Sunrise Plains

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Sunrises are quite sensational in the Great Plains of West Texas… and that’s where Sunrise Plains gets its name. This large, basic site 14 miles from Lubbock, between Austin and Albuquerque. has views for miles and miles, so it’s primed for gathering the gang (kids and dogs included) to watch the sunrise from the spacious open field.
As you might expect, it’s incredibly peaceful on this patch of land. It's pretty roomy too… the basic set-up allows barbecues, perhaps for some alfresco dining, a breakfast burger, brew, or whatever else you fancy along with your views.
Whenever you want to scout out some restaurants or gather some good grub for the grill, Lubbock (20 minutes’ drive) has restaurants and shops aplenty, plus the Texas Tech University (15 minutes) for those travelling students among you… and there's entertainment in the form of disc golf and equestrian trails in the city park. There are often dogs and children along the main road to the site, so please be aware that speeding is very dangerous.
While there are lakes, canyons and miles of trails in state parks under two hours’ drive from the site, those of you who are keen on sharpening up another skill might want to take advantage of the small private gun range on the property, available from sunrise to sundown with permission.
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Подходит для групп одного пола Подходит для мотоциклистов Подходит для семейного отдыха Подходит для студенческих компанийПравила
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Бар рядом Рядом место для выгула собакТип
Мини (1-10 участков) ФермаДоступная среда
Удобства для людей с инвалидностьюРазвлечения поблизости
Верховая езда рядом Гольф рядом Открытый бассейн рядом Парк развлечений/тематический парк рядом Ресторан рядом Рыбалка рядомРасположение
Sunrise Plains
228 Fm 2378
Часовой пояс
America/Chicago -0600 (GMT-06:00)
Как добраться
Please enter through the driveway with the black gravel and reflectors on either side. The site is at the end of the dirt road where the firepit is located.
Внимание: Все расстояния на этой странице рассчитаны по прямой — пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь кнопкой "Как добраться" выше, чтобы уточнить фактическое расстояние в зависимости от вашего способа передвижения.
Что интересного рядом
Got the hots for watersports? Buffalo Springs Lake (half an hour’s drive) has a lot on that front from boating and rowing to canoeing and kayaking. Jet ski rental will pick up the speed even more, while those of you who want the views without the water might want to roam onto the hiking trails onshore.
Another water spot – unusual for this desert region – is Blue Hole (three hours and 15 minutes). Snorkelling, swimming, scuba diving and cliff jumping are just some of the ways to take the plunge in this natural swimming hole.
Then to sprinkle some canyon views into your stay, there’s Palo Duro Canyon State Park (an hour and 50 minutes) for that. It’s the second biggest canyon in the United States, so there are a few ways to cover some ground. Other than hiking, there are mountain biking trails, horseback tours from the stables or a birdwatching tour to spy on the feathered species in the park.
Caprock Canyons State Park (an hour and 45 minutes) is another special sight… you could catch bison and bats here and go boating, fishing or swimming in Lake Theo to cool off after your hike.
Условия оплаты
Есть дополнительные условия — см. подробную информацию в разделе "Типы размещения"
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- Что интересного рядом с Sunrise Plains? Got the hots for watersports? Buffalo Springs Lake (half an hour’s drive) has a lot on that front from boating and rowing to canoeing and kayaking. Jet ski rental will pick up … Читать дальше
- Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Sunrise Plains?
Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах Заезд: 12:00 – 22:00 Отъезд до: 12:00