubs Productes locals Recollida d'estacions de transport públic Telèfon públic Wifi Wifi gratuït Àrea per a gossos

Reserves de grups

Apte per a famílies Apte per a motociclistes Grups d'estudiants Grups unisex

Condicions especials

Barbacoa proporcionada Barbacoes permeses Fogueres permeses Gossos permesos Gossos permesos tot l'any Vehicles comercials lleugers permesos

Càmping 2.0

Parcel·les extragrans


Econòmic/turista de motxilla Paisatges espectaculars


Bombones de gas disponibles Eliminació de residus químics Energia renovable Punts de recàrrega per a cotxes elèctrics Punts per carregar aparells Reciclatge disponible

Serveis a prop

Bar a prop Botiga d'alimentació a prop Àrea per passejar gossos a prop


Petit (11-25 parcel·les)


Instal·lacions per a minusvàlids

Activitats d'oci a prop

Alpinisme a prop Ciclisme a prop Ciclisme de muntanya a prop Golf a prop Lloguer de piragües/caiacs a prop Pesca a prop Piscina exterior a prop Restaurant a prop

Caravanes i autocaravanes

Desguàs per a caravanes


Benton RV Park and Campground

2410 Choteau Street

Fort Benton


Estats Units


Com arribar

Zona horària

America/Denver -0700 (GMT-07:00)


47,82838° N
-110,66267° O

Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.

Llocs d'interès

Fort Benton once was one of the biggest inland ports in the USA, where fortune hunters flocked to where gold was found and where steamboats chugged regularly along the Missouri River. Stroll along the historic steamboat levee and the first bridge to span the river, before a day or two around Fort Benton's museums or a restful hour by the waterside to look out for a bald eagle soaring overhead. Canine fans should (or possibly shouldn't; you might howl) go and see the statue of faithful hound Shep, who waited at the depot for his deceased master for five and a half years before being killed by an incoming train. Sniff. The town is on the Lewis & Clark National Historic trail (all 3,700 miles of it) and the 1,170-mile Nez Perce National Historic Trail following the attempt of the Nez Perce indigenous tribe to get to Canada; follow either from Fort Benton for hikes of a couple of hours or more. Fort Benton is also an access point for the stunning Upper Missouri River Break National Monument, running alongside 149 miles of the Missouri River to include six wilderness areas: this is very much another must-see.


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  • S'admeten gossos a Benton RV Park and Campground ? Mostra totes les característiques
  • Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Benton RV Park and Campground? Fort Benton once was one of the biggest inland ports in the USA, where fortune hunters flocked to where gold was found and where steamboats chugged regularly along the Missouri River. Stroll … Llegeix més
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