Tipi Bivouac

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És gratuït, ràpid i fàcil!
- Lloc ecològic amb tipis inspirat pels principis dels nadius americans
- A mitja hora de cotxe de Sens i a 75 minuts d'Orléans
- Refugi de vida salvatge de 150 hectàrees amb tallers, pesca, sederisme
Have an excellent eco stay at Tipi Bivouac, a family-friendly site five minutes’ drive from the village of Saint-Hilaire-les-Andrésis and half an hour from Sens in the Loiret department of the Centre region.
The ecological and off-grid site was inspired by the principles and way of life of Native Americans, with guests learning about living in harmony with nature from the moment they arrive. All guests get a grounding in bushcraft-style techniques, with lessons in drawing water from the ground, using traditional methods to start fires, and cooking, heating and storing food without modern appliances.
Once the basics are dealt with, there are plenty of workshops and activities available; food can be handled by heading to the seven-hectare lake or the river to try fishing, and entertainment is a cinch with educational movies, painting, treasure hunts and more organised by the site team.
It’s a 150-hectare site, so nature-filled rambles are part and parcel of stays too: there are hikes to follow around meadow paths and through farming fields, to spot some of the deer, hares, herons and kingfishers that call the site home.
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Tipi Bivouac
La Fauchetterie
Zona horària
Europe/Paris CET (GMT+01:00)
48,05199° N
2,98801° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
Determined to cross several châteaux off the list during stays? That should be royally easy hereabouts: the site’s in reach of several prime examples, starting with the spectacular Château de la Bussière and Château de Fontainebleau, both within 45 minutes’ drive of base.
If that’s only whet appetites for oh-so-French castles and palaces, there are more a little further afield – the Castle of Saint Brisson sur Loire, Château de Sully-sur-Loire and Blandy-les-Tours are all about an hour away. Otherwise, stick to nature-filled days by exploring the gardens at Vaux le Vicomte Castle (an hour from base), or start circling back to the site with stops at Arboretum National des Barres (40 minutes) and Les Jardins du Grand Courtoiseau (in the grounds of a 17th-century manor 20 minutes from Tipi Bivouac).
Plenty of museums within an hour handle everything from famed artists to les gendarmerie, but if turning away from the past is more enticing, opt for urban days instead. The wildlife park and orangerie of Sens are half an hour away, and the city of Orléans – and its gardens, waterpark, châteaux and cathedral – are an hour and 15 minutes from the site.
For a more classic city experience, the avenues and arrondissements of Paris are about an hour and 40 minutes away, making day trips full of decadent patisseries, famed portraits and towers, and stunning palaces fully possible.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Tipi Bivouac? Determined to cross several châteaux off the list during stays? That should be royally easy hereabouts: the site’s in reach of several prime examples, starting with the spectacular Château de la Bussière … Llegeix més
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