Harmony Glamping Tulum

Among the trees (added by manager 12 Mar 2019)

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Afegiu les dades de la vostra empresa

  • Glàmping amb consciència ecològica a la península del Yucatán
  • A 20 minuts en cotxe de platges, ruïnes maies i el parc temàtic Xei-Há
  • Restaurant de la granja al plat, piscina, ioga, massatges i excursions
Want hols that’ll leave you singing for joy? Settle in for note-perfect stays at Harmony Glamping Tulum, a family-friendly glampsite in the Mayan Riviera town of Tulum on the Yucatán peninsula. In the grounds of the Green Beat Organic Permaculture Farm (tours are available with advanced notice), the site is well situated between lush jungle and Caribbean seas – the nearest beaches are about 20 minutes’ drive away, and hiking and biking excursions into the jungle start right from the grounds. Those grounds are a gem too: there’s a swimming pool for cooling off under the Mexican sun, sunbeds and lounge beds for chilling out even further, a yoga centre where guests can centre themselves next to a pretty pond full of water lilies and Japanese fish, and organic gardens to waft around. No need to stress about organising outings either, as the site team will help you organise everything from stand-up paddleboarding yoga to tours of the spectacular Chichén Itzá ruins, two hours away. The salsa on this particular Mexican dish? That’s the restaurant: Trópica plans a menu around its artisanal woodfired oven, and dishes up super-food bowls, homemade pasta, smoothies and fresh bread and pastries. Drooling already…

Tipus d'allotjament

Cabanes, casetes, cabanes pod o barraques 6
Lloguer de tendes de campanya 6
Obre el

Valoració de l'Oficina de Turisme

Idiomes parlats



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Dins d'una granja Petit (11-25 parcel·les)


Instal·lacions per a minusvàlids


Harmony Glamping Tulum

Calle Chemuyil


Quintana Roo



Com arribar

Zona horària

America/Cancun -0500 (GMT-05:00)


20,20903° N
-87,47283° O

Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.

Llocs d'interès

This is a top spot for a Mexican getaway, particularly if ancient civilisations appeal. Harmony Glamping is 20 minutes’ drive from the Tulum ruins (the remains of the only Mayan city built on a coast); 45 minutes from the highest Mayan pyramid on the Yucatán – Nohoch Mul at Coba – and a little under two hours from Ek Balam site and the pyramids, ball court, temple and observatory of Chichén Itzá. It’s easier than one might expect to get a feel for the Mayans too. Within 50 minutes, at Xcaret theme park, there are rodeos, Mayan warrior displays, Mayan ball games and a show that tells the entire history of the Mayan people – and there are exotic animals to meet, an underground river to swim, a village to explore and a Mexican cemetery to walk around in to boot. Once Mayan desires are fulfilled, taking some time to make the most of the Riviera’s many stunning cenotes and biospheres comes highly recommended: plunge into the Gran Cenote 10 minutes from base, swim with turtles at the turtle bay of Akumal within about half an hour, and explore the Sian Ka’an reserve and its intensely blue waters 45 minutes away. If an adrenaline boost would be welcome at this point, head to Xplor adventure park (45 minutes) for ziplines through the trees – but be sure to prepare for the splash ending… Prefer a city day? Cancún and Valladolid are both within two hours of base.


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  • Hi ha piscina a Harmony Glamping Tulum? Mostra totes les característiques
  • S'admeten gossos a Harmony Glamping Tulum ? No Mostra totes les característiques
  • Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Harmony Glamping Tulum? This is a top spot for a Mexican getaway, particularly if ancient civilisations appeal. Harmony Glamping is 20 minutes’ drive from the Tulum ruins (the remains of the only Mayan city built … Llegeix més
  • A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Harmony Glamping Tulum?
    Allotjament in situ
    Arribada:  13:00 –  En qualsevol moment
    Sortida abans de les:  11:00
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