My weekend at Camp Koala
By Alex
My name is Alex. I’m super excited to be given this opportunity to write a guest blog for about my summer festival experience! I reaalllly wanted to take part in Summer Daze with BlackBerry with Sophie, Flora, Dexter, Lippi and the gang, but they said they already had enough people doing it. So I’m hoping that maybe this blog will start off my travel writing career like my friend Max . I’m doing Thailand in August – and Indonesia, Burma and Bali too. Then I’m coming home to look for an internship, probably at The Times or The Independent or somewhere like that. I can’t wait!
I know that Asia is going to be craaaaazy, so I thought that the festival last weekend was good preparation for that month on the road. And I was really happy to see the Thai massage tent – might as well get into practice for when I’m in Bangkok!
So as Glasto isn’t on this year, I went to Camp Koala with my friends Emma, Aidy and Anna, and since we’ve just all finished uni we decided to have a big blow out and make it a good one! So Emma’s parents paid for us all to stay in one of those wigwam things. We couldn’t believe it when we got there! There were THREE double beds! In a tent! But we didn't stay in the wigwam for too long - we just dumped our stuff and got out to start the partying.
Can you believe I can’t even remember any of the acts that were on?! But Aidy said later I was dancing like an absolute maniac the whole weekend, so obviously I was having a good time! I don’t even remember crashing at the end of the nights, but that’s probably just as well as there were only three beds and four of us so I ended up sleeping on the floor. But it was OK – like proper camping! I was a bit manky at the end of the weekend though because the wigwam didn’t have a shower and I couldn’t remember where the festival showers were, but that’s all part of the festival experience so it was all good. Emma had a big bag of baby wipes and I was still able to use my hair wax so I don’t think I scared the Thai massage lady too much!
I think the Chill Out Area was my favourite part of the festival. We all went there first thing each morning, cause they do hair and makeup and the girls had to get all done up for the day! So while they were doing that I had my massage and I even tried some reiki. It was a bit weird really but of course you have to have an open mind about everything, so I’m glad I gave it a go. They had cocktails as well.
What I didn’t like about the festival I think was the wigwam being so far away from all the action. It was nearly a ten minute walk through a lot of mud and even though we’d all bought our festival wellies beforehand (Emma’s and Anna’s were wedge wellies, like these ones ), it was still a bit far. And it rained most of the weekend and my wellies leaked a bit, so I had wet feet.
But hey, that’s festivals for you! And I think I’m better prepared for my month in Asia now too. Emma’s dad even said when he came to pick us up on the Sunday night that I looked like a tramp! But I just laughed and said it’s good to just let yourself go sometimes and not worry. He's a bit of a square. (Oops - I hope he doesn't read this blog!)
So that was my festival experience last weekend. Maybe when I get back from all the partying in Thailand I can go to another festival and then write another blog. I’m writing a travel blog from the road as well, so if you want to follow my adventures check it out!