Spirit Walk

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Grab yourself a slice of proper nature in all its fabulous unadulterated glory with a stay at Spirit Walk, a secluded private property in the foothills of California’s Sequoia National Forest. This atmospheric campsite five minutes’ drive from Wofford Heights is set among ancient oaks and pines and makes a wonderful retreat from Los Angeles, three hours’ drive away (although the vibe will make it feel like a million miles away…) This is sacred land, so the property has a quiet, meditative atmosphere to it – it’s definitely not a party place. The site has been set up for adults only to preserve the peace, and it also has a no-smoking rule to keep the air clear for all guests. There’s also a strict no-pet policy in place. Much effort has gone into making sure the campsite has only a minimal impact on its natural surroundings while still providing all the essentials. That means you’ll have access to a bathroom with shower, sink and composting toilet, plus a group firepit (with cooking grill) and a central outdoor kitchen (with a few pots and pans and a stove but no fridge). It’s all brought together with a very sociable atmosphere – you’ll have your own secluded pitch for sleeping but the common areas are all geared up for meeting people and making new friends. Birdwatching, hiking, fishing and rock climbing are all popular activities, as is simply sitting by the creek (bear in mind that it’s seasonal though, and there’s no way to predict when it will be flowing or not). Despite the completely rural feel, there’s a general store two miles away and a supermarket eight miles away.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 6
Охотничьи домики, домики-капсулы или шале 1
Аренда палатки 4
Открыто круглый год

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Удобства на месте

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Места поблизости

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Мини (1-10 участков)

Доступная среда

Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

Развлечения поблизости

Водный спорт рядом Катание на велосипедах рядом Маунтинбайк рядом Плавание на каноэ/каяке рядом Ресторан рядом Рыбалка рядом Скалолазание рядом


Spirit Walk

6336 Wofford Boulevard

Wofford Heights




Как добраться

Часовой пояс

America/Los_Angeles -0800 (GMT-08:00)



Как добраться

Additional, more-detailed instructions to get to the retreat from the Wofford Heights post office will be provided to you as part of the pre-arrival email, sent to you three days before your arrival date.

Внимание: Все расстояния на этой странице рассчитаны по прямой — пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь кнопкой "Как добраться" выше, чтобы уточнить фактическое расстояние в зависимости от вашего способа передвижения.

Что интересного рядом

This is a place where the majority of attractions are provided by immersing yourself in nature. Bring your hiking boots along for treks along the Isabella Peak Trail and the Whiskey Flat Trail, or get set for some great rock climbing nearby too. Less tramped routes are available too – great news for those aiming to go birdwatching or just stroll through wildflowers. A popular spot nearby is Lake Isabella (10 minutes’ drive), a splendid 18-square-mile body of water where you can swim, go fishing or hire kayaks and windsurfers. There’s more fishing on the nearby Kern River, which also has some world-class rapids for rafting; book trips in Kernville (10 minutes away). Another intriguing place to visit nearby is Silver City Ghost Town (20 minutes), where you can walk among abandoned buildings that were rescued when a local town was flooded to build a dam. And then there’s always the option of visiting some of the breweries over in Kernville to pick up a few beers for your campfire evening.


Есть дополнительные условия — см. подробную информацию в разделе "Типы размещения"


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  • Что интересного рядом с Spirit Walk? This is a place where the majority of attractions are provided by immersing yourself in nature. Bring your hiking boots along for treks along the Isabella Peak Trail and the Whiskey Flat … Читать дальше
  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Spirit Walk?
    Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах
    Заезд:  14:00 –  22:00
    Отъезд до:  11:00
    Размещение на объекте
    Заезд:  14:00 –  22:00
    Отъезд до:  11:00

    Please inform the site of your arrival time at least a day in advance.

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