Tejo Jardim

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Tejo Jardim is a small private campsite located right in front of the famous Portas de Rodao a natural monument inside Tejo Internacional Natural Park.
The site is located on three large terraces overlooking the River Tejo. All have either river or castle views (or both), with plenty of shady areas where you can relax in one of our hammocks under an olive tree.
On site there is a barbecue area for guests' use and an outside kitchen area where they can cook. We also serve food and drink from our own small bar/kitchen area at affordable prices.
We have four complete private bathrooms with modern shower and toilet facilities. All toilet waste is passed through a biological septic tank ensuring no pollution of the surrounding area, and our small operation runs on solar power and generator.
Tejo Jardim is in Santana Nisa but is physically closer to Vila Velha de Rodao, part of the Naturtejo Geopark and right in front of the Portas de Ródão natural monument.
Surrounded by pine and olive trees, wildlife include Griffon vultures which are circling above all day long, as well as otters, deer, wild boar and many species of bird.
We look forward to making your stay an enjoyable one.
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Tejo Jardim
Santana Nisa
Zona horària
Europe/Lisbon WET (GMT+00:00)
39,64385° N
-7,67916° O
From Vilha Velha De Rodao turn right once you have crossed the bridge over the RiverTejoweare located just 250m along the dirt road , from Nisa turn left before crossing the bridge
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Located just 1km away from Vilha Velha De Rodao with its many shops, bars and restaurants, you will also find outdoor recreation areas, kayaks for hire and ancient fossil displays - including one of a woolly mammoth.
There are also many marked walking and cycling routes and vantage points such as Rei Wamba Castle whose views extend to the Spanish Border and beyond.
The historic town Of Nisa with traditional crafts such as lace and cheeses is just a short drive away, and the historic city of Castelo Branco with its fine architecture and modern shopping are only 20 minutes away.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Tejo Jardim? Located just 1km away from Vilha Velha De Rodao with its many shops, bars and restaurants, you will also find outdoor recreation areas, kayaks for hire and ancient fossil displays - including … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Tejo Jardim?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 8:30 – 21:00 Sortida abans de les: En qualsevol moment Allotjament in situ Arribada: 8:30 – 21:30 Sortida abans de les: En qualsevol moment