My tariff involves short breaks, weekly stays and/or variable nightly rates - how do I set this up?
If you have different price options, there are two ways to do this. For each campsite type:
- If your alternative tariffs apply to different arrival days (for example, a typical static caravan tariff of Sat - Sat OR Mon - Fri OR Fri - Mon), then you can add this information to a single charge type*.
- If your alternative tariffs apply to the same arrival days (for example, different rates for different stay lengths on the same arrival day), then you'll need to set up a charge type for each extra pricing option. A 'standard' charge type is automatically created, so you can use that for one price and set up another for each additional one. For example, if you offer nightly, weekly, or short break pricing starting on the same arrival day, you'll need three charge types in total so you'll need to set up two more.
* When you set up a pitch type in the 'Campsite types & extras' page, a 'charge type' (set of prices for each arrival day) called 'Standard' is created beneath
Adding or updating complex pricing
If your prices change regularly, it will be faster to use the 'Batch tariffs' page in the 'Rates' tab to update your prices. Once you've entered your prices, click 'Apply changes' to apply rates, and revisit the main 'Rates' tab to check.
Add allocation by using the blue 'Batch update allocation' button on the right of the 'Allocation' page, and make any detailed changes using the daily calendar on the 'Allocation' page.