• Al mig dels Andes amb espectaculars vistes del canyó del riu Chanchán
  • A prop del famós Tren Ecuador i de la Nariz del Diablo
  • Piscina, cascada, àrea d'esbarjo, restaurant i energia solar
Some spectacular history surrounds the Ecuador site of Huigra Viejo Camping – but fortunately a hugely heady sense of adventure isn't a requirement these days to pitch up here. The site is an homage to the first tents housing the first workers on this part of Andres railroad, who built with basic tools a line so intrepid it's been called the most difficult in the world – the Ferrocarril del Sur that took 76 years to construct. Now known as the Tren Ecuador, this jaw-dropping track from the south to the north of the country includes the Devil's Nose, the practically perpendicular mountain close to Huigra Viejo Camping's local town of Alausí: hail the train here for some of the best train-based sightseeing you'll have anywhere on the planet. You'll have a somewhat stunning place to stay too when you stagger back to base after your intoxicating train trip: Huigra Viejo Camping is in Andes surrounds on the south side of Chasmay mountain, with spectacular views of the Chanchán river canyon. There's room aplenty around the grounds to soak up the scenery – from the pool, the waterfall within the grounds, or on a nature spotting trek; like most of the rest of this lush land, this part of Ecuador is a wildlife haven. As well as the pool, facilities at this Chimborazo Province place include a play area and a restaurant; there are charging facilities too, free wifi, and showers and toilets. The site is eco friendly and uses solar energy. Barbecues and campfires are both allowed.

Tipus d'allotjament

Parcel·les per a tendes de campanya 20
Obert tot l'any
Obre el

Idiomes parlats



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Activitats d'oci al càmping

Bar o club Club/animació infantil Entreteniment nocturn Esports aquàtics Gimnàs Lloguer de bicicletes Menjar per emportar Parc infantil Pesca Piscina coberta Piscina exterior Restaurant/cafeteria in situ Sala de TV Sala de jocs Tennis

Serveis i instal·lacions al càmping

Aparcament a la parcel·la/unitat Banyeres disponibles Banys per a famílies amb nadons Blocs sanitaris Botiga d'alimentació Bugaderia Cambra d'assecatge Congelador per a bosses tèrmiques de gel Connexió a internet Dutxes disponibles Fregador Lavabo ecològic Lavabo mòbil Lavabos compartits a pubs Lloguer de tendes de campanya Recollida d'estacions de transport públic Telèfon públic Wifi Wifi gratuït Àrea per a gossos

Reserves de grups

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Condicions especials

Barbacoa proporcionada Barbacoes permeses Fogueres permeses Gossos permesos Gossos permesos tot l'any Vehicles comercials lleugers permesos


Bosc Llac i/o muntanya Paisatges espectaculars Paradís natural Paradís per a senderistes Tranquil Ubicació remota


Bombones de gas disponibles Eliminació de residus químics Energia renovable Punts de recàrrega per a cotxes elèctrics Punts per carregar aparells Reciclatge disponible

Serveis a prop

Bar a prop Transport públic a prop Àrea per passejar gossos a prop


Petit (11-25 parcel·les)


Instal·lacions per a minusvàlids

Activitats d'oci a prop

Ciclisme de muntanya a prop Equitació a prop Lloguer de bicicletes a prop Piscina exterior a prop Restaurant a prop


Huigra Viejo Camping

Quebrada de Huigra Viejo






Com arribar

Zona horària

America/Guayaquil -0500 (GMT-05:00)


-2,29473° N
-78,99303° O

Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.

Llocs d'interès

Waterfalls as well as train tracks and mountains are all around, including one within the land owned by Huigra Viejo Camping, a few minutes' walk from the camping part of the site (please note it's not possible to visit this in summer as the water level is much lower). Under 10 minutes by car is the Panama fall and its lush surrounds popular with photographers, and within 25 minutes are the falls of the Angas river. If you do indeed yearn for heady adventures around this historic spot, take a trip to tackle mighty Mount Puñay, viewable from the site and home to the pre-Incan archaeological ruins of Pyramid Puñay. This is a must-see for many travellers to the country: if you're tackling it, leave Huigra Viejo first thing in the morning, spend the night on Puñay, then trek back the following day. More ancient history is at the archaeological site of Ingapirca, the biggest Inca ruins in Ecuador and site of the famed Temple of the Sun. Reach it in about an hour and 20 minutes from Huigra Viejo, via the Pan-American Highway heading south from Charchi to Tambo.


Encara no hi ha cap comentari.

  • Hi ha piscina a Huigra Viejo Camping? Mostra totes les característiques
  • S'admeten gossos a Huigra Viejo Camping ? Mostra totes les característiques
  • Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Huigra Viejo Camping? Waterfalls as well as train tracks and mountains are all around, including one within the land owned by Huigra Viejo Camping, a few minutes' walk from the camping part of the site … Llegeix més
  • A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Huigra Viejo Camping?
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