Camping Biokovo
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- Càmping de gestió familiar entre paisatges de muntanya de Dalmàcia
- A poc temps en cotxe del parc Biokovo i les platges del mar Adriàtic
- Colliu la vostra pròpia verdura de l'hort del càmping
What a stunning site this is… friendly and oh-so-excellent Camping Biokovo is just tiptop: in rural Dalmatia, close to spectacular Adriatic Sea beaches and in a lush mountain setting with outdoor activities all around. Yet more fably, it's a nifty stopover while touring Croatia, as it's an easy drive from both the A1 and the D8 – although you'll likely clamour to stay on for a bit longer once you've arrived here…
Placed handily less than a kilometre from the Split-Dalmatia County village of Zagvozd, Camping Biokovo is a family-owned and family-run site a short drive from the hiking, mountaineering and nature spotting of Nature Park Biokovo.
It's 20 minutes from here to the mountain-edged beaches of the Makarska Rivijera, the 60-kilometre coastal stretch below the nature park with many towns dotted along its length, and within easy driving distance of the major Dalmatian towns and cities including the Split-Dalmatia County capital of Split under an hour away.
Settle down here for Croatian countryside living in a warm and friendly environment, where you can amble to the site vegetable garden to pick fresh produce for your mountain eats, and sizzle up the barbecue in a wildlife haven among colourful flowers and space aplenty. Hiking and cycling paths are close by; you can climb nearby (Biokovo is the highest mountain in Dalmatia), and the caves and cliffs of Lake Crveno Jezero are about 25 minutes away.
The well-kept amenities include toilets and showers, a spacious washing-up area and a bath.
Tipus d'allotjament
Valoració de l'Oficina de Turisme
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Camping Biokovo
Put Remonta 15
Zona horària
Europe/Zagreb CEST (GMT+02:00)
43,39762° N
17,04803° O
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
The site's mountain setting is that of Biokovo, the highest peak in Dalmatia at a height of 1,762 metres. It's a popular place for hiking, mountaineering and nature spotting: over 1,500 animal and plant species have their home in the park. For hiking around the nature park head to Vosac, the peak of 1,421 metres which is a couple of kilometres from Makarska.
Among the Dalmatian lakes, a particularly picworthy scene is at the Crveno Jezero or Red Lake, near the city of Imotski. The third biggest sinkhole in the world, it's famed for its towering cliffs and deep caves around a lake depth of 530 metres. Have a couple of hours in Imotski after that, where the town's medieval fortress is on the rocks of a similar sinkhole in the Blue Lake.
The site team also recommends a visit to the Biokovo Botanical Garden Kotisina, on the coastal slopes of the Biokovo Nature Park about 25 minutes' drive away.
Qualitat de l'aigua a les zones de bany que hi ha a prop
Nom | Distància | Tipus | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Mali Mulic | 9,2 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Horizont | 9,3 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Promajna | 9,4 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Podluka | 9,4 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Uranija | 9,4 km | Mar | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent | Excel·lent |
Font de les dades: Agència Europea del Medi Ambient
Encara no hi ha cap comentari.
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- S'admeten gossos a Camping Biokovo ? Sí Mostra totes les característiques
- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Camping Biokovo? The site's mountain setting is that of Biokovo, the highest peak in Dalmatia at a height of 1,762 metres. It's a popular place for hiking, mountaineering and nature spotting: over 1,500 animal … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Camping Biokovo?
Càmping i autocaravanes Arribada: En qualsevol moment – 23:30 Sortida abans de les: 11:00