Fancy a dip in emerald waters? Up for hikes to local nature spots, or lazy afternoons swinging in a hammock? This rural retreat in Mato Grosso do Sul may very well fit the bill. Refúgio Canaã is a relaxed site set on the edge of the Serra da Bodoquena National Park, an 80,000-hectare haven of savannahs, forests and floodplains, and around 25 kilometres from Bodoquena town (and its food shops, markets and restaurants). Those who fancy stretching their legs can also set off on foot for expeditions through the forest to spectacular waterfalls nearby. This is a properly rustic spot: here it's all about waking up to birdsong at sunrise, staring up into the starry skies by night and slumbering to the sound of silence (possibly occasionally interrupted by the various noises of wildlife stirring in the bush). Alfresco swims can be had at the three natural river bathing areas on site; the team have also set up ziplines across the water for daredevils, with hammocks, outdoor chairs and floats also provided for those looking for a little less action. When it comes to dinner time, the on-site restaurant serves a menu of local dishes prepped by professional chefs, and there’s a decent range of drinks and snacks at the bar. Practicalities are also sorted thanks to power points, a washing-up area, picnic tables and electric showers.

Typ av ställe

Tältplatser 70
Husbilsplatser 20
Husvagnsplatser 40
Öppet året runt


Talade språk



Närliggande ställen som kan bokas via

Det finns tyvärr inga bokningsbara ställen i närheten.


Aktiviteter på platsen

Bar eller klubbhus Barnklubb Cykeluthyrning Fiske Fitnesscenter Inomhusbad Kvällsunderhållning Lekplats Restaurang/cafe på stället Spelrum Takeaway Tennis Tv-rum Utomhuspool Vattensport

Bekvämligheter på platsen

Badkar tillgängligt Bilparkering vid boendet/enheten Bärbar toalett Diskutrymme Dusch tillgänglig Familjetoaletter Gratis WiFi Hundrastgård Hämtning från kollektivtrafik Internetanslutning Komposttoalett Kylning av kylklampar Matbutik Offentlig telefon Toalettblock Toaletter på puben Torkrum Tvättomat Tält att hyra WiFi

Grupper är välkomna

Familjevänligt Grupper av samma kön är välkomna Lämpligt för motorcyklar Skolklasser är välkomna Studentgrupper är välkomna Välkomstevent


Grillning tillåts Hundar inte tillåtna Hundar tillåtna Kommersiella fordon tillåts Lägereldar tillåtna Tillgång till grill


Gastronomiskt nöje Lugn Naturparadis Skog Spektakulära landskap


Förnybar energi Gasflaskor tillgängliga Laddningsmöjligheter Laddstationer för elbilar Tömning av kemiskt avfall Återvinning tillgänglig

Bekvämligheter i närheten

Bar i närheten Hundvänligt område i närheten Jordbruksmarknad i närheten


Mellanstor (26–50 platser)


Handikappanpassade anläggningar


Refúgio Canaã

Estrada Bodoquena/Bonito



Mato Grosso do Sul





America/Campo_Grande -0400 (GMT-04:00)


−20,72612° N
−56,73217° W


From Bodoquena, take the road towards Mont Serrat mining and follow it for approximately 21 km. Vehicles weighing over 5000 kilos should take detours around the two bridges along the road. After the bridges, look out for a sign to the site

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Lokala sevärdheter

Up for more adventure but want to be back in time for evening cocktails? There are plenty of options hereabouts for those looking to spend their days locally: Canãa Adventure Park can be reached with a breezy 10-minute walk, as can the Buraco do Macaco and Cachoeira do Fantasma waterfalls. During your stay here you'll most likely glimpse various critters flitting through the trees; guests looking to get a longer look should head to Bio Park zoo (an hour and 15 minutes by car) to check out local fauna up close. Feel like cantering through the tropical countryside? How about packing your binoculars and going on the hunt for elusive birdlife, or scuba diving through a flooded cave? Guests can try their hand at all these activities and more at Estância Mimosa eco farm, an hour and 20 minutes away. Further afield, more nature beckons: Bonito's natural aquarium and quad biking trails are an hour and a half away, while guided tours through the underground grottos at the São Miguel and Lago Azul caves are well worth the journey (an hour and 40 minutes).


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  • Är Refúgio Canaã hundvänligt? Nej Visa alla egenskaper
  • Vad finns det för sevärdheter i närheten av Refúgio Canaã? Up for more adventure but want to be back in time for evening cocktails? There are plenty of options hereabouts for those looking to spend their days locally: Canãa Adventure Park can … Läs mera
  • När kan jag checka in på och checka ut från Refúgio Canaã?
    Camping- och husvagnssemester
    Ankomst:  08:00 –  22:00
    Avfärd senast:  När som helst
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