Buckhall Farm

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Buckhall Farm
Zona horària
Europe/London GMT (GMT+00:00)
52,34614° N
-3,05358° O
Transport a prop
Atenció: Totes les distàncies es calculen en línia recta. Comproveu la distància real en funció del mitjà de transport fent servir el botó "Com arribar" que hi ha a dalt.
Llocs d'interès
No us ho perdeu
Stokesay Castle 17,7 km
Ludlow Castle 22,6 km
Powis Castle & Garden 34,6 km
Much Wenlock Priory 43,5 km
National Trust
Croft Castle and Parkland 18 km
Cwmmau Farmhouse 21,5 km
Carding Mill Valley and the Shropshire Hills 27,1 km
Wilderhope Manor 33 km
The Weir 34,2 km
Rutes ciclistes
Trobeu rutes locals de la Xarxa Nacional de Bicicletes: més de 19.000 kilòmetres de rutes ciclistes.
Knighton - Rhos-y-Meirch - Bailey Hill - Knighton 0,4 km
Knucklas Station - Beacon Hill - Knucklas Station 3,3 km
Clun – Sunnyhill and Bury Ditches - Clunton Circular 8,9 km
EYWOOD 13,8 km
Esdeveniments locals
- The Hay Festival (dijous, 22 de maig del 2025 – dijous, 22 de maig del 2025)
Hay-on-Wye, Anglaterra 30,7 km
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Excellent spot with beautiful views.
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: The view. The sheep. The owner and his family were more than welcoming.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
This place is amazing absolutely stunning views really friendly owners at a…
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: This place is amazing absolutely stunning views really friendly owners at a very fair price we stayed in December and can't wait to return in the summer 😀
No em va agradar: Nothing to dislike
But this is definitely a wild camp site so if planning a stay be prepared to be self sufficient
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Excellent and underrated
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: Stunningly peaceful. So quiet and gorgeous location. We were the only ones there and loved it. Well worth the visit. Area is amazing. The B roads leading to it are easy for a 6m motorhome, the last 2 miles are a little narrower but easily managed. The hosts are very helpful.
You cannot underestimate the peacefulness. The camping site is as you turn up to Buckhall farm. Towards the house turn right over the cattle grid, its between the fiest cattle grid and the 2nd before the house.
The campsite is the field to the left through the gateway.
Kids loved it and such a good nights sleep. If you're after a peaceful quiet night them thisbis amazing. If you're tent camping or van camping there is a portable toilet and water. Nothing fancy but not needed.
Definitely visit again.
No em va agradar: Don't take the farm track to the left of the driveway. No turning places.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
What a lovely farm site, so friendly. Just a tap and a…
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Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: What a lovely farm site, so friendly. Just a tap and a portaloo in fields with a great view. Ideally situated for walkers with two places to join Glyndwr's Way nearby. One day I followed it to Knighton, the second day I did a big loop joining up with a beautiful stretch of the Heart of Wales Line Trail and the third day I did the smaller loop joining the two closest parts of Glyndwr's Way. So great to have an anytime check-out so I could fit in that third walk. A very enjoyable weekend.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
It’s a gorgeous quiet spot on the top of the landscape, the…
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Wi-Fi |
Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a caravanes
Em va agradar: It’s a gorgeous quiet spot on the top of the landscape, the view is great. The host is helpful and lovely hospitable.
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Amazing remote setting, beautiful views. The host, Rob, was a wonderful host,…
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Wi-Fi |
Parcel·la de gespa sense electricitat per a tenda de campanya o per a remolc tenda
Em va agradar: Amazing remote setting, beautiful views. The host, Rob, was a wonderful host, full of local knowledge and nothing was too much to ask. A hidden gem in mid Wales. I will be back for sure. Perfection
El recomanaria als amics Hi tornaria a anar
Preguntes més freqüents
- Hi ha piscina a Buckhall Farm? No Mostra totes les característiques
- S'admeten gossos a Buckhall Farm ? No Mostra totes les característiques
- Quins llocs d'interès hi ha a prop de Buckhall Farm? Walks and bike rides are perhaps the most obvious ways to fill your days around here, but you may also like to try out different rural activities, including rally driving or clay … Llegeix més
- A quina hora puc registrar la meva entrada i sortida de Buckhall Farm?
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