Suwannee River Hideaway Campground

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- A menys d'1,6 quilòmetres del riu Suwannee
- A tan sols 20 minuts del golf de Mèxic
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'Way down upon the Swanee River … that’s where my heart is turning, ever.' So goes the Floridian state song, and it’s one you’ll take to heart after your stay at the 116-acre Suwannee River Hideaway Campground, just four miles from Old Town in north Florida.
Suwannee River Hideaway Campground is within a mile of the Suwannee, the powerful river that flows from South Georgia through the state of Florida (and immortalised by crooner Stephen Foster in his 1851 song Old Folks at Home). Given its closeness to the river that gave it its name, the park is a top spot for fishing, hiking, birdwatching and boating; a 1,500-foot boardwalk brings guests from the grounds to the river through an area of wetland, and wildlife watchers can keep a sharp lookout for some of the local gators here, or cast their eyes to the sky for a glimpse of great blue herons, cormorants or flocks of white ibises.
If you’d prefer to relax at the park, there’s an outdoor pool for guests’ use, and a clubhouse with a full kitchen and fireplace. A well-maintained bathhouse with hot showers and laundry facilities is also to hand.
A 1920s general store on the grounds sells beef from the owners’ farm in O’Brien, 40 miles north of the site.
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Suwannee River Hideaway Campground
1218 Southeast Highway 346
Old Town
Estats Units
Zona horària
America/New_York -0500 (GMT-05:00)
29,56149° N
-82,96804° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
The Suwannee River isn’t the only well-known body of water near Suwannee River Hideaway Campground, with Fanning, Otter, Hart and Manatee freshwater springs all within 30 minutes’ drive. The Gulf of Mexico, a 20-minute drive away, is home to a number of nature reserves and historic sites.
The Lower Suwannee Wildlife Refuge, 20 minutes from the Hideaway Campground, is a haven for local wildlife. In addition to the birds that bring the river area to life, the refuge has a population of 40,000 Brazilian free-tailed bats (just the thing to keep down Florida’s unofficial state animal: the mosquito).
At Cedar Key Museum State Park, 55 minutes from Suwannee River Hideaway Campground, learn about the city of Cedar Key, a busy port and railway connection during the 19th century. The house of the museum’s founder still stands on the site and has been restored to its 1920s glory.
For a bit of adventure closer to the Hideaway Campground, check out Bob’s River Place, a waterpark where you can go full Tarzan on the rope swings, let out your inner child on the waterslides, or vie for King of the Dock on floating rafts.
The Suwannee River Hideaway Campground is also 45 minutes from Gainesville and the University of Florida.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Suwannee River Hideaway Campground? The Suwannee River isn’t the only well-known body of water near Suwannee River Hideaway Campground, with Fanning, Otter, Hart and Manatee freshwater springs all within 30 minutes’ drive. The Gulf of Mexico, … Llegeix més
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Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 12:30 – 18:00 Sortida abans de les: 12:00