Calling all green-fingered folk and history aficionados – Pergamon Permaculture is a place for you on a quiet, nine-acre permaculture farm 15 minutes’ drive from Pergamon Ancient City, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Four kilometres from the centre of Bergama, this Mediterranean setting is a safe and quiet spot surrounded by olive and fruit trees. If that doesn’t sound cosy and peaceful already, just know that the family farm has been accredited by WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) and it’s thoroughly eco-friendly. They grow and produce their own food, including tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, okra, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, grapes, fruit jams, table olives and olive oil. These then go into the site’s traditional oven, along with bread, and wind up serving some tasty, fresh meals. Other eco features around the site include solar energy and windmill water resources. Of course, a big perk of staying at Pergamon Permaculture is that you’re just a 15-minute drive away from Pergamon Ancient City, where there are temples, hillside ancient theatre, a library and altar across the ancient, walled acropolis. Scattered across Bergama are many more historical sites, including The Asclepieion of Pergamon (15 minutes), an ancient healing site, and the ruins of the Red Basilica, also known as Serapion, which is a red-brick temple that was once a church used by the Byzantine Empire. As for shops and restaurants, just walk to those in Bergama, which are in no short supply.

Typ av ställe

Tältplatser 5
Fritidshus, stugor, hyttar eller hyddor 1
Hyr ett tält 1
Husvagnsplatser 2
Husbilsplatser 2
Öppet året runt


Talade språk


Närliggande ställen som kan bokas via

Det finns tyvärr inga bokningsbara ställen i närheten.


Aktiviteter på platsen

Bar eller klubbhus Barnklubb Cykeluthyrning Fiske Fitnesscenter Inomhusbad Kvällsunderhållning Lekplats Restaurang/cafe på stället Spelrum Takeaway Tennis Tv-rum Utomhuspool Vattensport

Bekvämligheter på platsen

Badkar tillgängligt Bilparkering vid boendet/enheten Bärbar toalett Diskutrymme Dusch tillgänglig Familjetoaletter Gratis WiFi Hundrastgård Hämtning från kollektivtrafik Internetanslutning Komposttoalett Kylning av kylklampar Matbutik Offentlig telefon Toalettblock Toaletter på puben Torkrum Tvättomat WiFi

Grupper är välkomna

Familjevänligt Grupper av samma kön är välkomna Lämpligt för motorcyklar Naturist Studentgrupper är välkomna


Grillning tillåts Hundar tillåtna Hundar tillåtna hela året Kommersiella fordon tillåts Lägereldar tillåtna Tillgång till grill


Budget/ backpacker Gastronomiskt nöje Lugn Spektakulära landskap


Förnybar energi Gasflaskor tillgängliga Laddningsmöjligheter Laddstationer för elbilar Tömning av kemiskt avfall Återvinning tillgänglig

Bekvämligheter i närheten

Bar i närheten Butik i närheten Hundvänligt område i närheten Jordbruksmarknad i närheten




Handikappanpassade anläggningar

Aktiviteter i närheten

Bergscykling i närheten Cykling i närheten Restaurang i närheten


Pergamon Permaculture

İslamsaray Mahallesi Vakıflarüstü Mevkii







Europe/Istanbul +0300 (GMT+03:00)


39,11375° N
27,2143° W

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Lokala sevärdheter

Go out and investigate the traditional weavers of Turkish carpets and oriental rugs… Pergamon was once a very wealthy city and has been known for its oriental rug production since the 11th century. That’s not all - Bergama has an archaeological museum, the Bergama Museum (10 minutes' drive). You might also be lucky enough to be here for the Bergama Theatre Festival, which stretches over the ancient city sites. While there’s plenty of walking to be done around historical sites, beauty spots are also a splendid setting for hikes. Perhaps Bakırçay (15 minutes), also called the Caicus River Valley, for riverside wanders? There are more hiking trails in the Kozak Plateau (around half an hour) with vast pine forests and granite rocks. There’s scope for visiting beaches from Pergamon Permaculture too. These include Köstem Köy Plajı, (45 minutes) and Küçük Zindancık Koyu (50 minutes). While you’re headed that way, you might want to plan an extra hike around Nebiler (Aşıklar) Şelalesi (40 minutes), a lush, green location with waterfalls and caves.


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  • Vad finns det för sevärdheter i närheten av Pergamon Permaculture? Go out and investigate the traditional weavers of Turkish carpets and oriental rugs… Pergamon was once a very wealthy city and has been known for its oriental rug production since the 11th … Läs mera
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