Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp

The Bell tent (added by manager 31 Oct 2022)

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Here’s a rare chance to experience a magical night out in the Omani desert, to sample Bedouin cuisine and camp under the shimmering stars – and to do it all by yourselves. Yes, Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp is a truly private and exclusive retreat at Wahiba Sands, combining ancient tradition with modern comforts just for you. Accommodation comprises a spacious tent, luxuriously kitted out with carpets, plus comfy beds for up to four family members or friends. A warm Bedouin welcome awaits your arrival at the camp, with refreshments, Arabic coffee and dates served at the owner’s house. Your desert adventure includes a camel ride to the top of the dunes for spectacular sunset views, and dinner served with a Bedouin family in the centuries-old way. After dark, you’re completely alone to relax, enjoy the sounds of the desert and lie back under the stars to contemplate the night sky. In the morning after breakfast you'll have the chance to explore the desert with a Bedouin guide.

Tipus d'allotjament

Parcel·les per a tendes de campanya 1
Obre el 15 de setembre

Valoració de l'Oficina de Turisme

Idiomes parlats



Obert del dg., 15 de set. 2024 al

Obert del dl., 15 de set. 2025 al

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Molt petit (1-10 parcel·les)


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Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp






Com arribar

Zona horària

Asia/Muscat +0400 (GMT+04:00)


22,26761° N
58,85979° O

Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.

Llocs d'interès

Activities from this extra-special place include a guided camel ride to the top of the steep dunes of Wahiba Sands to watch the desert sunset (and don’t forget your camera to capture the magic of 'golden hour' in the desert). You can also try a full-day camel trek leading off the tourist trail into secluded Bedouin villages. Another highlight of a stay in the Omani desert is the chance to go trekking with an expert Bedouin guide to explore nature and animal life in the desert. It’s an early-morning start to beat the heat as you look out for scorpions, mice and lizards in the sand. Or how about taking a four-wheel drive safari through the dunes to mountainous Wadi Bani Khalid (40 minutes’ drive)? This dramatic local landmark is surrounded by lush greenery and villages, and here you can also go wild swimming in the natural rock pool, take an Omani lunch with the locals and pick up embroidered shawls or filigree jewellery as souvenirs.


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  • Hi ha piscina a Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp? No Mostra totes les característiques
  • S'admeten gossos a Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp ? No Mostra totes les característiques
  • Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp? Activities from this extra-special place include a guided camel ride to the top of the steep dunes of Wahiba Sands to watch the desert sunset (and don’t forget your camera to capture … Llegeix més
  • A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Just For You - Starwatching Private Camp?
    Allotjament in situ
    Arribada:  15:00 –  17:30
    Sortida abans de les:  11:00

    The site can only be reached by transfer from the meeting point, which guests must reach by the 3pm departure time to the site.

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