Caravan theft warning in Scottish Borders
Jul 25 2012 Skrivet av Laura Canning
Police in the Lothian and Borders region have appealed for information after two separate raids on caravan parks over the weekend in the Scottish county of Roxborough.
Thieves broke into six caravans at the Lilliardsiege site near the village of Ancrum on Friday night (20 July). Three additional tourers were raided at a Jedwater site, where initial reports say that the thieves were targeting TV sets in the caravans.
A police spokesperson from the region called on anyone with information on the raids to come forward.
The break-ins come a month after two caravans were stolen in Lincolnshire in the space of two days and after actor Ricky Tomlinson had his six-berth Hobby 635 stolen.
For tips on keeping your caravan secure from thieves, see our recent blog.