Where’s my toothbrush? Holidaymakers spend £118m on items they leave behind
Июл 24 2012 Автор Laura Canning
It’s happened to the best of us. Neatly packing our case or rucksack for our long-anticipated break, leaving the house and realising a couple of hundred miles down the road that we’ve forgotten one of life’s essentials.
If you’ve ever done this, you’re in good company – a recent survey has found that 41 per cent of people leave at least one important item behind every time they go on holiday.
Top of the list was a favourite pair of shoes, left behind by 27 per cent of holidaymakers. Mobile phone chargers come a close second, forgotten by 25 per cent of respondents, followed by sun cream, books, glasses and toothpaste.
Luckily if you’re going camping or caravanning, we have a handy checklist to print out of everything you might possibly need – and one for the kids going on a camping trip too.