Village Flottant de Pressac

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How simply spectacular and all-round jaw-dropping is this? Get to Village Flottant de Pressac with immediacy if you seek luxurious accommodation of the unusual kind, in fab floating lodges among scenic surrounds of lakes, ponds and forests in the Vienne department of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Each floating lodge at peaceful Village Flottant de Pressac is raised on stilts to sit on the still water, and is accessible either by walkway (for families with smaller kids) or by boat (for parties where all members are able to adequately swim).
If you're an angler, this is possibly among the easiest casting off you'll do anywhere on the planet, as you can fish for roach, carp and pike right from the lodge terrace; rent fishing kit on site if you haven't brought your own, as angling from here should be sorted as soon as poss.
The lodges are part of an accommodation village in a wildlife haven, a few minutes' drive from the Clouère and Clain rivers bordering and passing through the town of Pressac. Let mini bug hunters loose on the signposted nature and walking trails to see what local critters they can spy, among the lively and plentiful population of deer, hares, mallards, teal, herons and swans. An interpretation centre at the village will assist intrepid explorers in finding out what's what on their adventurous travels.
A playground for younger kids is on site in front of the interpretation centre, and a naturally heated outdoor pool and paddling pool surrounded by deckchairs are also on site.
But perhaps the most fab feature of this fably unconventional vilage? Guests can reserve one of the park's floating grill hut restaurants, which accommodate up to eight diners, to toastily sizzle suppers over a glowing wood fire. A restaurant that comes to you? That's really rather luxurious too.
Tipus d'allotjament
Idiomes parlats
Càmpings a prop que es poden reservar a
Malauradament no hi ha càmpings amb unitats disponibles per reservar a prop.
Gossos prohibits
Activitats d'oci al càmping
Bar o club Club/animació infantil Entreteniment nocturn Esports aquàtics Gimnàs Lloguer de bicicletes Menjar per emportar Parc infantil Pesca Piscina coberta Piscina exterior Restaurant/cafeteria in situ Sala de TV Sala de jocs TennisServeis i instal·lacions al càmping
Aparcament a la parcel·la/unitat Banyeres disponibles Banys per a famílies amb nadons Blocs sanitaris Botiga d'alimentació Bugaderia Cambra d'assecatge Congelador per a bosses tèrmiques de gel Connexió a internet Dutxes disponibles Fregador Lavabo ecològic Lavabo mòbil Lavabos compartits a pubs Recollida d'estacions de transport públic Telèfon públic Wifi Wifi gratuït Àrea per a gossosReserves de grups
Apte per a famílies Apte per a motociclistes Grups d'estudiants Grups unisexCondicions especials
Barbacoa proporcionada Barbacoes permeses Fogueres permeses Gossos permesos Gossos prohibits Vehicles comercials lleugers permesosTemàtica
Llac i/o muntanya Paradís natural Paradís per a senderistes Tranquil Ubicació remotaServeis
Bombones de gas disponibles Eliminació de residus químics Energia renovable Punts de recàrrega per a cotxes elèctrics Punts per carregar aparells Reciclatge disponibleServeis a prop
Bar a prop Àrea per passejar gossos a propTipus
Mitjà (26-50 parcel·les)Accessibilitat
Instal·lacions per a minusvàlidsActivitats d'oci a prop
Ciclisme a prop Equitació a prop Golf a propUbicació
Village Flottant de Pressac
Etang du Ponteil
Zona horària
Europe/Paris CET (GMT+01:00)
46,12533° N
0,55093° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
The floating village is a few minutes' drive from Pressac, a small town bordered to its north-east by the Clouère river and with the waters of the Clain flowing through.
Over a dozen towns and villages are within 15 or so kilometres of here, including Pleuville (10 minutes' drive), Épenède, Charroux and Lessac, all within 15 minutes, and Chatain, 20 minutes away. Department capital Poitiers is just under an hour away.
Take the kids to Vienne and the famed Futuroscope theme park, just over an hour from your floating base, for a thoroughly modern time among its multimedia, cinema and audio-visual attractions, including shows, exhibitions, games and 3D and 4D cinemas. About 25 minutes away by car is La Vallée des Singes or Monkey Valley, where 30 species of over 400 monkeys from all over the world live among the trees.
Another excellent family option is the baronial castle of Château d'Harcourt, an hour away in the medieval town of Chauvigny, for adrenalised 45-minute falconry shows. For a more placid base, drive for an hour on a bookish trip to the literary town of Montmorillon and its booksellers, calligraphers and 20 or so bookshops.
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- Hi ha piscina a Village Flottant de Pressac? Sí Mostra totes les característiques
- S'admeten gossos a Village Flottant de Pressac ? No Mostra totes les característiques
- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Village Flottant de Pressac? The floating village is a few minutes' drive from Pressac, a small town bordered to its north-east by the Clouère river and with the waters of the Clain flowing through. Over a … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Village Flottant de Pressac?
Allotjament in situ Arribada: 15:00 – 19:00 Sortida abans de les: 10:00