Lothlorien Woods - Abodes of Middle Earth

Wild Lady Slipper orchid (added by manager 23 Jun 2018)

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Lothlorien Woods... Abodes of Middle Earth... You might think ‘What in Sam Hill...?’ The real Sam Hill left his mark all over this corner of Washington State and it’s stranger than anything Tolkien dreamt up. There’s a touch of fantasy to this fine forested resort on the edge of the Cascade Mountains too, but far from being hobbit-sized, everything’s on a grand scale. Visitors stay in comfort at Lothlorien Woods surrounded by mighty Douglas firs and Ponderosa pines with the mountains in the distance; come at the right time of year and you’ll see Wild Lady Slipper and Trilium orchids growing on the forest floor. The team behind Lothlorien have worked hard to make a space in harmony with its surroundings and much of the wood used around the resort has been hand-worked from the trees around you. Barbecues and well-behaved dogs are welcome (presumably hobbits and elves as well...) on this year-round spot that's visited by cool breezes in the summer and becomes an ice kingdom in winter. Deep in Middle Earth it may be, but it’s a half-hour drive to the whitewater rafting and kayaking opportunities in Husum and the restaurants, shops, galleries, wineries and microbreweries of White Salmon.

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Lothlorien Woods - Abodes of Middle Earth

222 Staats Road

No. 3

White Salmon




Как добраться

Часовой пояс

America/Los_Angeles -0700 (GMT-07:00)



Как добраться

GPS and Google Maps will direct you to a road that is frequently impassable. Sunglasses are recommended for early morning and late afternoon sojourns on Staats Road - at those times the sun can be glaringly low on the horizons.

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Что интересного рядом

White Salmon is the gateway to the Colombia River Gorge, a thrilling landscape you can walk trails through, bomb down on various river craft or opt for a bit of tranquil fishing or swimming instead. For further chasing of the salmon and trout, Klickitat and its abundant river are an hour’s drive away. East of White Salmon, between the wonderfully-named Horsethief Lake and Maryland (both around an hour away) is the Colombia Hills Historical State Park, where the story of the region and its wildlife meet in grand fashion. Try the watersports on Horsethief Lake, take guided walks to see the pictograms and petroglyphs left by native American peoples and climb the rockface of Horsethief Butte. In Maryland, meanwhile, see what eccentric pioneer Sam Hill got up to: filling a replica French château with treasures from across the globe and building a miniature Stonehenge. To see the wildlife close-up, it’s a 40-minute trip to Conboy Lake Wildlife Refuge, home to Rocky Mountain elk, bobcats and coyotes, yellow-bellied marmots and golden and bald eagles. If you want to glimpse the whole region from a great height, trails to Mount Hood and Mount Adams start around an hour away. It's a similar distance to the walks and waterfalls, lakes and rivers of the Pinchot-Gifford National Forest; visit before mid-spring to see the weird and entrancing formations of the Guler ice caves. If your wagon train is heading onwards, it's an hour and 40 minutes to Portland and four hours to Seattle.


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  • Что интересного рядом с Lothlorien Woods - Abodes of Middle Earth? White Salmon is the gateway to the Colombia River Gorge, a thrilling landscape you can walk trails through, bomb down on various river craft or opt for a bit of tranquil fishing … Читать дальше
  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Lothlorien Woods - Abodes of Middle Earth?
    Размещение на объекте
    Заезд:  16:00 –  23:00
    Отъезд до:  11:00

    Please provide estimated arrival times. We have an onsite caretaker. Once your reservation is confirmed we'll provide directions and contact information for our caretaker so he can be notified of changes in planned arrival time(s).

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