Tent care guide

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Take care of your tent and it’ll stay in pristine condition for longer


Once you’ve invested in a tent, the next step is learning how to care for it.

How to increase the lifespan of your tent

Your tent’s longevity will partly depend on the model you buy and how often you use it. But you can lengthen its life with these tips from our experienced campers.

Use a tent footprint. This protective underlay, which helps prevent moisture and wear from ruining your tent's floor, is easier to replace than a sewn-in groundsheet.

Avoid wearing shoes indoors. It’s also best to wipe any debris off your clothes before you enter your tent. 

Dry out your tent thoroughly after every trip. If you had to pack it up while wet, air your tent in the back garden or bathroom as soon as you get home.

Roll instead of folding. While packing away your tent, following the same crease lines may degrade the tent’s waterproof coatings over time. 

Pitch your tent in the shade. Long-term exposure to bright sunlight can damage your flysheet. 

Clear the ground before you pitch. Twigs, pinecones, loose dirt and stones can all damage the groundsheet and/or tent floor. 

Maintain your tent. Seal the seams and add a sunproof coating to the flysheet.

How to store your tent

Choose a dry and cool place in your house. It’s best to avoid damp cellars or hot attics. Utility rooms, watertight garden storage boxes and dry sheds are all ideal options. Keep your tent firmly zipped up in the bag to ward off moisture and dust. Avoid vacuum packing your tent as this can damage the material, poles and zips. 

General tent care tips

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are more ways to care for your tent. 

  • Waterproof it if you regularly use it in wet weather. 

  • Clean it thoroughly – from the flysheet to the poles. 

  • Dry it out properly, as wet fabrics and coatings break down more quickly.  

  • Remove mould and mildew as these can reduce the tent’s water-resistant qualities. 

  • Be careful with poles as they can easily snap. Make sure to clean them regularly, too.