Elwai Camping Centre

Se priser og reservér
Overlooking Lake Naivasha from the picnic table (added by manager 17 Oct 2023)
The front (added by manager 11 may 2024)
Exterior view (added by manager 11 may 2024)
Enjoy a private barbecue (added by manager 11 may 2024)

A little corner of Europe among classic Kenyan landscapes? Come along to stay at Elwai Camping Centre and you’re likely to fill your days spotting hippos, zebras, flamingos and other wild African beasts – but in the evening you'll be heading back to what the site owners describe as French-style camping pitches. What does that mean in real terms? Well, part of it's about the site’s landscaping, which uses hand-planted trees and shrubs to mark out pitches, providing plenty of space, shade and privacy for guests. Individual electric hookups are provided for each pitch, and you'll have access to well-maintained bathroom facilities. There are also various bits of kit to hire upon arrival – camping chairs, gazebos and barbecue stands – if you'd like to make your stay more comfortable. Of course, this Naivasha site is African in spirit as well – and there will be no mistaking your location when you look out at the stunning views of Lake Naivasha and Mount Longonot. Time spent soaking up the views and fresh air is boosted by a cluster of outdoor facilities, including picnic tables, an outdoor kitchen with oven and grills, and a communal campfire area. Both firewood and charcoal can be purchased on site to save you lugging your own. It takes just a couple of hours of driving to get to this lovely spot from Nairobi, and once you're here you'll be in an excellent location to explore the rural surroundings, taking in mountains, lakes and thermal pools as well as looking out for all sorts of animals.


Teltpladser 26
Træhytter, hytter eller camping-pods 4
Lej et telt 10
Åbent hele året
Vær opmærksom på
  • Børn under 18 år skal være i følge med deres forældre eller værge.
  • Åben ild er ikke tilladt i de lejede boligenheder.

Talte sprog


Enhedstyper og tilgængelighed


Ingen anmeldelser endnu.


Fritidsaktiviteter på stedet

Aftenunderholdning Bar eller klubhus Børneklub Cykelleje Fiskeri Fitnesscenter Fjernsynsrum Indendørs swimmingpool Legeplads Restaurant/Bar på pladsen Spillerum Takeaway Tennis Udendørs swimmingpool Vandsport

Faciliteter på stedet

Afhentning fra offentlig transport Bad til rådighed Bilparkering ved campingarealet/enheden Bruser til rådighed Familietoiletter Fryser med køleelement Gratis wi-fi Hundepark Internet-adgang Komposttoilet Købmandsbutik Møntvaskeri Offentlig telefon Offentlige toiletter Opvaskeområde Picnicbord Portabelt toilet Telte til leje Toiletblok Tørrerum Wi-fi

Grupper er velkomne

Familievenlig Grupper af samme køn velkomne Grupper af studerende velkomne Motorcyklister velkomne


Bål tilladt Erhvervskøretøjer tilladt Grill kan lånes Grill tilladt Hunde tilladte Hunde tilladte hele året rundt

Camping 2.0

Ekstra store pladser


Camping uden faciliteter Fredfyldt Lavpris/backpacker Paradis for vandringsfolk Spektakulært landskab Sø og/eller bjerg


Fælles køleskab Gasflasker til rådighed Genbrug tilgængeligt Grøn energi Kemisk bortskaffelse Ladestationer til elbiler Opladningsfaciliteter

Faciliteter i nærheden

Bar i nærheden Butik i nærheden Hundevenligt område Offentlig transport i nærheden


Lille (11-25 arealenheder)



Fritidsaktiviteter i nærheden

Cykelleje i nærheden Cykling i nærheden Indendørs swimmingpool i nærheden Klatring i nærheden Mountainbike-ruter i nærheden Restaurant i nærheden Udendørs swimmingpool i nærheden


Elwai Camping Centre

Kayawe Road

off Old Naivasha Road







Africa/Nairobi +0300 (GMT+03:00)




The site is behind the Jaguar filling station on Kayawe Road, off the Old Naivasha Road.

Vær opmærksom på: Alle afstande på denne side er udregnet i fugleflugtslinje - Tjek venligst den faktiske afstand alt efter din rejseform via knappen Få rutevejledning øverst på siden.

Lokale seværdigheder

You can start your exploration of the local area with a walk around the open spaces around the site itself. If you've got something more extensive in mind, you may like to take on the Mount Longonot hiking trail (half an hour’s drive), where a couple of hours' hike gets you up to the crater’s rim; from there you can descend into the crater or walk around the top. For more of the local landscapes, drive to Crater Lake or head to Hell's Gate to see the geothermal pools and the Fischers Tower (as featured in The Lion King). Both are about an hour’s drive away. As for the animals, well, there are plenty of options… you can go out on a boat ride in search of hippos on Lake Naivasha (25 minutes), head up to Lake Elementaita (an hour and a quarter) to see the flamingos or join a safari in Lake Nakuru National Park (an hour and three quarters).

Nærmeste pladser

Desværre har vi ingen pladser i nærheden, som kan reserveres.

  • Er der en pool på Elwai Camping Centre? Ja Se alle funktioner
  • Er Elwai Camping Centre hundevenlig? Ja Se alle funktioner
  • Hvilke attraktioner er der i nærheden af Elwai Camping Centre? You can start your exploration of the local area with a walk around the open spaces around the site itself. If you've got something more extensive in mind, you may like to … Læs mere
  • Hvornår kan jeg tjekke ind og ud af Elwai Camping Centre?
    Telt- og campingpladser
    Ankomst:  08:00 –  18:00
    Afrejse senest:  12:00
    Overnatningsmuligheder på pladsen
    Ankomst:  10:00 –  18:00
    Afrejse senest:  12:00
    Læs mere
  • Hvor meget koster det at bo på Elwai Camping Centre? Fra 137,69 kr. (for 1 overnatning, 2 voksne) - priserne kan ændre sig afhængigt af dine datoer og gruppe.