Bateleur Nature Reserve

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És gratuït, ràpid i fàcil!
- Complex turístic a una gran reserva natural a mitja hora de Modimolle
- Observa girafes, zebres, nyus i altres animals salvatges al parc
- Senderisme, rutes a cavall i piscina in situ
Note the word nature in any site’s name and you’d be tempted to assume that’s a nod to peaceful surrounds, perhaps with a bit of wildlife thrown into the mix...?
Taking that as a starting point and running with it is Bateleur Private Nature Reserve, a rural park around an hour and a half’s drive north of Pretoria. The reserve is part of the UNESCO-listed Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, where there are several trails for hikers, from half-day trails to a two-day backpacking trail.
Comfy cottages here are in the midst of a fab and huge nature reserve: wild plains, hills and rockpools make up the scenic backdrop, and permanent park residents include giraffes, wildebeest, bush pigs, antelopes and zebra. Bring your boots along, for the folks on site advise that all this is best explored on foot, although you might also opt for a day of touring by bike.
A shiny facilities-filled resort this is not – the park prides itself on a low-key setup that favours unspoiled views, wildlife spotting and spectacular sunsets over manmade attractions (no atmosphere-quashing noisy game drives to be used here either, thanks). The owners have, however, noted that it can get a touch warm around here at times, so they’ve built an outdoor pool (although you’re also welcome to swim in the rockpools or at the dam).
Outdoor life is king here, so come prepped for alfresco eats, picking up supplies half an hour away in Modimolle for campfire evenings back at base. Angle your gaze upwards as the flames crackle – the skies that were filled with birdlife by day are even more stunning when glittering with stars by night.
Tipus d'allotjament
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Bar o club Club/animació infantil Entreteniment nocturn Esports aquàtics Gimnàs Lloguer de bicicletes Menjar per emportar Parc infantil Pesca Piscina coberta Piscina exterior Restaurant/cafeteria in situ Sala de TV Sala de jocs TennisServeis i instal·lacions al càmping
Aparcament a la parcel·la/unitat Banyeres disponibles Banys per a famílies amb nadons Blocs sanitaris Botiga d'alimentació Bugaderia Cambra d'assecatge Congelador per a bosses tèrmiques de gel Connexió a internet Dutxes disponibles Fregador Lavabo ecològic Lavabo mòbil Lavabos compartits a pubs Recollida d'estacions de transport públic Telèfon públic Wifi Wifi gratuït Àrea per a gossosReserves de grups
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Barbacoa proporcionada Barbacoes permeses Fogueres permeses Gossos permesos Gossos prohibits Vehicles comercials lleugers permesosTemàtica
Econòmic/turista de motxilla Llac i/o muntanya Paisatges espectaculars Paradís natural Paradís per a senderistes TranquilServeis
Bombones de gas disponibles Eliminació de residus químics Energia renovable Punts de recàrrega per a cotxes elèctrics Punts per carregar aparells Reciclatge disponibleServeis a prop
Bar a prop Àrea per passejar gossos a propTipus
Molt petit (1-10 parcel·les)Accessibilitat
Instal·lacions per a minusvàlidsUbicació
Bateleur Nature Reserve
Farm Zuurvlei
KR 403
PO Box 2704
Zona horària
Africa/Johannesburg +0200 (GMT+02:00)
-24,68816° N
28,19132° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Walking and wildlife spotting are best combined by setting forth on one of the park’s Stamvrug Hiking Trails; 10 trails, varying in length and terrain, cater for all comers from novices to those with heaps of hiking experience under their belt. There are plenty of hikes further out, with several fine weekend hiking trails in the Waterberg Mountains.
You could also keep it outdoors away from the park with a round of golf half an hour away or a rather more hair-raising day out at Waterberg Zipline Adventures, 40 minutes away. And if flying through the air isn't your thing? Keep closer to the ground with a wallow at the hot springs half an hour away in Bela-Bela.
The animals at the park are of course wild and free, so you can never rely on them to appear just as you’re ready to snap a pic. If you want to be sure of animal action, take off for days at Loebies Predator Park (half an hour’s drive), Thaba Kwena Crocodile Farm (40 minutes), or Adventures with Elephants (50 minutes), where you can meet, ride and swim with big beasts.
Johannesburg (two hours and 40 minutes) and Gauteng (two hours and 45 minutes) are not so far away either.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Bateleur Nature Reserve? Walking and wildlife spotting are best combined by setting forth on one of the park’s Stamvrug Hiking Trails; 10 trails, varying in length and terrain, cater for all comers from novices to … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Bateleur Nature Reserve?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 13:00 – 19:00 Sortida abans de les: 10:00 Allotjament in situ Arribada: 13:00 – 19:00 Sortida abans de les: 10:00