Bulles d'Auvergne

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Like the sound of all the comforts of a hotel – but out in the middle of the Auvergne countryside? The accommodation at Bulles d’Auvergne near Cesset fits the bill exactly: the geodesic dome combines a luxurious, adults-only stay with the chance to be completely immersed in nature.
The spacious glass dome offers 360-degree views of the surrounding woodland and has an unimpeded view of the sky – usually a bright blue during the day and wonderfully dark for stargazing on clear nights.
Inside the dome are a queen-size bed and a woodburning stove to keep you nicely warm, while the space outside has a covered kitchenette and a freestanding tropical shower. As well as that, you'll have a hot tub to luxuriate in and garden seating so you can cosy up around the firepit and enjoy a barbecue, lulled by the crackling of the fire and sound of birdsong.
Included in the deal are breakfast and the rental of two electric bikes, so you can explore the local trails and maybe head for the vineyards of Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule (half an hour by bike) for tours and tastings.
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Bulles d'Auvergne
Les Plantées
Zona horària
Europe/London GMT (GMT+00:00)
46,30704° N
3,22157° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
A stay at Bulles d’Auvergne puts you close to Charroux (15 minutes’ drive), considered one of the loveliest villages in the Auvergne for its 12th-century church and cobbled streets lined with half-timbered buildings. Visit on Thursday for the produce market and look to pick up artisan mustards, walnut oil and candles.
Vichy (25 minutes), the 'queen' of French spa towns, is well worth a visit to take its therapeutic waters, admire the dramatic frescoes smothering the interior of the modernist Église Saint-Blaise and have a meander along the Allier River promenade to relax with a glass of rosé wine in a waterside café.
Keen to taste some local vintages? The vineyards around Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule (10 minutes’ drive) produce award-winning red, white and rosé wines, labelled AOC since 2009. The town also has medieval churches, the remains of an abbey and a 15th-century watchtower to explore, as well as lots of auberges and cafés in which to sample local wines.
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- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Bulles d'Auvergne? A stay at Bulles d’Auvergne puts you close to Charroux (15 minutes’ drive), considered one of the loveliest villages in the Auvergne for its 12th-century church and cobbled streets lined with half-timbered … Llegeix més
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Allotjament in situ Arribada: 17:00 – En qualsevol moment Sortida abans de les: 11:00