All England Club bans Swede from camping
Jun 29 2012 Gepost door Laura Canning
It seemed like a good idea at the time to Mats Wilander.
The former tennis star and seven-time Grand Slam winner is co-presenting the All England Club’s Wimbledon broadcast – and wanted to see what it was like to join the queue in Wimbledon Park camping overnight for tickets.
But this venture into participant journalism came to a sudden halt when the AEC got wind of his plans. Stewards alerted the authorities just as Wilander was joining the queue, and the message came back that the overnight camp wasn’t allowed.
An AEC spokesperson later said that the club didn’t want to promote camping as an enjoyable part of coming to Wimbledon, as it might attract people who would come just to camp rather than joining the queue to watch the tennis.
Nope, we don’t understand that reasoning either.