Shadow Lake RV Park & Campground

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This peaceful park has fine surrounds for those who want a break based around the outdoors… hiking, walking, hunting, boating, canoeing and trout fishing are among the many activities around here, at the local lake and the nearby national forest.
Set in scenic and rural Monroe County, Shadow Lake RV Park & Campground is close to the wildlife, fishing, canoeing and boating haven of Monroe Lake, within 10 miles of the hiking and hunting of Wayne National Forest in the foothills of the spectacular Appalachian Mountains. Golf, tennis and swimming pools are available throughout the county within short driving distance.
Among the park facilities are a seasonal pool, a basketball court, miniature golf and a recreational room with board games. Amenities include bathrooms with free hot showers; a launderette, and a washing-up area.
There's a small shop at which to stock up on essentials; barbecues and campfires are both allowed.
Tipus d'allotjament
Idiomes parlats
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Gossos permesos
Fogueres permeses
Activitats d'oci al càmping
Bar o club Club/animació infantil Entreteniment nocturn Esports aquàtics Gimnàs Lloguer de bicicletes Menjar per emportar Parc infantil Pesca Piscina coberta Piscina exterior Restaurant/cafeteria in situ Sala de TV Sala de jocs TennisServeis i instal·lacions al càmping
Aparcament a la parcel·la/unitat Banyeres disponibles Banys per a famílies amb nadons Blocs sanitaris Botiga d'alimentació Bugaderia Cambra d'assecatge Congelador per a bosses tèrmiques de gel Connexió a internet Dutxes disponibles Fregador Lavabo ecològic Lavabo mòbil Lavabos compartits a pubs Recollida d'estacions de transport públic Telèfon públic Wifi Wifi gratuït Àrea per a gossosReserves de grups
Apte per a famílies Apte per a motociclistes Grups d'estudiants Grups unisexCondicions especials
Barbacoa proporcionada Barbacoes permeses Fogueres permeses Gossos permesos Gossos permesos tot l'any Vehicles comercials lleugers permesosTemàtica
Bosc Paisatges espectaculars Tranquil Ubicació remotaServeis
Bombones de gas disponibles Eliminació de residus químics Energia renovable Punts de recàrrega per a cotxes elèctrics Punts per carregar aparells Reciclatge disponibleServeis a prop
Bar a prop Botiga d'alimentació a prop Mercat agrícola a prop Àrea per passejar gossos a propTipus
Gran (51-200 parcel·les)Accessibilitat
Instal·lacions per a minusvàlidsActivitats d'oci a prop
Golf a prop Lloguer de piragües/caiacs a prop Pesca a prop Tennis a propCaravanes i autocaravanes
Desguàs per a caravanes Presa d'aigua per a caravanesUbicació
Shadow Lake RV Park & Campground
34847 Miltonsburg Calais Road
Estats Units
Zona horària
America/New_York -0500 (GMT-05:00)
39,83767° N
-81,18798° O
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Llocs d'interès
Take your pick from land or water and get out into the park surrounds for active days in Munroe County and Ohio countryside. The Monroe Lake Wildlife Area is a top spot for trout fishing as well as canoeing, hiking and nature spotting; more of the same as well as first-rate photo opportunities are among the lakes, rocks and woodland of Wayne National Forest.
Another top local spot for hiking is at Raven Rocks at Beallsville, made up of rock formations that were probably used for ceremonial purposes by the area's Native Americans. Stafford Park is popular for walks, bike rides and picnics.
For local heritage, have days at the Matchstick Jack Memorial Museum, the Parry Museum and the Monroe County Courthouse, a structure in Greek architecture with a stained glass dome, clock and bell tower.
You could also take a trip to the Foreaker Covered Bridge, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the Hannibal Locks and Dam, a modern navigational dam on the Ohio River, with picnic shelters and information displays.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Shadow Lake RV Park & Campground? Take your pick from land or water and get out into the park surrounds for active days in Munroe County and Ohio countryside. The Monroe Lake Wildlife Area is a top spot … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Shadow Lake RV Park & Campground?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 12:00 – 22:00 Sortida abans de les: 12:00 Allotjament in situ Arribada: 15:00 – 22:00 Sortida abans de les: 12:00