• Smart ekologisk camping vid havet, fem minuter i bil från Tisno
  • En halvtimme i bil från Šibenik och trekvart från Krka nationalpark
  • Utomhuspool, åtkomst till strand och restaurangterrass med havsutsikt
It's got green in its name, and green most firmly in its ethos too… Dalmatia site Olivia Green Camping prides itself on its eco-friendly and ethical credentials, pumping lots of its revenue into making the place as sustainable as can be. Look around the site to spot the obvious signs – solar panels provide clean energy and recycling points mean that minimal waste goes off to landfill. There are also state-of the-art water purification systems, a lack of single-use plastic and a restaurant menu that focuses on top-notch local produce to keep the food miles down (actually, it might take you a little while to notice this last one, given how distracting the view from the restaurant’s seafront terrace is…). This desire to preserve the environment stems partly from a wish to take care of the site’s rather stunning setting, on the edge of a centuries-old olive grove and pine forest two kilometres from the town of Tisno, and with views out over the Adriatic Sea. Guests can easily slope off for a swim from the beach area by the site; the water’s pretty calm around here, as it’s part of a sheltered bay. If that doesn’t suit, take a splash in the site’s open-air pool instead. Drinks can be picked up at the bar to keep you cool as you sunbathe, and there’s a play area to entertain the kids if they need a bit more activity. Come evening time, there’s often entertainment organised (and there are those sea views from the restaurant tables on other days…).

Typ av ställe

Fritidshus, stugor, hyttar eller hyddor 47
Tältplatser 70
Husbilsplatser 70
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Öppnar 2024-03-30


Talade språk




Öppet från lör 30 mars till

Närliggande ställen som kan bokas via Pitchup.com

Det finns tyvärr inga bokningsbara ställen i närheten.


Aktiviteter på platsen

Bar eller klubbhus Barnklubb Cykeluthyrning Fiske Fitnesscenter Inomhusbad Kvällsunderhållning Lekplats Restaurang/cafe på stället Spelrum Takeaway Tennis Tv-rum Utomhuspool Vattensport

Bekvämligheter på platsen

Badkar tillgängligt Bilparkering vid boendet/enheten Bärbar toalett Diskutrymme Dusch tillgänglig Familjetoaletter Gratis WiFi Hundrastgård Hämtning från kollektivtrafik Internetanslutning Komposttoalett Kylning av kylklampar Matbutik Offentlig telefon Toalettblock Toaletter på puben Torkrum Tvättomat WiFi

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Bekvämligheter i närheten

Bar i närheten Butik i närheten Hundvänligt område i närheten


Stor (51–200 platser)


Handikappanpassade anläggningar

Aktiviteter i närheten

Bergscykling i närheten Cykeluthyrning i närheten Cykling i närheten Fiske i närheten Kanot/kajak i närheten Klättring i närheten Nöjespark i närheten Restaurang i närheten Segling i närheten Utomhuspool i närheten Vattensport i närheten

Husvagnar och husbilar

Avloppsanslutning för husvagnar Säsongsplatser Vattenanslutning för husvagnar


Olivia Green Camping

Put Jazine 328







Europe/Zagreb CEST (GMT+02:00)


43,81235° N
15,62311° W

Observera: Alla avstånd på den här sidan mäts fågelvägen – kontrollera det egentliga avståndet beroende på hur du reser genom att använda knappen 'Få vägbeskrivning' ovan.

Lokala sevärdheter

The team on site suggests that many guests are happy to laze about by the water here for a fair chunk of their stay; if that’s the sort of break you’re after, maybe consider changing up the seaside scenery every so often by taking the 10-minute walk to Jazina beach or the 10-minute drive to the secluded sandy stretch in the woods by St Andreas church. If you’re here at the right time, you’ll also want to wander into Tisno to watch its famed donkey race or catch the events of one of its festivals. Fishing, scuba diving, sea kayaking and sailing trips can also be sorted in town to take in more of the coastline. Looking a little further afield, it’s certainly worth taking a trip to Šibenik (half an hour’s drive) – the seafront town has a splendid medieval centre to stroll around, and it’s a hub for trips to the stunning scenery of the Kornati Islands and the Krka National Park (which you can also visit independently with a drive of around 45 minutes).

Vattenkvalitet i närliggande badvatten

Namn Avstånd Typ 2020 2019 2018 2017
Tisno Jazine 0,6 km Hav Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt
Betina Plitka Vala 1,1 km Hav Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt
Hotel Borovnik 2 km Hav Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt
Betina Kosirina Pijesak 2 km Hav Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt
Jezera Lovisca 2,1 km Hav Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt Utmärkt

Informationskälla: Europeiska miljöbyrån



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Endast recensioner från de senaste 30 månaderna visas.

Beautiful campsite with electric and water supply to ever pitch! Amazing staff…

Allmänt 10/10
Läge 10
Valuta för pengarna 10
Logi 10
Anläggningar/aktiviteter 10
Kundbetjäning 10
Barnvänlighet 10
Renlighet 10
Wifi 10
Anonym Recensenten bokade via Pitchup.com

Tomt med vatten, el och avlopp på grus och jord

Tyckte om: Beautiful campsite with electric and water supply to ever pitch! Amazing staff and restaurant! Will be back for sure!

Rekommendera för vänner Besök igen

Brilliant site. We would definitely return!

Allmänt 10/10
Läge 10
Valuta för pengarna 8
Logi 10
Anläggningar/aktiviteter 10
Kundbetjäning 10
Barnvänlighet Inga betyg
Renlighet 10
Wifi 8
Nicola B. Recensenten bokade via Pitchup.com

Tomt med vatten, el och avlopp på grus och jord

Tyckte om: We loved this campsite! Beautiful location on the beach. The staff were fabulous, very helpful and friendly and nothing was too much. There is a really good system in place with wristbands which means you don't need to carry cash to the restaurant, bar or launderette. The cocktails at the pool bar were lovely and the food at the beach restaurant was also good quality and reasonably priced. The laundry facilities and the campervan service points were accessible and easy to use. Each pitch had electric and water points which was brilliant. There were regular staff patrols during the night which was reassuring in terms of security and monitoring noise levels. Toilet and shower blocks were clean and warm and were well maintained. We have been travelling since March and this is the campsite we have felt most welcome at.

Tyckte inte om: The only comment is that the pool is quite small and not many loungers by the pool. While we were there, there were alot of children dive bombing in the pool which did not make for a very relaxing experience.

Rekommendera för vänner Besök igen

Från föreståndaren: Dear Nicola, thank you very much for your review and for taking time to write it! We are very pleased to hear you had such a great time staying with us and it is always much appreciated to hear what we can do better! :) We hope to welcome you again! we will make sure to put more lounger at the pool and hopefully reduce the number of pool jumps :) Kind regards from sunny and hot Tisno, Olivia Green Camping team

  • Finns det pool på Olivia Green Camping? Ja Visa alla egenskaper
  • Är Olivia Green Camping hundvänligt? Ja Visa alla egenskaper
  • Vad finns det för sevärdheter i närheten av Olivia Green Camping? The team on site suggests that many guests are happy to laze about by the water here for a fair chunk of their stay; if that’s the sort of break you’re after, … Läs mera
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    Camping- och husvagnssemester
    Ankomst:  11:00 –  22:00
    Avfärd senast:  11:00
    Logi på stället
    Ankomst:  15:00 –  23:30
    Avfärd senast:  10:00
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