Heading to southern Namibia to scout out canyons or to go quad biking on a salt and clay pan? A remote stay is in store at Old Bridge Camping, where you’ll be based at a well-maintained and peaceful site with these types of activities a day trip away – to be exact, the site is an hour’s drive away from the medieval-looking Duwisib Castle, two hours and 10 minutes from Sesriem’s canyon and two hours and 50 minutes from Sossusvlei’s salt and clay pan. Where exactly will you be settling down? Well, the dog-friendly site is just under two kilometres away from Maltahohe, a small village that's home to a hotel, a few guesthouses and shops. It's also on the banks of the Hudup, where there are waterholes in the rainy season – a haven for all sorts of wild birds, so binoculars might soon become your new fashion accessory here. Dinners come alfresco-style here, as there’s a table and benches outside complete with a canopy, just the thing for a barbecue. There's a gas geyser in the communal ablution block and when the night skies settle over, solar lights to show the way around. For any grubby pots or pans, there’s a double sink for dishwashing too (lit by solar lights again). Please note that there are no tents provided here, but you'll have access to two bathrooms with a shower, toilet and sink to get yourself ready for a new day.

Typ av ställe

Tältplatser 4
Öppet året runt

Talade språk


Närliggande ställen som kan bokas via Pitchup.com

Det finns tyvärr inga bokningsbara ställen i närheten.


Aktiviteter på platsen

Bar eller klubbhus Barnklubb Cykeluthyrning Fiske Fitnesscenter Inomhusbad Kvällsunderhållning Lekplats Restaurang/cafe på stället Spelrum Takeaway Tennis Tv-rum Utomhuspool Vattensport

Bekvämligheter på platsen

Badkar tillgängligt Bilparkering vid boendet/enheten Bärbar toalett Diskutrymme Dusch tillgänglig Familjetoaletter Gratis WiFi Hundrastgård Hämtning från kollektivtrafik Internetanslutning Komposttoalett Kylning av kylklampar Matbutik Offentlig telefon Toalettblock Toaletter på puben Torkrum Tvättomat WiFi

Grupper är välkomna

Familjevänligt Grupper av samma kön är välkomna Lämpligt för motorcyklar Studentgrupper är välkomna


Grillning tillåts Hundar tillåtna Hundar tillåtna hela året Kommersiella fordon tillåts Lägereldar tillåtna Tillgång till grill


Lugn Spektakulära landskap


Förnybar energi Gasflaskor tillgängliga Laddningsmöjligheter Laddstationer för elbilar Tömning av kemiskt avfall Återvinning tillgänglig

Bekvämligheter i närheten

Bar i närheten Butik i närheten Hundvänligt område i närheten


Bondgård Mini (1–10 platser)


Handikappanpassade anläggningar


Old Bridge Camping


Hardap Region





Africa/Windhoek +0200 (GMT+02:00)


−24,85044° N
16,95484° W

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Lokala sevärdheter

Namibia is known for its huge deserts and other dramatic landscapes, which is why you’ll want to factor day trips into your itinerary. And there sure is an excellent selection of day trips from this site, from a visit to Duwisib Castle (an hour’s drive), a pseudo-medieval fortress, to the 10-kilometre hike along the Naukluft Olive Trail (an hour and 20 minutes) or the scenic natural canyon at Sesriem (two hours and 10 minutes). Sossusvlei (two hours and 50 minutes) is where a lot of the action is at too and that's why it's such a magnet for visitors to Namibia. The dunes across the salt and clay pan are just the thing for quad biking activities and nature walks, with Big Daddy rising as high as 325 metres in the sky. Are safaris on your radar too? Well, there are a couple of places for that, including NamibRand-Naturreservat (two hours and five minutes) and Naukluft Mountain Zebra Park (two hours and 20 minutes), a protected nature reserve.


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  • Vad finns det för sevärdheter i närheten av Old Bridge Camping? Namibia is known for its huge deserts and other dramatic landscapes, which is why you’ll want to factor day trips into your itinerary. And there sure is an excellent selection of day … Läs mera
  • När kan jag checka in på och checka ut från Old Bridge Camping?
    Camping- och husvagnssemester
    Ankomst:  11:30 –  20:00
    Avfärd senast:  11:30
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