Kleinzee Caravan Park

Namaqua National Park, roughly an hour from the site

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Sandy beaches, wildflower carpets and dazzling dunes… At Kleinzee Caravan Park, a family-friendly site on the edge of the village of Kleinzee, on the Northern Cape, your hols are sure to shine bright like a diamond. Kleinzee was a De Beers diamond mining stronghold but, when the corporation left in 2012, tourists started visiting the village for other reasons. It’s a wildlife haven – a colony of seals call the beach 10 minutes’ walk from the site home and twitchers will be all in a flap thanks to the birdwatching possibilities on the Buffels River estuary. There’s more to Kleinzee than wildlife though – make your way to the Kleinzee Museum for a history of the area, then call in to the tourism office next door to book a spot on the Kleinzee Shipwreck Tour. You can opt to do the tour on foot or clamber into a 4x4 for a longer trek between Kleinzee and Koingnaas. At the site, you can relax in peace and quiet, firing up the braai when you get hungry or trundling over to the restaurant if you feel like taking a break from cooking. Feeling the need to burn off some calories? There’s a tennis court that you can use right outside the site compound, or you can play a round at Kleinzee Golf Club, five minutes’ walk from the caravan park.

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Участки для палаток 6
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Маленький (11-25 участков)

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Kleinzee Caravan Park

Clark Street


Северо-Капская провинция



Как добраться

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Africa/Johannesburg +0200 (GMT+02:00)



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Что интересного рядом

Kleinzee Caravan Park is in the stunning Namaqualand region, which spreads over 1,000 kilometres of Namibia and the Northern Cape, and is famous for its spring wildflowers. Luckily, there are plenty of ways for you to explore it. Namaqua National Park is roughly an hour’s drive from the site, and is a must-visit for hikes, leopard-spotting, dunes, ancient caves and the carpet of flowers that covers the park during the spring. At Richtersveld World Heritage Site, two-and-a-half hours from Kleinzee, you can go off-roading, take a hike, go fishing in South Africa’s longest river or learn about the culture of the Nama people. The nearest major town to Kleinzee is Springbok, and you should make your way here to explore Goegap Nature Reserve (there are hiking, cycling and mountain biking trails to follow) or to visit the country’s first commercial mine (Blue Mine) and learn its history at Nababeep Mining Museum. If you’re lucky enough to be continuing your journey beyond Kleinzee, Table Mountain and the beaches, museums and restaurants of Cape Town are seven hours south of the village, and Upington – the starting point for safaris into the Kalahari desert – is a five-hour drive to the north east.


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  • Что интересного рядом с Kleinzee Caravan Park? Kleinzee Caravan Park is in the stunning Namaqualand region, which spreads over 1,000 kilometres of Namibia and the Northern Cape, and is famous for its spring wildflowers. Luckily, there are plenty of … Читать дальше
  • Когда оформляется заезд/выезд из Kleinzee Caravan Park?
    Размещение в собственных палатках и автодомах
    Заезд:  8:00 –  19:30
    Отъезд до:  10:00

    Please call the number in your confirmation email on arrival.

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