Tindari Village Camping

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És gratuït, ràpid i fàcil!
- Càmping espectacular amb accés a platja privada de sorra mediterrània
- A 30 minuts de cotxe de Milazzo i a 35 de Montalbano Elicona
- Piscina, pizzeria, bar, petita botiga i trasllat privat a l'aeroport
Mediterranean views, Roman history and Sicilian eats, all within easy reach… Favoloso, sì? If that’s a resounding yes from you, then make your way to Tindari Village Camping, rapidamente – the swoon-worthy spot is in Furnari, half an hour’s drive from the coastal Messina town of Milazzo.
Hols here should start with beach days, as it’s an easy stroll along a shaded path to a private sandy beach on Sicily’s northern shore, putting swims, sandcastles, strolls and days of lazing under that Mediterranean sun tantalisingly close. Pair that with a spectacularly scenic view of Capo Milazzo and the Aeolian islands, and it’s all beginning to sound like dream holiday material.
The dream continues away from the waves too: the site has pools for grownups and kids, hot tubs for unwinding in and plenty to entertain during the high season, not to mention a bar for boozy evenings and a pizzeria for some of that flavour of Italy. Fancy a bit of solitude? Order the pizza to go, or pick up supplies at the small on-site shop...
If the outside world is beckoning, there’s bike hire on site, making the rest of this stunning stretch of coast easily explorable, even without a car. That means there’s no need to blow holiday savings on pricey car rental, so make the most of the site’s airport transfers to limit just-landed stress (just ask the site team to arrange it).
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Tindari Village Camping
Contrada Bazia
Zona horària
Europe/Rome CET (GMT+01:00)
38,12067° N
15,10785° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
This isn’t just a stunningly scenic part of Sicily – it’s got plenty of history to keep hols full of learning moments too. Start half an hour’s drive away in Milazzo, where there are historical remains to pore over, a castle to visit, and palazzos and villas to gaze at (and explore).
Milazzo’s also the departure point for ferry services to the spectacular Aeolian islands, so don’t be in a rush to leave landward without first taking to the seas. The volcanic islands have mud baths to luxuriate in and black-sand beaches to wander, and if that’s not enough of a draw, head to Lipari for its Old Town and to taste capers and wine, to the car-free (and carefree) Panarea for its hidden beaches, and to Stromboli to watch the lava pour down the Sciara del Fuoco.
Back on Sicily, the history hasn’t been exhausted yet. Step into the distant past at the Roman villa 20 minutes away in Patti, or take longer jaunts along the coast towards the UNESCO city of Palermo (two hours from base), or towards Taormina (one hour 25 minutes) and Catania (one hour 50 minutes) for the former’s famed Greek theatre and views of Etna, and the latter’s pretty buildings and hulking castle.
Qualitat de l'aigua a les zones de bany que hi ha a prop
Nom | Distància | Tipus | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Campeggio Bazia | 0,4 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Contrada Saiatine | 0,7 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
M 100 Ovest Scarico Contrada Acquitta | 1,5 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Complesso Baia Calipso | 1,5 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Scarico Contrada Acquitta | 1,8 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Font de les dades: Agència Europea del Medi Ambient
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Tindari Village Camping? This isn’t just a stunningly scenic part of Sicily – it’s got plenty of history to keep hols full of learning moments too. Start half an hour’s drive away in Milazzo, where … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Tindari Village Camping?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: 12:00 – 21:00 Sortida abans de les: 10:00 Allotjament in situ Arribada: 17:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 10:00