‘24 per cent of workers lie to get holidays’ surprise
Jul 12 2012 Skrivet av Laura Canning
Personally we’re amazed the total isn’t higher – but it’s been revealed that a quarter of British employees have told a porkie to the boss so they can secure holiday leave.
A recent survey found that workers come up with all sorts of inventive reasons and underhand tactics to bag that break, from lying about dates already being booked to claiming a family emergency. A resourceful seven per cent didn’t even bother asking for the holiday but simply pulled a sickie instead.
And it’s not just the boss who’s the target of sneaky tactics. 39% of people admit to sidestepping their colleagues in their quest for time off by booking popular dates such as around Christmas or summer holidays up to six months in advance. Some workers are so desperate to get time off around these dates that they’ve even eaten ‘a handful of shampoo’ at work so they’d be sick and get sent home. Clever.
If you’re tempted to tell a porkie so you can get a last minute break this week, we wouldn’t blame you for a second. Just enter your dates in our search facility with the area you’d like to go to, add in the location of where you’re going to truant, and browse through our sites you can book online then and there. Simples.