Camping San Jorge

Spacious pitches (added by manager 22 Jun 2017)

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Pick yourself a pitch and plonk down at this Spanish city site, close to all the amenities and attractions you could ever need on your hols at the gateway to the Pyrenees. Camping San Jorge lies conveniently on the outskirts of Huesca, a city known for being home to (among many other things) Spain's oldest (and best) grocery store, an excellent observatory and a museum housing paintings by Goya. Pitches are pretty huge and get plenty of shade from all the trees that border the accommodation areas, so prepare for serene siestas and a generally pleasant park stay, which'll be made even more marvellous by facilities that include a good restaurant, a big outdoor pool and plenty of space to rest and play, either in or out of the sun. Now with all this, you might well think that you won't ever really need to leave the park; however, Huesca is a lively city with plenty of good restaurants, history and visitor attractions, so you'll most likely be compelled to check out all there is to do both in and around it – pick up an info leaflet or two at reception, or talk to the staff who will gladly point you in the direction of the best of the region's excursions.

Тип объекта

Участки для палаток 60
Участки для автофургонов 60
Участки для автодомов 60

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Объекты поблизости, которые можно забронировать на

К сожалению, поблизости нет объектов, доступных для бронирования.


Развлечения в кемпинге

Бар или клуб Бассейн на улице Велопрокат Вечерняя развлекательная программа Водный спорт Детский клуб Еда на вынос Игровая комната Игровая площадка Крытый бассейн Ресторан/кафе при объекте Рыбалка ТВ-зал Теннис Фитнес-центр

Удобства на месте

WiFi Бесплатный WiFi Биотуалет Доступ в Интернет Есть ванна Есть душ Место для мытья посуды Мобильный туалет Охлаждение пакетами со льдом Парковка возле участка/единицы размещения Прачечная Продуктовый магазин Собачья площадка Сушильная комната Телефон общего пользования Трансфер от остановки общественного транспорта Туалет Туалет для родителей с детьми Туалеты в пабе

Можно группой

Подходит для групп одного пола Подходит для мотоциклистов Подходит для семейного отдыха Подходит для собраний Подходит для студенческих компаний Подходит для школьников


Гриль предоставляется Коммерческий транспорт разрешен Можно жечь костры Можно использовать гриль Можно с собаками Можно с собаками круглый год


Живописный вид Рай для пеших прогулок Тихое место


Возобновляемый источник энергии Газовые баллоны в наличии Места для зарядки устройств Место для зарядки электромобиля Переработка мусора Утилизация химреагентов

Места поблизости

Бар рядом Магазин рядом Остановка общественного транспорта рядом Рядом место для выгула собак


Большой (51-200 участков)


Удобства для людей с инвалидностью

Развлечения поблизости

Велопрокат рядом Верховая езда рядом Водный спорт рядом Гольф рядом Катание на велосипедах рядом Маунтинбайк рядом Открытый бассейн рядом Ресторан рядом Рыбалка рядом Скалолазание рядом Теннис рядом

Автодома и автофургоны

Подключение водоснабжения для автодомов Подключение канализации для автодомов Пункт обслуживания автодомов


Camping San Jorge

Calle Ricardo del Arco





Как добраться

Часовой пояс

Europe/Madrid +0200 (GMT+02:00)



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Что интересного рядом

Huesca lies well within an hour's drive of the Sierra and Canyons de Guara Natural Park and is known for being the gateway to the Pyrenees, so you're really not that far from ski resorts and smashingly spectacular scenery. But before you skip off merrily into the mountains, there are some sights around the city that are well worth a wander to. First off, a trip to Huesca wouldn't be complete without checking out Spain’s oldest grocery store, La Confianza. About 15 minutes' walk from base, this is a special little store that was founded in 1871 and has since somehow managed to keep hold of its truly splendiferous interior; be sure to make a point of looking up at its finely decorated ceiling frescoes, and don't dare depart without going down into the cellar, which promises to pleasantly surprise its guests. Self service here is also thing of the past too – everything you could possibly buy at the store sits on shelves behind the counter, waiting to be handed to you buy the shop's friendly proprietor. Also in Huesca, there's an eclectic museum with exhibits displaying all sorts of artefacts ranging from Neolithic remains to Gothic paintings, panels and lithographs by Goya, as well as the Space 0.42 observatory and its free-entry exhibition centre, planetarium and 4D-simulated space trips, plus four powerful telescopes for peering into infinity (and beyond). Among the many attractions outside of Huesca that are easily reachable by car or bus include Loarre Castle (one of Spain's oldest forts), the town of Piracés and its famed escarpments, and the towering rock verticals of El Reino de los Mallos. Another hugely popular spot outside the city is Hoya de Huesca's wetlands and waterways, particularly La Sotonera and Alboré reservoir. Its place at the foot of the Pyrenees means that it's in prime position for flocks of birds making their yearly pitstop at its shallow waters and thickets during their winter migration, with thousands of ducks and other waterfowl setting up camp there on their way south during winter. The end of wintertime, however, is when this place really comes to life: you'll get to see the thousands of cranes that use La Sotonera and Alboré as a rest stop take to the air in tandem to cross Pyrenees and fly toward their northern European destinations.


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